lend me your genes

Chapter 9 Watching This Magnificent Death

Chapter 9 Contemplating This Magnificent Death
Li Yiqi took her grandfather, second grandmother, and second aunt together for a blood test, and the results came out on the same day. As expected, there was nothing wrong with her.

That night, Li Yiqi had a dream that she hadn't had for a long time.

——He was in a place with a very twisted and harsh environment.

The sky was shrouded in thick clouds of sulfuric acid, the light was dim, sulfuric acid rained down all around, and it hurt when it fell on his body. The black rocks were corroded and pitted. This world was like hell.

He crawls on the ground.

Because it was the first-person perspective, he couldn't see his appearance clearly, he could only feel that he was crawling and crawling, and the crawling speed was relatively fast.

During the long crawl, he came across a strange thing with a pointed head, dark brown skin, and a body that looked a bit like a leech.

He rushed over at once, and after a struggle, he suppressed the leech-like thing by force, and rolled it tightly with his body.

Slowly, I began to change.

His skin color changed to the other's skin color, dark brown, rough and hard enough to withstand the erosion of sulfuric acid rain.Its tail became the other's tail, and its head became its head.But his own size is much larger than the opponent's, he is stronger and taller than it.

He let go of the leech monster that fled in a panic, not intending to catch it for food, and continued to crawl forward. He was no longer afraid of sulfuric acid rain, and the raindrops on his body no longer hurt.

I don't know how long I climbed, and I saw a weird thing head-on.That thing has eight legs, lying high on the ground, with a long tail dragging behind its buttocks, it looks completely different from itself.

But he knew that it was of the same kind as him.

Because the opponent's back has a special mark like his, which is curved, like a crescent moon, and also like ripples when the water surface shakes.He knew there was a better adjective, but couldn't think of it.

Two of the same kind discovered a gold ore avalanche from the ground at the same time.

Hunger gushes out from the bottom of my heart crazily.

He was going to swallow that gold ore, it was his food, his only food!Hungry!so hungry!

Two of the same kind fought fiercely for food.

Seeing that he was about to win, suddenly, a bloody mouth split from the tip of the opponent's tail, biting off his own neck like lightning.

He was defeated, his head fell into the sulfuric acid rain, but he was not dead yet.

Severe pain hit him, and he opened his eyes wide, watching the other party swallow the gold ore. After a while, he pulled out the impurities with a hum, and walked away arrogantly.


Li Yiqi got up from the bed with cold sweat all over her face.

He touched his neck, it was cool, and the pain of being bitten off seemed to be still there.

Thinking of the gold ore full of impurities that was robbed, Li Yiqi took several deep breaths before calming down the hideous expression on her face because of being robbed.

He wiped off his cold sweat, and opened the bottom drawer of the bedside table, only to see that the inside was shining golden, filled with golden beans one after another.

Li Yiqi dropped one in her mouth.

He chewed his teeth, making a toothsome crunching sound.

Fortunately, on this planet, you don't need to fight to get gold, you just need to buy it with money, and the gold is still purified, which is much better than gold ore that also pulls impurities.

Li Yiqi sincerely lamented her luck.

He dug out the drawer and counted his golden beans one by one.

Although he already knew how much property he had, counting gold would give him an unusual sense of satisfaction, so he never tired of it.

One, two.





There are 32 pieces in total.

Not one more, not one less.

All his money is here.

The golden beans are all 1 pure gold made of 999g, and the weight is very small, but it costs about five hundred yuan a piece.

Compared with other high school students, he has plenty of pocket money. His parents feel very guilty for not being able to accompany him because of their busy work, so they are very generous with pocket money.

But no matter how generous he is, he can't bear the fact that he is a gold-swallowing beast—the food of robbers and chimeric life is gold.

Although he is different from the Daoqiang chimeric life in the conventional sense, human genes are mixed in it, and human food can also be eaten, but he is still a literal gold-swallowing beast.

Eating gold can make him strong and bring him soul-level satisfaction.

After eating a golden bean, the energy in the golden organs begins to rise, just like the insulin-dried pancreas starts to refill with insulin.

Li Yiqi narrowed her eyes slightly, with more greedy appetite in her eyes.

In order not to continue to prodigal, he decided to go to bed quickly.

Since he is too energetic now, he plans to play mobile phone hypnosis.

So Li Yiqi hugged a fan of bananas, leaned against the head of the bed with a pillow, and started eating bananas one by one, watching short videos one by one.

Eating bananas will produce banana peels, and he dragged out a large potted plant from under the bed.

The potted plant was originally limp, with its stalks tilted upside down, as if it had lost its life, but the moment it was pulled out, the stalks straightened instantly, and it looked as tall as half a person, standing next to it like a A slightly lower floor lamp.

This is a plant with a very strange shape, like an enlarged version of the pitcher plant Venus flytrap.

It had fly traps, the size of a bear trap, and it had a hog-pot belly, the size of a piglet's belly, with thick stems attached between them.It is strange to see that it is a genetically modified plant cultivated artificially.

In the past when the policy of the original country was not so tight, his uncle sent a lot of interesting genetically modified plants grown in his laboratory from abroad.

This pot is one of them.

This guy eats everything, and his digestion ability is stronger than that of humans. He usually hides under the bed, and occasionally hugs him out to bask in the sun.He named it Dazuidu, and he feeds it dog food and some kitchen waste on weekdays.

Right now he eats bananas and eats banana peels with a big mouth.

In the dim light at the head of the bed, Dazuitou stood blankly beside the bed, with big leaf clips open, swallowing banana peels one by one, acting as a faithful kitchen waste bin.

And Li Yiqi was leaning on the bedside to play with her mobile phone.


