Chapter 62

When Li Yiqi looked at the two drones in the sky, what she thought was, if a stone can't hit it, what about the rainstorm pear flower?

So he asked Nini Atti to help collect stones together.

There were many dead leaves and branches in the banyan forest, but few stones. After collecting enough stones, Li Yiqi grabbed a handful of stones and threw them in the direction of the two drones.

In Wild Animal City, Li Yiqi once inadvertently threw half a carrot out of the speed of a sonic boom.Although he is in a state of high fever and his physical fitness has declined a bit, these stones can still exert terrifying power.

Countless pebbles roared towards the two drones like needles in a rainstorm.

Now the two small drones cannot be avoided. Whether they want to hide left, right, or fly downward, they cannot escape the fate of being hit.

A drone was smashed into the fuselage and instantly turned into a firework in midair.

A drone was hit by a corner of the rotor, lost its balance, and spun and fell.

They are actually very fragile things. As long as one fan blade is damaged, the entire drone cannot be used normally, and it cannot even fly back.

Nini Atti, who watched the whole process, found that she had acquired a new knowledge-it is not only a signal jammer that can restrain a mechanical operator, but also a Humanoid King Kong.

Li Yiqi glanced at the giant raptor lying in a pool of blood, but regretted that she didn't think of this way sooner.The high fever dulled his thinking too.

"Are there any more grenades?"

Li Yiqi's voice was weak and nasal, and her face looked haggard.

Nini Adi was a little worried about Li Yiqi's condition, but as soon as she thought about it, she immediately reminded herself that a sick orangutan is also an orangutan.

"No, I just hid one, not to lie to you."


Li Yiqi sighed softly.

He knew which direction the five people were coming from. With his strength, throwing a grenade over a long distance could kill them directly. Instead of coming one by one, he could directly complete the five kills, saving time and effort.

The jungle is quiet.

Nini Atti was still thinking about where the enemy would come from, and Li Yiqi had already heard their approaching footsteps.

With his back against the cold and rough trunk of the banyan tree, he whispered to Nini Ati, "There are five people coming from the direction of two o'clock, ready to fight."

"Understood." Nini Atti nodded solemnly.


A group of people stepped into the banyan forest with a murderous look, and the first thing they noticed was the giant raptor lying in the dead leaves struggling and convulsing.

"Kongmeng is really lucky, he found a dinosaur as his leg support." Tanlev said in amazement.

"This dinosaur actually listened to them and was willing to carry them?"

Heizi was puzzled.

Moon Shadow reminded them: "Be careful, they are near here." With the damaged drone, she has no fighting power at all, and her face is very ugly.

Several people walked lightly.

200 m.

150 m.

Li Yiqi quietly listened to their footsteps, combined with the sound of the banyan forest terrain hidden in her heart before, a 3D action image was automatically drawn in her mind.

Wait until 130 meters.

Li Yiqi judged that one of them had left the bunker.

"Bang! Bang!"

The stones smashed the aerial roots of two banyan trees in succession, and hit them like bullets, startling them.

"Be careful he has a gun in his hand!" Heizi shouted.

"It's not a gun..."

Holding up the anti-riot shield, Xu Luofan looked sullenly and glanced at the stones that fell on the ground.

"It's a stone."

The stone hit the anti-riot shield like a bullet just now, his arm was numb from the vibration, and a slight dent was made on the anti-riot shield.

If he hadn't been cautious enough to keep holding the riot shield, he would have been pierced by this small stone just now.


This answer is more shocking than Li Yiqi having a gun in his hand.

Lev's arrogant look subsided, and his square bearded face looked at the big tree where Li Yiqi was hiding, and said quietly to everyone: "Be careful, don't stand together."

Several people separated.

Moon Shadow stays last.

Faceless bent his knees and jumped up the tree with amazing jumping power.

The other three were hiding behind three different big trees.

While Lev was worried about Li Yiqi and the others having a gun, Nini Atti was also worried about whether the other party had a gun.

With her back against the tree trunk, she looked sideways at Li Yiqi, and said in a low voice, "Don't they have guns in their hands? I didn't see they had guns in their hands..."


At this time a cold arrow shot.

A man with a white faceless mask on his face stood behind the tree, calmly bent his bow and set an arrow, the sharp arrow pierced through the air, the arrow scratched a white mark on the bark of the tree trunk, and pierced the tree trunk behind.

This archery skill is much higher than Nini Atti's.

Li Yiqi's eyes were half closed: "I'm not sure if there is a gun, but there is a high probability that there is none." Otherwise, it would not be a cold arrow, but a bullet.

But being shot by such a cold arrow is no different from being shot by a bullet.

