
Chapter 1 Where is this place?

Chapter 1 Where is this place?
The thunder kept ringing, and a few bolts of lightning flashed through the clouds from time to time, illuminating the city shrouded in darkness.

The air was filled with a strong rancid smell, and next to the sewer, a huge mouse was observing the surrounding movement.

It stepped on the sewage on the side of the road and passed an alley. At the corner of the alley, a curled up figure fell asleep.

The mouse didn't move in place, its nose and tentacles swayed from side to side to distinguish the smell ahead.

This rancid smell was all too familiar to the mouse. It alertly ran to the shadow curled up in the corner, and sniffed the puddle of vomit on the ground, which was a puddle of black blood.

It ignored it, and then approached the curled up figure.

Suddenly a hand stretched out and grabbed the mouse's body, and the mouse "chirped" in horror.The outstretched hand was clearly rotten, exposing the bones.

A flash of lightning passed by, and in the flickering alley, the mice stopped struggling and screaming, followed by the sound of gnawing and swallowing.

"Boom! Rumble—"

Big raindrops hit the face of a comatose man.He slowly opened his eyes, surrounded by darkness.The heavy rain vented wantonly in the darkness, and the pitch-black city was dead silent, and nothing could be heard except the sound of rain.

"where is this"

The man squeezed out a few words weakly, but no one around him answered him.He only felt that his mind was heavy and his body was weak, as if he had been hit hard on the back.

The right hand touched casually, but there was nothing there, and the left hand side was the wall wet by rain.Beside him was a very thick building drainage pipe, and after a while, the sound of rushing water came out.

Only then did he realize that he was suspended in mid-air, with the outside unit of a family's air conditioner under him.I adjusted my body with all my strength, and propped myself up by grabbing the cracks in the slippery wall. In front of my eyes was the heavy rain and the darkness.

Panting heavily, there was a pain in his chest, and he calmed down for a long time, trying his best to recall what happened before.

Why on earth are you here?
Where is this place?
Why can't I remember at all what happened?
His mind went blank, distracted by the noise of the rain.

A burst of pain came from his right arm, and the hot burning sensation was especially obvious under the impact of the rain.Another flash of lightning struck, and the appearance of the wound appeared in his eyes.

That's a bite mark!
It can be clearly identified through the tooth marks that it was bitten by someone!

In the faint environment illuminated by lightning flashing across the clouds, strips of black blood streaked upwards along the arms
He had an ominous premonition that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall the previous memory.And the current situation is very bad for me.

The black bloodshot is like a countdown, when it spreads to the brain, he must no longer be what he is now, and his instinctive reaction is that he is infected with the virus.

A thought flashed through his mind that he had to leave his current position and find a safe place to heal his wounds.After contemplating for a while, he checked the condition of his body carefully.

Except for the bite on the arm, there are bruises and abrasions on other parts of the body to varying degrees, some of which have already formed scars
What exactly have you experienced?Can it hurt like this?
After a lot of distress, he turned over the equipment on his body.Black tights, a blood-stained tactical vest, a pistol at the waist, and a knife drawn from the back.

knife?When he saw the pistol, he probably guessed the current situation.But the exaggeration of this knife and cold weapon is a bit incomprehensible.

The carbon fiber handle of the knife is inlaid with a red gemstone and has magma cracks, and some parts are covered by blood stains.

When a man touches it, he can feel an unprecedented intimacy, like an old friend.Judging from the blood stains on it, he was shocked by the traces of blood and rain, did he kill someone?This thought arises spontaneously, if this is the case, then what kind of person is he?The funny thing is, there is still no answer in my heart.

Then he touched the scabbard on the back, the other one was empty, one was missing?
He didn't think too much, and continued to organize his things.

In addition to the knife and pistol on his body, two magazines, a grenade, and a flash bomb, there is a light yellow potion in the pocket near the right chest. As if broken, unscrewed the metal cap at one end, and suddenly saw that it was a specially made drug syringe.

Staring at the faint yellow potion for a while, my mind was still blank. Then I found some compressed biscuits and a small bottle of water. It seems that there are not many things, and I don’t even bring first aid medicine.

Looking at the drainage pipe beside him, the sound of water rushing in front of him was constantly working. Looking up along the pipe, it passed through every balcony of the building.Looking down, it is pitch black and bottomless.

At this moment, he was thinking about a question, did he fall down, or did he faint after jumping to this position?If it fell directly, judging from the hazy and dark surroundings and the injuries, it should have gone through a big battle.Moreover, in my position, and in the lying position when I wake up, I can only fall vertically.

That shows one point, the place where it fell must be the roof.And what terrible thing is there on the roof that allows him to jump down without thinking about himself?

Although the man didn't understand, no matter what was waiting for him above, the current injury and state were not something he could handle.

He raised his head and then looked at the balcony next to the drainage pipe. In the gap illuminated by the lightning for a short time, he vaguely saw that there seemed to be a family whose windows were not closed.He tidied up his equipment, adjusted his breathing, and identified the point of focus on the slippery pipe, even though all kinds of injuries on his body were transmitted to his brain, making his movements strenuous and unstable.

He has only one thought, live!Must survive!Find out who you are and what's wrong with the world!
Difficult and strenuous climbing up the pipeline, the heavy rain has been falling, there is no intention to stop.Every time he passed a balcony, the man would carefully try to see if the window could be opened without making a big noise.He himself was a little surprised, as if these inconspicuous details were muscle memory retained when he woke up.

The man doesn't think too much, because he understands that these preserved muscle memories must convey some kind of signal to him, that is:

Don't make any big noises!

Only in this way can you live to the greatest extent possible!He couldn't even perceive the unknown crisis in the room.From the moment he woke up, seeing where he was, he knew that some catastrophe might have occurred in this world!Otherwise, why would he carry so many big weapons on him?
But who are you?What is your name?What happened to this world?A series of questions bothered him, until he climbed to the balcony with the window open, and then withdrew his thoughts. He put one hand on the side of the balcony, carefully poked his head out, looked silently into the dark balcony, and then got into the In the unknown darkness, disappearing in the noisy rainy night
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(End of this chapter)

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