
Chapter 16 Rescue

Chapter 16 Rescue ([-])

【Feel sorry!It’s a bit late to pick up the kids these two days]

"You still want to save them?" Yang Xiaochuan asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. My family is still in the floating town. If I die, they will be sent back to the land to fend for themselves. Everyone who lives in the floating town and enjoys the treatment has to contribute. I only have three days Time, if you don’t reply to Fucho’s signal for three days, you will be included in the death list. My family will also be in trouble!”

Yang Xiaochuan looked at Xu Bo's lost eyes and felt mixed emotions in his heart.Right now, the three people on my side are trapped and haven't figured out a way out, while Xu Bo still has unfinished tasks on the other side.

Yang Xiaochuan then looked at Su Xia, he wanted Su Xia to give him some advice.

"Xu Bo, what you said is true? Is the virus vaccine really developed?" Su Xia asked.

"As I said, these are all missions. I have no evidence to verify this matter, but Fucho will not save a useless person. Even if he is rescued to verify that he lied, he will be expelled, and the end will be even worse. The current order , is more direct and more brutal. Stealing someone’s belongings will result in chopping hands, and killing someone will result in death. Those in power in Fucho have no legal basis for sentencing.”

As Xu Bo put on his helmet again, his eyes were full of disappointment.

Human beings, aren't they too pitiful?

"If we help you complete this task, can we enter Fuding?" Yang Xiaochuan asked.

"You? Of course! As long as Dr. Li can be rescued, it will not be an easy task to return to Fucho? I can guarantee you!" Xu Bo looked confident.

Yang Xiaochuan looked at Su Xia. He needed a response from Su Xia. Although it was just a test, he believed that Su Xia would not miss the chance to stay away from hell on earth.And if this thing is true, it is equivalent to saving the whole world, and all three of them are heroes.

Su Xia remained silent, and sat down in the corner silently without answering the words of the two of them.

When Yang Xiaochuan was surprised, Su Xia suddenly asked:

"Xu Bo, which floating town is yours? What's the current situation up there?"

There was caution in Su Xia's voice.It's not that she doesn't believe it, and she never even hoped for a good human group. After experiencing killing and looting, betrayal and killing each other, guarding against strangers is the first armor she must have in her heart.

Just remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. If you treat you well for no reason, and promise you more than expected, then you must have taken a fancy to your life.

Rescuing Dr. Lee, joining the Fucho safety zone established by the government, and finding a home from three years of fugitive are all attractive conditions for anyone who has survived to this day.

You know, Fucho - is actually equivalent to an independent island country.When the virus does not break out, as long as special energy and technological materials are not required, there is no problem with the daily production and consumption capacity.

"Our floating town is Penghu City, and the current power holder is stationed in Penghu City. The current situation on the island of the South China Sea Fleet is fairly stable. In the past three years, we have rarely encountered food shortages. Except for the agriculture on the floating town The industry and some daily necessities are still in short supply due to raw material problems, so this vaccine is of great significance! With the vaccine, we will not be afraid of infection, and we are confident to regain our territory and rebuild our homeland.”

After Xu Bo finished speaking excitedly, he was very eager to know the decision of Yang Xiaochuan and Su Xia, at least in Penghu City far away in the sky, so that they can live well as individuals.

Su Xia still didn't answer, but judging from her woman's intuition, what Xu Bo said was true and credible.First of all, when she heard Yang Xiaochuan say that there was a virus vaccine for the first time, she thought it was a fantasy and was deceiving her.But this time even Xu Bo was in danger because of the vaccine, so maybe the vaccine is real.

Second, from the crisis of the corpse tide on the second floor just now, Xu Bo asked Su Xia to leave first. It can be seen that this person has a good character and is willing to leave the chance of life to strangers.Based on these two points, she is glad that these two men are not bad at present, otherwise, she, a woman, would
Seeing Su Xia's pensive look, Yang Xiaochuan directly expressed his opinion, "Dr. Li, I think it must be saved. Whether it's true or not, you have to give it a try."

The people in power in Penghu City carried out the rescue desperately, which shows that the intelligence is very reliable.In his heart, he didn't want to force Su Xia to go with him, so he planned to ask Su Xia to find a place to hide first, and then look for her after they got in touch with Dr. Li.Even if Fucho won't send anyone to come, he will still come, this is their agreement, after all, they still have to continue to retrieve lost memories in hell.

"That's great!" Xu Bo was overjoyed.

"Susha, I think, you."

"I'll go." Su Xia made her own decision before Yang Xiaochuan finished speaking.

"Okay! Great! I set off today. Before I left, the order given to our team was to contact Dr. Li within 3 days and send a signal as soon as possible to bring back the person and the experimental data. In this way, our Relatives will not be expelled from Ukimachi. My family will be entrusted to you two!"

Su Xia dispelled her worries, and Yang Xiaochuan was also a little surprised.He didn't understand how Su Xia figured it out.However, Su Xia pouted her lips and glanced at Yang Xiaochuan unhappily.

"Don't try to throw me away, last time it was Heishui, let me find a place to hide and wait for you this time?"

Yang Xiaochuan breaks out in a cold sweat, can this woman read minds?
Several people took an inventory of the existing materials on their bodies.At present, food and drink, as well as weapons and ammunition are quite abundant.Three pistols, two automatic rifles, several magazines, grenades, flashbangs, and most importantly, the electromagnetic pulse gun!

"Xu Bo, I've wanted to ask you for a long time. Is this an electromagnetic pulse gun?" Yang Xiaochuan asked.

"Yes, Brother Xiaochuan! Do you know this stuff?"

"No, I just vaguely guessed that it was this weapon. I am also a veteran who has served in the military. To be honest, I lost my memory not long ago. How did I get here in the past three years? I have no idea at all. Not coming."

After hearing this, Xu Bo was also very surprised. Losing memory in this apocalyptic world is like playing a new game without any clearing strategy, and it is a game with only one life in the apocalyptic world.
"This weapon is specially used to deal with the virus mutants of large-scale biochemical weapons. It took only one month to complete the whole project, and it was developed by the ceiling of human technology-Space Fortress."


Various images reappeared in Yang Xiaochuan's mind, and messy conversations and familiar voices echoed around.Yang Xiaochuan's headache was so severe that he suddenly knelt on the ground, hugged his head, moaned in pain, and then fell down
(End of this chapter)

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