Nini Atti gritted her teeth: "I'll just pretend they're gone!" Her eyes showed a ruthless look, and her dark and aura eyes became fierce and murderous.

The other party shot them with a killer, and they have never been a coward who won't fight back after being beaten!


The second cold arrow came through the wind.

Nini Atti turned away from the shelter of the tree trunk and was exposed to the attack range of the arrows.

Li Yiqi was startled by her and her heart jumped, she didn't expect this little girl to be so reckless, but she saw Nini Atti swung a machete and slashed at the incoming arrow!

Ding! !

Arrows were chopped off.

She cut down that arrow abruptly!

If the action at this moment is shot with a high-speed lens and played back in slow motion, you will see that the arrow is a fingernail ahead, and it can stab Nini Atti's forehead, no matter how slow Nini Atti is. Little by little, her life was gone.

Among the thrills, those who have not witnessed it with their own eyes cannot experience it.

After Nini Atti cut down and intercepted the arrow, she quickly threw the scimitar in her hand.

The scimitar whizzed and flew towards Faceless standing on the tree. After scratching Faceless's shoulder, the blade was nailed to the body of a tree behind with a buzzing sound, and the blade trembled.


Li Yiqi was surprised by Nini Atti's good skills.

It seems that the dragon beard earthworm greatly restricted Nini Arty's performance last night.

Nini Atti pulled out another dagger, and ran fiercely towards Faceless on the tree, like a vigorous cheetah, and the two started fighting.

And Li Yiqi picked up the stones collected earlier.

He decided to start playing a game of throwing stones with these people one by one.

With no shots fired at this point, it is almost certain that they have no guns in their hands.


Li Yiqi whispered the name of the person hiding behind the tree in the middle, and then swung her arms round.


A stone the size of an egg hit the banyan tree, and the whole tree shook violently, many leaves fell down, a fist-deep pit was smashed into the tree body, and the stone shattered.

The loud noise made people in the jungle tremble with fear.

Tankov, who was hiding behind a tree, frowned deeply.

His mood changed from the bloodthirsty excitement of besieging prey at the beginning, to cautious, and now he is reflecting on whether he was reckless and arrogant, and underestimated the strength of No.1 in the first round.

At this moment, the psychological pressure brought by Li Yiqi throwing stones is even stronger than the oppressive feeling brought by Faceless when he just shot an arrow.Because the tree can block Faceless's attack, but it seems that it can't block Li Yiqi's attack.

"The stone quality of this stone is a little loose..."

Li Yiqi picked up another stone, weighed it, and swung her arms.


Li Yiqi read the other party's name.

Heizi, who was called out, was terrified, and hid even lower.

The second stone is thrown.

After the heavy sound, the trunk of the big tree was smashed, but the big tree with countless aerial roots did not fall over, relying on the many aerial roots to maintain an arc that would not fall down.

Heizi, who was hiding behind this big tree, was terrified, and suddenly had the illusion that he was hiding behind a thin and rotten board, full of insecurity.

He squatted down and looked at Lev and Xu Luofan who were hiding behind another tree not far away. He didn't know for a while whether they were here to kill Kongmeng or to be killed by Kongmeng. absurd.Since when did the identities of prey and hunter change?
It seems to be from the time when the first stone hit.

Xu Luofan on the other side gritted his teeth, not daring to put down his riot shield for a moment.

He regretted a little, not that he shouldn't have come to kill Li Yiqi, but that he should have brought more people over, and now it made them a joke.

"Oh, and Xu Luofan."

Li Yiqi bent down to pick up the last stone, swung her arms, and threw it at the big tree on the far right!

After the heart-pounding loud noise, the air seemed to be still for a moment, and then the huge banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves made a crackling sound of aerial roots breaking, and suddenly fell to the side!
Li Yiqi's state was affected by the high fever, and he was a little weak. With his full strength, the stone he threw could directly penetrate the trunk of the banyan tree and kill the people behind him.

A big tree fell down.

When the light enters the rainforest, the banyan forest seems to be brighter.

Over there, Nini Atti was still fighting with Faceless. Both of them were masters of cold weapons, and they both suffered a lot of injuries.Nini Atti heard that Li Yiqi had accurately reported their names, and even took the time to complain to him.

"—you remember their names, you don't know my name, do you?"

"You were too late in the first round." Li Yiqi replied softly.

With Nini Atti's skill, it shouldn't be so low. It seems that there are some masters who were buried in the first round.

The bunker collapsed, and Xu Luofan had no choice but to stand up. Of course, he would not face Li Yiqi alone, and said loudly to the other two people standing behind the tree.

"Lev, Heizi, don't forget that we are allied!"

He's reminding them to stand up too.

(End of this chapter)

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