lend me your genes

Chapter 95 A-Level Team Tasks

Chapter 95 A-Level Team Tasks

Xu Yingxiang thought that moving to a new house would be very busy and he would have to worry about packing a lot of things, so he went to bed early to prepare for a tough battle the next day.

In the end, the moving company that Li Yiqi hired was too professional. Even though moving was such a big job, Xu Yingxiang didn't help much that day.

A group of young moving teams wearing work clothes and white gloves entered the house one by one. Everyone packed clothes, daily necessities, restaurant sundries, kitchen supplies, etc. according to different functional areas.

But in just half an hour, everything was quickly packed and loaded onto the car.

And the only thing Xu Yingxiang did was stand in the living room and watch them pack, and gave Li Yiqi a thumbs up when the packing was finished.

Li Yiqi stood there, smiling slightly, waiting for his grandfather to praise him as a professional.

As a result, Xu Yingxiang gave a thumbs up and praised: "It will cost money."

Li Yiqi: "..."

Why doesn't this sound like a good thing?

Xu Yingxiang walked out the door slowly with his hands behind his back: "Knowing how to spend money is also a skill, and spending money in the right place can save people a lot of effort, it's a compliment."

The moving team sailed out of Xianghu Bay.

The two trucks of the moving company were in the front, and Li Yiqi, Xu Yingxiang, and Pterosaur were sitting in their own car—that is, the black knight that Li Yiqi won in the dragon boat race.

This black knight is also a self-driving car without a steering wheel, and it is under the unified control of Ning City's intelligent transportation system.The difference from a taxi is probably that it will not carry other people, and it can be arranged internally according to its own aesthetics.

Taking advantage of this time in the car, Li Yiqi decided to teach the little pterosaur to drive.

He brought the little pterosaur lying on the back seat to the front seat: "Xiaoqing, you are already a one-month-old pterosaur, and you will learn to drive by yourself in the future."


The little pterosaur looked confused.

Li Yiqi set up several frequently used places in the control system in the front row, including 'Atrium Imperial View', 'Xianghu Bay', and 'Yunshan Apartment'.

Xianghu Bay is an old house, the Atrium Yujing is a new house, and Yunshan Apartment is the apartment he won in the dragon boat race. Speaking of which, he also owns three houses.

Li Yiqi didn't think of Xiaoqing as a pterosaur, and said to it: "The city is full of people, and other places are not suitable for you to fly. Only the top garden of Yunshan Apartment has no one suitable for you to practice. Your grandfather..."

When she got here, Li Yiqi was silent for a moment.

Why did he also follow your grandfather?

Li Yiqi continued to teach the little pterosaur: "...In short, he is not free to take you to Yunshan apartment every day for a walk, and I am not free either, so in the future, if you want to fly, you can drive to Yunshan apartment by yourself, and go back by yourself when you have enough fun." Home, do you know?"

In fact, for the convenience of the little pterosaur, it is best for him to buy the top floor of his new house, but firstly, the top floor is too hot to live in in summer, secondly, the top floor shakes a lot during typhoons, and thirdly, a pterosaur flying there is too conspicuous, so he Didn't buy the top layer.

The little pterosaur raised its head in Li Yiqi's arms, stared at him for a long time with its small emerald green eyes, and silently gave a 'wow' sound very well-behaved and sensible.

This scene even the animal trainer can't help but scream.

Let the pterosaur drive to let the wind go, there is no one else in the world, only Li Yiqi.

"Okay, then I will teach you how to drive by yourself, it's very simple."

Li Yiqi held its claw attached to the membrane and pressed it to the LCD console, "Every time you open the car door, just click here, Yunshan Apartment..."

The console is unresponsive.

Xu Yingxiang couldn't stand it any longer, thinking that Li Yiqi was really whimsical, embarrassing a poor and helpless little pterosaur, and persuaded him from the side.

"Forget it, it's a big deal, I'll take it to Feifei on the top floor of Yunshan apartment every day like walking a dog every day, don't toss it, its claws are not like human hands, the screen will not respond."

"It's ok."

