
Chapter 22 The Worst Guess

Chapter 22 The Worst Guess (Part [-])
The three people who quickened their pace moved forward quickly according to the established route.Xu Bo took the lead on the road, and he killed all the zombies who were alone with his dagger.

"Xu Bo, wait a minute, don't go so fast, I always feel that there are other people around here." Yang Xiaochuan warned.

"Brother Xiaochuan, do you mean that there was an explosion in the community for no reason?" Xu Bo stopped.

"That's right. Generally, the search for materials will not cause such a big commotion. It can only be that there was a fierce conflict between the two sides. Since this place is not far from the Rubik's Cube apartment and the game competition staff dormitory building, most of the accidents happened!"

Su Xia had an ominous premonition in her heart.Coming out this time was not smooth, and I was so frightened that I lost the ability to move.It's embarrassing to think about it.But this time the situation outside is ten times more dangerous than before!
Just when they were wondering, a roar not far away broke the tranquility in front of them.

Yang Xiaochuan and the others lowered their figures, and first observed whether there was any danger of zombies around them. Next to the two collided cars that had rusted into empty shells and were covered with green plants, they leaned forward and looked into the distance.

Seeing this, I was really shocked!
The entrance to the Rubik's Cube Apartment building was completely blocked!
"What happened to them? The people inside look like they are in danger!" Xu Bo looked solemnly, and looked at the alleys behind him and on the left and right.There's always a zombie or two staggering around.It can't be killed, it can't be cut.

Seeing the situation of Rubik's Cube Apartment now, I can't help but think that I have experienced such an incident just two days ago.Looking at it like this, it is impossible to seek help from the people in Rubik's Cube Apartment.

"Let's go from the side and see what's going on in the dormitory building for the game competition staff. I think something happened there too!"

After Su Xia finished speaking with a frown, she quickly rushed out.Originally, Yang Xiaochuan wanted to make a plan, but Su Xia didn't give him this chance at all. I don't know why she was so nervous.

The three of them saw the opportunity, and just slipped past under the eyes of the corpses. When passing by, Yang Xiaochuan saw that all the windows and doors downstairs had been sealed, and some bullet casings could be vaguely seen scattered on the ground.I really don't know how the people inside can escape.At this time, he couldn't show mercy to others, let alone have the ability to rescue more people.

After arriving at the game competition staff dormitory building, the front door was very deserted.Su Xia ran quickly to a big tree in front of the dormitory building. A slingshot was hung on the branch of the big tree. There was a small bag on the handle of the slingshot, which contained some marbles.

She aimed at a red-painted wooden door on the third floor of the dormitory building.

"Boom!—" There was a muffled sound, neither loud nor small, like the usual sound of branches falling on the roof of the car.It looks so natural.

The red wooden door opened a crack.Downstairs, Yang Xiaochuan and Xu Bo hid beside the old truck in front of the building, and couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman inside.

"It's not the trading day yet, what are you doing here?" The voice inside was a girl.

"Tell Wen Jin, please, that Su Xia from Lu Mingchun Apartment is in a hurry! Trouble! Time is running out! By the way! Also! I just passed by Mofang Apartment and was surrounded by zombies."

Before Su Xia finished speaking, the girl closed the door softly, as if they didn't care about the situation of Rubik's Cube Apartment.If, as Su Xia said before, these young people are the ones who understand the truth.Then why would they refuse to save Rubik's Cube Apartment?Theoretically speaking, since the two sides are so close, it is impossible not to have a mutual early warning system, even if you learn from the past and burn smoke on the roof of the building.

Su Xia also thought it was strange, the game competition staff apartment was too quiet. In the past, there were at least two or three young people who were guarding the secret place with guns in their hands.This time it felt like they had no defenses at all, and they didn't feel any pressure of deterrence.

After the red door was opened, another girl came out.With a gun in her hand, she looked flustered, and her hands were visibly trembling. The woman before him tried her best to stabilize the figure of the woman holding the gun.

"What are you doing here?" the woman with the gun asked.

Su Xia didn't see the person she was talking about, and didn't know whether to talk about the marriage for a while. Seeing the two girls on the third floor looking very unnatural, she asked:
"Where's Wen Jin? Is he not here? What I have to say is troublesome! Please tell me, I want to talk to him face to face."

"It's not convenient for Wen Wenjin to come out, just tell us if you have anything to say." The girl standing next to the girl with the gun replied.

"You... Is there something wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" The woman with the gun stammered.

"What's your ass...you...you let go! We still have something to do! Get out of here if you don't say anything!"

The woman with the gun suddenly went into a rage, and Su Xia repeatedly questioned Wen Jin's whereabouts, as if offending her.Seeing this woman aiming the gun at Su Xia suddenly, she was very emotional.

Yang Xiaochuan was worried that the woman would be in trouble if she got agitated and suddenly got on fire and hurt Su Xia!He hurried out with his hands up and said quickly:
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! We don't mean any harm. If Wen Jin is inconvenient to come out, we will leave immediately! Immediately!"

Yang Xiaochuan came to Su Xia's side, pushing and shoving her into the nearby bunker.With a puzzled face, he asked:

"Why, don't kill me! I can see that the woman has never used a gun. What if she accidentally fires!?"

"Impossible, Wen Jin's weapons are so good, even if Iron Cavalry and Heishui teamed up, it would not be so easy to break through these two places. Why doesn't the life and death dormitory of Rubik's Cube Apartment care at all?"

Su Xia muttered to herself what only she could understand. The situation in front of her was so complicated that everyone couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, let's go to the TV tower by ourselves! There is no man in the dormitory building, so something really happened." Yang Xiaochuan analyzed.

"That girl has obviously never fired a gun. The posture of holding the gun and the posture of raising the gun are not right at all. It seems that she was forcibly pulled out to put on a pose. If this is the case, there is only one possibility. Or Wen Jin and others Boys with combat power were injured or died, or else" Yang Xiaochuan stopped in the middle of his sentence. "Maybe, forget it, let's go, wait until we have a chance to come back."

"I said you, you look like a big and three rough, why do you always speak coyly, what? What about the storytelling meeting? And you are always ambush? If you have anything to say, please finish it all at once! Thank you !"

Su Xia suddenly had an unknown karmic fire, which directly burned to Yang Xiaochuan.

Yang Xiaochuan was also speechless, why this young lady was crying, laughing, and angry was really uncertain.

"Okay, do you still have any impression of Rubik's Cube apartment just now? I saw bullet casings on the ground, and a gnawed corpse. They should have died not long ago, and the blood was not dry." Yang Xiaochuan said carefully.

At this time, Su Xia was sweating coldly, and an unimaginable result was in front of her eyes.It's not that the people in the dormitory were not rescued, but they went to rescue them, but they never came back.In that case, the appearance of the two girls upstairs is a good explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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