
Chapter 24 Reasons to Live

Chapter 24 Reasons to Live

Su Xia trotted out all the way, feeling a little regretful in her heart.Either way, it's completely incapable to leave yourself alone with these hordes of corpses.Thinking about all kinds of things before Fa Xiao was alive, memories that were about to be forgotten appeared in his mind.

My mother has been dead for many years, and my friends and relatives around me are almost without exception.Although I always say that I have to live strong, but I am a woman after all. In such an apocalypse, it is difficult for you to define an invisible living person as missing.

Now, the only remaining bit of thought is also in crisis.If you always face loss when you live, then what else do you have to lose at this point?

She came to the side of an old car, and the corpse inside had been scorched and weathered badly.Slowly raised his head to observe the situation in front of Rubik's Cube Apartment. There were probably hundreds of zombies gathered at the door.

He frantically smashed the doors and windows that were sealed by wooden boards, and couldn't see what was going on with the people inside.

Su Xia looked around, but found nothing around her that could be used.At this time, I suddenly thought of the grenade I used when I was besieged before, and used the explosion to attract the zombies away. Fortunately, when the equipment was allocated before, everyone was allocated two!

With the grenade in hand, Su Xia was full of confidence.

After searching for supplies in YZ City for the past few years, Su Xia already knows the surrounding situation very well.The map was taken out before so that Xu Bo and Yang Xiaochuan could see the current situation more intuitively.

What happened to the man?She struggled to cheer herself up.
Although what happened in the past three years is not as serious as the past few days.But to be able to live until now, I am not a vegetarian.

Adjust your mentality and calm down slowly.Not far from the corpses, there is a small street intersection, through which there is a building, next to which is a row of commercial streets.Find a suitable location, detonate the grenade, and you can successfully attract the zombies.

Just do what you say, when Su Xia's figure is about to disappear at the intersection, Yang Xiaochuan and Xu Bo are still a step too late. They dare not shout for fear of attracting zombies, so they can only watch Su Xia leave.

"Hey! It's still a step late. What should we do? Shall we follow? Why did she run out?"

Xu Bo's heart is very anxious. On the one hand, the previous misunderstanding has not been resolved, and now Su Xia is acting alone, which directly increases the uncontrollability of the situation.Secondly, time is too precious to him, and there is no room for wasting it.

Yang Xiaochuan could see Xu Bo's mood, and wanted to catch up immediately, but after thinking about it, he hesitated again.He can't be too emotional like Su Xia.Even after retiring for many years, it can be seen that the current self has been doing things in the way of a soldier.

He could understand Xu Bo's mood very well.Of course, these are also two things, which one is more important and which one can be defined more loosely.Being able to persuade Xu Bo to follow him was entirely a decision made when there was still enough time to rescue Dr. Li.

"Hey! Forget it! Since Su Xia has made her own decision, let her go. With her previous experience and ability to survive in this last world, I believe she can take care of herself and see what needs to be known It’s difficult to retreat. Let’s go! Rescuing Dr. Li earlier is the most important thing right now!”

After Yang Xiaochuan finished speaking, he looked at Xu Bo with a blank face.Xu Bo was a little astonished at first, but also after thinking about it.Without any extra words, the two headed towards the direction of the TV signal tower that could be recognized in the distance.

When Yang Xiaochuan carried Su Xia to escape, he threw away the automatic rifle.Now he has two pistols on his body, the scimitar and backpack behind him are still there, and he gave Xu Bo all the bullets in the automatic rifle.He left two more pistol magazines for Xu Bo, and put all the remaining pistol magazines in his tactical vest pocket.

Hand grenades, ammunition, and supplies were all counted again. This is their marching habit of deploying before combat as soldiers.

It was agreed not to shoot unless it was absolutely necessary.Xu Bo has a semi-automatic rifle, which serves as the main firepower output point in times of danger.Yang Xiaochuan himself acted as a guide.Because he found that no matter whether his memory is lost or not, no matter what kind of apocalyptic neighborhood he is in, his body can make instinctive reactions and more accurate judgments.

When should we fight?When should I escape?
He believed that he would not have the slightest hesitation.Especially for the large biochemical mutants they mentioned, it seems that they have been their old enemies for many years.

Yang Xiaochuan has put aside the thoughts behind him on the way forward.Some people think that he is cold-blooded and impersonal, and he gives up as soon as he says he wants to. The previous last resort is like farting.

But in Xu Bo's view, this old man is actually the one who really values ​​love and righteousness, and has a spirit of fraternity.Why do you say that?
Because it is more difficult and dangerous to rescue Dr. Li, it is also more difficult.Think about what they have gone through in order to travel since they exchanged fire with the cavalry. Think about the explosion of the helicopter being crashed by the dragon lizard.
On the way to rescue, various super-class difficulties and dangers were encountered.May die at any time, for a doomsday survivor who lost his memory.This kind of belief is by no means courage, and this kind of calmness is by no means accidental.

"Brother Xiaochuan, I have a question to ask you." Xu Bo asked suddenly on the way.

"Speak, I'm listening."

"If you found Dr. Li and successfully completed the task, but Penghu City refused to accept you, what would you think?"

Although this topic surprised Yang Xiaochuan a little, it wasn't that surprising.I just didn't expect Xu Bo to say it so early.

"Didn't you give me a guarantee? Why, you can't decide this with your authority?" Yang Xiaochuan asked back.

Yang Xiaochuan felt that Xu Bo had something on his mind, but he didn't know what to worry about.

"Don't worry, I will help you complete this mission, even if I won't take me back. My original plan was to go to Qingshan City. I changed my plan halfway because I still have a glimmer of hope for saving mankind. In fact, the world What does it matter who dominates? Zombies are not unkillable monsters." He glanced at the fortifications piled up with sandbags across the street, without looking back at Xu Bo's face and said:

"As long as there are conditions and reasons for me to live in this world, it doesn't matter if I live in the world of zombies. Even if I go to the floating town in Penghu City, I don't think it will be my destination. On the contrary, I will be more restrained because of it." There is no absolutely fair society before the end of the world, let alone in the end of the world, all power is in the hands of a small number of people."

"In this environment, you can only pray that the person in power is a relatively selfless person with a big picture. He really thinks about the continuation of mankind. Otherwise, he will fall into a dark cage, and he may die aggrieved one day. "

(End of this chapter)

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