Li Yiqi also discovered that the pterosaur's claws could not control the screen, but he was prepared, and took out a stylus from his bag and stuffed it into the little pterosaur's claws.

Xu Yingxiang was shocked: "!!!"

And this operation!
So the poor little pterosaur began to learn how to grasp the pen under the control of Li Yiqi. Its forelimbs were not good enough to change its hind limbs. Finally, it found that its hind paws were more flexible, so it raised one leg with one leg up, and its claws contracted to hold the touch pen with difficulty. screen pen.

The claws are unskilled, and the pen falls off repeatedly.

Li Yiqi picked it up repeatedly.

In order for the little pterosaur to learn to drive by himself in the future, he is very patient.

Arriving at the destination soon, Li Yiqi called her grandfather to get out of the car, and asked the little pterosaur to continue practicing how to grasp the pen in the car.

Xu Yingxiang was really convinced: "It will be able to type in the future, and the first word may be to scold you."

Li Yiqi thought for a while: "That's pretty trendy."

Xu Yingxiang: "..."

He had nothing to say and could only give him a thumbs up again.

When he arrived at his new home, the moving company was very efficient in sorting out the packed items and placing them in different rooms. All Xu Yingxiang had to do was visit the new home.

"Wow, this refrigerator is big enough."

"This bed is two meters three, how many people are there?"

"Oh, there is also a nanny's room!"

Xu Yingxiang was amazed.

The new house is indeed spacious and comfortable. It has seven bedrooms and three living rooms. It has all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances. The built-in refrigerator has a very large capacity. The ice cream, popsicles, and frozen hairtail that couldn’t fit in the old house can be easily put in now, and there are many more spare.

Just like this, Li Yiqi was afraid that his grandfather would not be enough, so she brought the prize refrigerator and freezer.

Li Yiqi could tell that the old man liked the new house very much.


Everything settled.

Li Yiqi sat on the sofa on the balcony and fiddled with her mobile phone.

The main reason why he changed houses was not that there was not enough space to live in, but because of the reminder from the animal trainer—he suddenly realized that geeking is a job that deals with various extremist organizations.

If someone retaliates against him, he is not afraid, but he is afraid that the other party will try to hurt his family.

Nobody could hurt his grandfather while he was around, but what if he wasn't around, at school or on a mission?
Although this possibility is very small, he still has to consider this possibility, so he immediately changed to a new house, which of course is not enough.

Li Yiqi browsed the geek mall and placed a lot of orders. She didn't stop until she felt that she could keep her family absolutely safe.

After this operation, look at the balance of the balance currency of the Geek Mall, well, there are only 102 left.

Gotta make money.

He opened the quest hall, wanting to see if there were any quests he could accept, and as he swiped, his eyes suddenly froze.

——[A-level team task: Investigate the truth about Lingjiang crocodile gar]

[Task completion deadline: half a month]

[Task reward: 500 balance coins (total)]

[Mission details introduction: The Lingjiang crocodile gar incident caused a total of 68 deaths and 115 injuries in Ning City. In order to avoid similar tragedies from happening, Yuanguo officials hope to find a company or underground laboratory that manufactures crocodile gars, and release crocodile gars. The real culprit of the eel. 】

[Clue: The follow-up of this matter is related to the Aleichman Company in Daoli Country. 】

[Hint: Daoli Country is a country that is completely open to gene editing technology, and the Aleichman Company located on Giant Island is especially dangerous. 】

Li Yiqi looked at this team task, recalled what happened in the dragon boat race, and slowly frowned, with a little coldness in her eyes.

Too many people died in that dragon boat race, even Qiu Zhen who climbed the water tower with him also died in the belly of a giant crocodile gar.

And the destructive power of this incident is far more than that. Ning City has held so many dragon boat races, and it will never be held again in the future, and the recreational water activities will also be greatly reduced in the future. Everyone in Yuanguo is in danger and afraid of rivers and lakes Wait for all the waters where you can't see the bottom.

Having done such a terrible thing and caused so many bad effects, the mastermind behind the scenes must not just be let go.

(End of this chapter)

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