Chapter 89
The riverside is quite quiet, because there are patrols, so there are not many people gathered around, and all kinds of ships on the river are also out of service, only one detection ship equipped with sonar is slowly passing by.

"It's boring, shall we listen to the news together?"

Li Yiqi used questioning sentences, but without waiting for the magic dog's consent, she grabbed the edge of the stone pier, jumped from the kayak onto the stone pier, and squeezed close to its big head.

The magic dog didn't seem to respond to his arrival, but silently moved its forelimbs away to give him a place.


Li Yiqi thanked it with a smile, and sat down in a comfortable position.He took out his phone, found the news channel, and turned up the volume.

It is very cool under the bridge, the river is rippling, and the cool breeze is blowing. It is indeed a good place to go in this hot early summer period. The body surface temperature is very comfortable without turning on the air conditioner.

But if you stay for a long time, you will definitely get rheumatism.

"Dog, you can't stay here any longer, you know?"

"If you stay for a long time, you will get rheumatism, and I suspect that you will grow mushrooms on your hair if you lie on your stomach like this. It's the kind of dog urine moss."

The magic dog ignored him.

The sound of news rang under the bridge, and it was the news related to this 'Lingjiang Fish Monster'.

Although strange things are happening frequently all over the world now, and Ning City is not the only place where Yuanguo has problems, the Lingjiang incident still occupies a very high level of heat, and the heat is getting higher and higher. Everyone has been discussing this for the past two days.

Not because of the drama, the most important thing is that the impact of the Lingjiang incident is far-reaching and long-lasting.

First of all, the common people have a sense of fear for the rivers and lakes. The number of people fishing in the city has been greatly reduced, and people who have nothing to do will not take a boat.

The news said that in order to ensure the safety of the common people, sonar will be used to detect rivers and lakes across the country every half a month to see if there are any powerful and dangerous creatures like the Lingjiang fish monster inside.

Stocks in related industries are said to have surged as a result.

After all, this is not a one-shot deal. It is a nationwide survey every half a month, and it is estimated that a new batch of billionaires will be born as a result.

The real culprit behind the production of the alligator gar has not been found. There are different opinions on the Internet, and the news is still calling for everyone to treat various rumors rationally.

Li Yiqi quit the news and wanted to hear what the rumors were, so she went to the forum to read, and after reading it, she turned her head in surprise and told the magic dog.

"Xiao Hei, there is a rumor that the alligator gar was released by the boss of a certain sonar company."

"He said it with a nose and an eye. He said that he found a custom-made genetically modified alligator gar from a company in Daoliguo, and it only cost more than 300 million."

The magic dog half-opened his eyes, wondering if he was listening.

Li Yiqi has always thought that this guy can understand, because according to the experimental data sent, this magic dog has a very high IQ.

He continued to gossip with it: "And now the boss of Sonar Gong came out to refute the rumors in person, saying that he pledged the lives of his whole family, and it was absolutely impossible for him to do such a crazy thing, otherwise he would die from a thunderbolt."

"But someone did find out the boss's plane ticket to Daoliguo in March."

"Do you think he did it?"

The magic dog snorted out a gasp.

Li Yiqi thought it wouldn't respond, so she was a little surprised, and said, "A puff is 'yes'."

"Twice is 'no'."

"Three beeps are 'don't know.'"

After a while, the magic dog lay down there and snorted three times.

Li Yiqi was immediately delighted: "My good fellow, you really understand people's language!"

"Are you interested in this matter?"

"Anyway, there is still a mystery behind this matter. We can only wait for follow-up investigations. We can only let the bullets fly for a while."

"Hey, there's a lot of scolding on the Internet."

This matter also involved foreign countries, and the company in Daoliguo refused to release the data for self-certification, so it became very suspicious.At present, only the netizens of the two countries are fighting a war of words. It is hard to say that this task will eventually be entrusted to the Geek Association.

Li Yiqi's phone vibrated suddenly.

It was Guo Liu who made the video call.

Carefully avoiding the laser device, he switched on the video, and as soon as the video was connected, Guo Liu's loud and noisy voice came over.

"Brother Qi, did you see that all the prizes for the dragon boat race have arrived at our school, and the whole school is crazy with excitement—!"

Guo Liu held his phone away, and let Li Yiqi look at the carts and boxes of things. The list of prizes was too many, and the gate of Lanshui High School was blocked by prizes.

