lend me your genes

Chapter 91 New Home

Chapter 91 New Home
The police car stopped at the entrance of the Wild Animal City. Today is a typhoon day. The Wild Animal City is closed and the iron gate is closed. They can't jump over the high wall like magic dogs.

The raindrops mixed with the strong wind crackled and hit the glass windows like hail. The fallen leaves and residues always stuck to the car window glass, and the windshield wipers of the police car kept scraping.

"It's really a wild animal city, it's great."

"Well, Captain Jin can also breathe a sigh of relief."

The patrolmen immediately called Captain Jin to report.After hearing that the magic dog had indeed entered the Wild Animal City, Captain Jin finally let go of the big stone that had weighed on his heart these days, and said, "Okay, if the magic dog doesn't return to the Lingjiang Bridge, you will return to your original positions starting tomorrow." , Typhoon weather is hard."

hang up the phone.

Lao Hu, the patrolman, felt very relaxed, and said with a smile: "It's not hard work, but that geek is even harder. We can stay in the car, but he was drenched in the rain all the way."

"Damn, let me ride that majestic magic dog once, I'm willing to rain for ten days!"

"That's true, it's nothing to be able to ride a magic dog in the rain."

"Just think about it, we ordinary people are not so lucky."

Li Yiqi really found it exciting at first, but then the typhoon roared and the raindrops were icy cold!More than an hour!Strong typhoon!His face was numb, but he still felt comfortable hiding in the car.

With her super hearing ability, she heard the conversations of the patrolmen, and Li Yiqi just wanted to invite them to experience this blessing for herself...

It's a pity that he still can't command the magic dog, so he can only complain in his heart.
Wild Animal City is really as big as a city.

There are forests, grasslands, and indoor deserts here, all of which are completely different from the urban areas full of high-rise buildings. This is a completely unfamiliar place for the magic dog.

It hesitated a little, is the old man really here?

The magic dog looked around while running, and the speed was much slower.

"It's just ahead."

Li Yiqi said.

Following Li Yiqi's guidance, the magic dog got into a dense fern leaf forest. The fern leaves here were shaken wildly by the typhoon, and the broken leaves were spinning in mid-air, making it difficult to see the surroundings clearly.

At this time, the magic dog suddenly found that several huge meat mountains suddenly moved, and what was even more bizarre was that several long necks turned their heads to look at it—the several grass-eating animals that bent down and gathered together Dinosaur.

Both sides look at each other.

Whoosh, everyone was taken aback by the other party.

The magic dog moved its four paws, staring at these creatures that were even bigger than itself, lowered its body, bared its teeth, and was ready to fight.

And the few herbivorous dinosaurs didn't feel sorry for their big men at all, they immediately stood up in a panic, and then fled forward with heavy steps, like a herd of disturbed wild elephants.

These herbivorous dinosaurs were not afraid of the typhoon, and were not moved by the breeders, so they just gathered together to sleep in the open air. They were not afraid of the typhoon, but they were terribly afraid of the magic dog, and changed sites in a hurry.

Li Yiqi suddenly discovered that these dinosaurs who ran away seemed to be the same species as the ones that had robbed him...

What happened to the sudden feeling of revenge?


The fern leaves slapped against the body with the strong wind, and the broken fern leaves blew around the body, and a large fern leaf stained with rainwater slapped Li Yiqi's face.

Li Yiqi took off the cold wet fern leaves on her face, and said to the magic dog: "Hei Zi, keep going, we will be there soon—!"

The magic dog finally stared at the backs of the dinosaurs leaving, and continued to run forward.

Li Yiqi leaned on its back, trying not to let herself be scraped by the fern leaves, so as not to smear her face with leaves.

It doesn't need to be full of dangers like the island in the geek exam. This is a man-made natural area that has been screened out by humans for danger. There are no poisonous insects and poisons in the fern leaf forest, so Li Yiqi asked the magic dog to take a shortcut.

Outside the fern leaf forest.

Several Wildlife City patrol cars were waiting there.

The officials of Ning City Wildlife City waited long after receiving the news from Li Yiqi. For this purpose, they prepared fresh meat, various snacks that dogs like to eat, and also prepared guns—the ones that can shoot dinosaurs. kind.

Now their mood is anticipation, as if facing a big enemy, ecstasy, and apprehension.

"come yet?"

"It should be soon."


The magic dog suddenly sprang out from the fern leaf forest.

Seeing such a ferocious big guy, the staff of Wild Animal City were shocked and hid in the car without daring to make a sound.

The magic dog's first reaction after seeing these cars was to bark its teeth.

The staff of Wild Animal City panicked even more. Their off-road vehicles could withstand the attacks of tigers and leopards, but they didn't think they could withstand the attacks of magic dogs.

"Don't be afraid, just lead the way ahead."

Li Yiqi said to them, and then patted the magic dog on the head: "Let's follow these cars, we are almost there, I won't lie to you."

This time, the magic dog obviously hesitated a lot.

But I don't know if it's because of Li Yiqi's old friendship that helped them in the past, or because of the old man's old sock, but in the end it still followed those patrol cars.

The group continued.

Through a forest again.

Li Yiqi and the others finally arrived at the destination of this trip. When he saw the huge house next to the mountain, he was almost stunned as he sat on the back of the magic dog and raised his head.