"Oh my god, this pig is too edible!"

"The cat is freaking out!"

"Dogs can still be constipated!"

After Li Yiqi had scanned dozens of funny animal videos, and became more and more energetic, he suddenly came across a video from the same city.

It was a high-rise indoor overhead video, and the picture was very familiar. It was the Moon Lake in the shape of a crescent, and the Xianghu Bay villa area next to the Moon Lake, surrounded by mosquitoes.

I usually don’t feel it when I’m in it, but the scene of Xianghu Bay being invaded by giant mosquitoes is even more terrifying from the sky. The gray mosquito swarms are like smoke and fog, like locusts entering, completely submerged.

The person who took the picture spoke loudly and said in a gloating tone.

"It's so miserable to see no brothers, tsk tsk tsk."

"Xianghu Bay, a high-end villa area, the sky-high price of 38 square meters, but it has been ravaged by mosquitoes, and the rich people there don't know how to live."

"I heard that the transaction price of second-hand housing in Xianghu Bay has dropped to 35 yuan, so we will quietly wait for it to continue to fall, but in the current situation, it is estimated that no one will want it if it falls to [-] yuan."

"No, in this situation, it is estimated that no one wants to live in a free house. Who wants to live in a mosquito pile hahaha."

"Now it's all low-rise buildings, and villas are extremely expensive. If you want me to say, high-rise buildings are more fragrant, like mine on the 98th floor, it doesn't matter if you live on the edge of Moon Lake. Hey, mosquitoes can't fly." That voice Prolonged tune, very soulful.

Li Yiqi raised her eyebrows.

Prices actually fell.

In the 23rd century, the population is highly concentrated in the city, and the residences are basically high-rise and super high-rise. Like this small townhouse located near the city center, although the house is compact and old, each house is only about [-] square meters. But the value is also skyrocketing.

Their family is not as rich as their second grandmother's family. This house was bought with the inheritance of his grandparents, part of his grandfather's savings, and his parents' savings, and it was written in his name.

In other words, it is his property.

Li Yiqi glanced at the owner group.

The news in the group is very popular, and there are thousands of historical records during the day.

[Didn't it mean that female mosquitoes can't suck blood, and these mosquitoes will perish after a while? Why has our house price dropped? 】

【Didn't you read the news? Mosquitoes also appeared in Yun Province, a week earlier than ours, but now the mosquito swarms there have not disappeared, but have become more and more. 】

[Yes, I heard that female mosquitoes can reproduce without sucking blood somehow. 】

【No way! 】

[I calculated, my family lost about three million yuan, hey. 】

Li Yiqi calculated how much her house had fallen.

After calculating the string of numbers, he converted them into golden beans, and after calculating how many golden beans he could buy, Li Yiqi's cheeks twitched, and her flesh hurt extremely.

This can buy so many gold beans... No, you can buy gold bars that can be stacked high!
Immediately, Li Yiqi didn't like eating bananas anymore. He swallowed the last bite of banana, stuffed the banana skin into the leaf folder next to his big mouth, and turned over to get up.

[Do you want to give up the ten-fold electric eel shock? 】

【Yes. 】



Li Yiqi in pajamas strode towards the balcony.

The muscle tissue in the body is changing, returning to the original appearance of normal human muscle tissue, and at the same time, the ability to release electric current has also disappeared.

【You have given up giving up the ten times electric eel shock】

[Skills you already have: eight times stronger cat ears—unfortunately, you can only be a bird listener]

[Remaining skill slots: 1/2]

Li Yiqi came to the balcony and picked up a small potted plant on the balcony.

This potted plant looks a bit like a banyan tree, delicate and small, with smooth leaves, and exudes a faint fragrance—this is also a laboratory product sent by his uncle.

Because of it, although the balcony is open, there are very few giant mosquitoes biting on the screen window.

Li Yiqi took off the glove and touched it.

[Touch creature, dead bug tree]

There seemed to be a cold mechanical sound in his mind, and he closed his eyes.

In an instant, countless wonderful gene fragments poured into the mind like a kaleidoscope, and then quickly combined into a complete set of genetic maps. The gene fragments of this seemingly ordinary pocket tree potted plant were chewed and analyzed by the chimeric life forms.

【Angiosperms Phylum Necrophyta Necrophytae】

[Analysis of tree age, three years and seven months]

【Analysis skills...】

[Photosynthesis Rating: A——Untransformable]

[Rating of root water absorption capacity: A——not transformable]

[Cold Resistance Rating: B——Untransformable]

[Smell insecticidal ability rating: AAA——transformable]

【please choose……】

[Selected scent gene fragment]

[The smell gene fragment has been intercepted]


[Transformation chimera...]


Li Yiqi stood beside the pine tree in the small courtyard.

At this moment, the hour hand points to 45:[-], which is already late at night, and both the residents of Xianghu Bay and the residents of the neighboring community have fallen asleep.

There are gauze-like clouds floating in the sky, a full moon is bright and clean, and the night wind in April is cool, and there is a light and special fragrance that wafts with the wind, which smells very good.

This is a quiet scene, but there are weird and terrifying things happening.

The giant mosquitoes hovering over Moon Lake and Xianghu Bay died in large areas.

Endless giant mosquitoes fell like dust or raindrops.

None of the giant mosquitoes attached to the windows, lying on the tree trunks, or hovering in mid-air escaped, and the night gradually became dead silent.

Li Yiqi stood on the lawn with her head up, quietly watching this magnificent death.

When there was only the sound of the night wind around him, he yawned big, blinked away the tears from his eyes sleepily, and walked back to the house stepping on the mosquito corpses all over the floor.

Call it a day, go back to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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