Li Yiqi: "I see, I see."

Guo Liu excitedly said: "Now our teacher is helping us divide it together. Let me tell you, just the fruits, each of us can divide them into twenty watermelons, two boxes of mangoes, two boxes of bananas, and thirty pieces. Honeydew melons, twenty boxes of blueberries, ten catties of cherries, twenty catties of prunes, twenty catties of strawberries, twenty catties of kiwis, ten durians..."

He wasn't too annoyed, watching the boxes of prizes excitedly reporting to Li Yiqi.

Listening to the live broadcast, Li Yiqi was also affected by the joyful atmosphere, and said happily: "It's good, at least I don't need to buy fruit for a month, and I saved a lot of expenses for the family."

Guo Liu said beamingly: "Yes, I think so too! My parents are very happy."

He added: "Oh, by the way, the first ones are all food. Clothes, shoes, cash cards, etc. will be delivered in the afternoon. It is estimated that there will be another traffic jam at the school gate in the afternoon. These prizes are far more than that."

"Brother, let me tell you, you are the idol of the whole school now, and it is the first time in history that our Lanshui Middle School has won the dragon boat race! After school is over, I will find a moving company to send your prize to your home! "

Li Yiqi: "Okay, thanks, let me know how much it costs when the time comes, and I'll transfer you."

Guo Liu: "Okay, we'll talk about it when the time comes. I'm more concerned about whether you won an apartment this time, have you visited that apartment?"

Li Yiqi: "I don't have time, I stay here all the time."

He zoomed out the phone lens so that Guo Liu could see the piers of the bridge and the river below.

Guo Liu sympathized: "Are you still guarding there?"

In fact, now Guo Liu already knows that Li Yiqi is a geek, but he still treats him the same as before, not much changed, except that he occasionally calls Brother Qi.

People always think that child stars or stars who become famous in their youth should be treated like stars in school, but in fact it is not like this, and sometimes stars may even encounter secret exclusion or cold violence, so it is not that exaggerated.

Anyway, Li Yiqi still likes everyone's attitude now.

He said helplessly to Guo Liu, "I can't help but watch it. I have to watch it so that it doesn't scare people. Let me ask you, is there any chicken or other meat in the food?"

Guo Liu immediately said, "I'll look it up."

He held up his mobile phone and shuttled among the large boxes, small boxes, large baskets and small baskets all over the place, and the mobile phone lens began to shake.

After a while, the camera switched from the selfie angle to the normal crossing. Li Yiqi saw a huge express box on the screen, with a sticker on the outside with a marker on it—frozen chicken, sponsored by Nonger Company, with a total of [-] boxes , five boxes for each champion team member.

Guo Liu said in admiration: "This box contains chicken, and each person can get five boxes. The sponsoring boss is really rich!"

The camera flickered, and a large express box appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

Guo Liu said: "Let me tell you, brother, besides chicken, there are mutton, beef, mutton, one box per person, and one box of beef per person. Hey, there is also chicken jerky!"

Li Yiqi immediately said: "Bring me the jerky chicken, I don't want the frozen chicken."

"Here are two boxes of chicken jerky, bring them here?"

"Yes, I feed the dog."


dog, dog?

Hearing this, the corner of Guo Liu's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Through the video call, he could see the huge magic dog beside Li Yiqi, I'll fuck it, even if he plays a hell dog, he doesn't need make-up for that hideous appearance, it doesn't feel inappropriate, and it might be as good as a boat. The ruthless role of the big alligator gar fighting!
I'm afraid it's just you who think it's a dog.

Guo Liu hissed and passed the topic: "Okay, I'll bring you the chicken jerky after school."

After a while, he asked again.

"Brother, the typhoon is about to land the day after tomorrow. It is said that it is a super typhoon, and the school will be closed. The wind must be very strong. What should I do? Are you still there?"

Li Yiqi thought, on a typhoon day, a super typhoon, the small tent on the shore will definitely not be able to stay, it will be swept away by the wind, and I guess I have to squat on the bridge pier with the magic dog.

Hey, when the wind is howling, one person and one dog squat in the bridge hole, one is lying there with curly hair, blinded by the blowing, the other is curled up with arms folded, hair is curly, and can only sleep next to the dog, what will happen? How pitiful he could have imagined.

"Keep it."

Li Yiqi rubbed her face bitterly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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