The people in Wild Animal City actually restored the old house where the old man and the black dog used to live in [-]:[-]!
The old man used to live in a resettlement house, which was a super high-rise apartment. The people in Wild Animal City only restored one of the floors, but even so, it is quite spectacular.

The magic dog has been stunned.

Li Yiqi was also stunned. Looking at the wooden door that looked like a mountain gate, he suddenly felt that he had come to the kingdom of giants.

Before the magic dog rushed in, Li Yiqi jumped off its back in a trance, braved the gust of wind and walked over to knock on the window of the off-road vehicle.

"This house is the new home you arranged for the magic dog?"

"Yes, Mr. Li, do you think it's okay?"

Li Yiqi didn't say anything, just gave them a thumbs up.

Not only is it okay, it's simply too good.

Is there anything more familiar to Magic Dog than the original home?Moreover, the house is magnified by [-]:[-], so you don't have to worry about the magic dog living in it.

The effect is obvious.

In a blink of an eye, the magic dog had already pulled open the wooden door and rushed into the house by itself.

Li Yiqi glanced at it, then turned to the staff and said, "Come out too, it's okay, it won't attack you, just don't bring your gun, it will cause its hostility."

"...Okay, let's come down now!"

If the magic dog really stays, they will have to deal with it in the future, and it is not a problem to be afraid all the time. The staff gritted their teeth and got off the off-road vehicle against the typhoon.

A group of people walked through the huge door like a mountain gate and walked into the house.

Li Yiqi was shocked again when she entered the door, she felt as if she had come to the kingdom of giants, the table and the bed were all magnified by [-]:[-], they were extremely huge.

He knew that they made all kinds of things so big to make the magic dog feel like a puppy, but Li Yiqi suddenly felt that he had become a little mouse. He looked up at the legs of the table, as if looking at the table legs. Giant trees.

"You spent a lot of thought on building this house, didn't you?"

"It's really not easy." The staff sighed, remembering all the difficulties they faced during the construction.

The magic dog obviously likes this, it looks very excited, running around, as lively as it was when it was the little black dog.

The house was too big, and Li Yiqi and others walked very slowly. When passing through a blind spot, Li Yiqi saw the huge posthumous photo hanging on the wall, and he was shocked on the spot.

The magic dog also saw it. It looked at the huge photo and let out a hoarse sound in its throat. It flicked its tail and turned around under the excited photo.

It's just that it couldn't scream no matter how excited it was, its vocal cords were cut and it became dumb.

Under the posthumous photos, the old man’s belongings are all there, including tricycles, used quilts, teacups, etc., and some things still have the smell of the old man. Next to the pile of relics, he turned his stomach and stopped moving.

Li Yiqi knew it would not go back to the bridge pier.

But decided to check it out anyway.

"Do you want to stay here or go back to Lingjiang Bridge? One hum means you want to stay here, and two hums means you want to go back to Lingjiang Bridge."

The magic dog hesitated for a while, looked at the familiar house, and finally snorted.

Li Yiqi: "Okay, as long as you don't cross the fence, you can go around here, and basically all animals can be hunted and eaten. Oh, don't eat pandas, it will have a bad impact."

Li Yiqi took out her mobile phone, found the photo of the panda, and recognized it.

"See, this is a panda. It lives in the bamboo forest. You can eat everything except this one. And the most important thing is, don't attack people."

"One snort means agree, two snorts means disagree."

The magic dog was very fast this time, and snorted lightly.

"Good dog."

Li Yiqi's expression softened, she couldn't touch her head, so she touched its paw.

The staff next to him were amazed. Is the magic dog so smart and human?
Li Yiqi bowed to the portrait twice, then turned around and said to them: "In the future, you can also talk to it more, it understands everything."

"Okay, okay, we will."

When Li Yiqi went out, she found a stainless steel sign on the grass at the door, which said Magic Dog. LYQ, and a few lines of brief introduction.

Li Yiqi thought for a while and asked the staff: "...can I take it away when I want to take it away?"

This stopped them from asking.

"I'll make a phone call and ask the leader."

After a while, the staff hung up the phone, and the staff smiled and said: "Our leader said yes, the animals that geeks put in Wild Animal City are equivalent to being fostered here, and the ownership does not belong to Wild Animal City, so you can take them away if you want. Taken away."

"that would be great."

"Shall we drive Mr. Li out?"

"Okay, thank you."

The group got into the car.

The staff looked at the little pterosaur in his arms, and couldn't help asking the question he had been wanting to ask all along: "Does Mr. Li also want to foster it with us when he brings it?"

Li Yiqi hugged the little pterosaur and said, "No, it's still young and can be raised, so let's raise it by myself first, and when it can't keep any more, I'll put it here with you."

The little pterosaur looked up in shock.


Li Yiqi snorted and pinched its little head.

I'm not kidding you.

At this time, the mobile phone in the trouser pocket vibrated, and there was a chicken cry.

Li Yiqi was taken aback.This is the special ringtone he set for the messages of the Geek Lobby app. When this sound rings, it means that someone has sent him an email through the Geek Lobby.

Li Yiqi took out her phone.

It's a message from the animal trainer.

[Kongmeng, have you finished dealing with the matter here?Please reply when you are done]

(End of this chapter)

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