
Chapter 33 Outbreak, 3 more

Chapter 33 Outbreak ([-]), [-]rd watch
"Satisfactory BBQ" is a century-old brand, and it is also the only small restaurant in the city that has been passed down for three generations, and you have to try it yourself.

Yang Xiaochuan called his hair boy Zhang Liang, and accompanied by the sound of grilled skewers oily, Zhang Liang licked the meat skewers, his mouth was full of oily flowers.

"Xiao Chuan, why did you retire so suddenly, and didn't even say hello before, if you knew I would welcome you! You are too mean!" Zhang Liang complained.

"The army also notified me a week in advance, and I was caught off guard. Besides, I came to find you as soon as I came back. You kid is out of shape now, and you don't pay attention. Do you really want to blow yourself up?" Yang Xiao Chuan drank a glass of wine.

"Hey, there is no way. After I graduated from university, my father entrusted me to work in Qingshan City. Who can stand the smoke and fire in the society? Do you think you are a soldier in the army? Look, it won't be a few days for you After fusion, the eight-pack abs become a white balloon, look, this one without color.” Zhang Liang held up the meat skewer in his mouth, and lifted up his clothes to reveal his white belly.

"Hurry up and collect it, collect it." Yang Xiaochuan looked at Zhang Liang, "Let me tell you, I was assigned to work in the Haidong Municipal Government, and I will report there next Monday."

"What, there is such a good thing? We tried our best to squeeze in but couldn't get in. You are awesome! It's still a job for the municipal government. What exactly do you do?" Zhang Liang said while eating.

"It's just about clerical work. I guess it's just an administrative staff. I may settle in Haidong City in the future. If you have free time, you can come to Haidong City to find me. I'll take you to practice. Don't eat and drink anymore. abstinence"

"Come on, I'm talking after this meal, don't be like my mother, you dislike me every day. You go to report next Monday, and I will go with you. It happens to send my female ticket to work, and she is also in Haidong City Go to work, drop by, haha~" Zhang Liang smiled mischievously.

"I'll go, can this string still be masturbated? I really don't know what your fate is. Which girl is blind. With your body type, it is definitely true love who can be together. Greasy uncle, take good care of it, don't be sorry for the little girl. "

Yang Xiaochuan didn't want to eat Zhang Liang's dog food, "By the way, when did you date?"

After this question, Zhang Liang realized that he had said the wrong thing, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

"Lu Tiantian."

Familiar faces, familiar names began to appear in my mind one by one, as well as those lingering memories of the past, as if suddenly approaching Ganze, slowly growing a piercing atrium.
"It's her, why are you together?" Yang Xiaochuan said lightly.

"Since that incident happened, you and I went to participate. Participated." Zhang Liang looked at Yang Xiaochuan carefully.

"Oh, I remembered, you guys met at Wang Meng's funeral, you boy"

Recalling too many things in the past, I only remember that at Wang Meng's funeral that day, Lu Tiantian cried the saddest.And when he came back from the army on leave, it was as if he lost his soul along the way.

Lu Tiantian and Wang Meng were classmates from high school to university, and the relationship between the two was very good. When they were in love with Wang Meng, Lu Tiantian often came out to eat and drink like a light bulb.
Since Wang Meng disappeared, Lu Tiantian has also actively communicated with the government whether Wang Meng can be listed as a missing person, and has been inquiring about the follow-up investigation process of the government, but there is no news so far.Unexpectedly, Lu Tiantian and Zhang Liang came together.
Forget it, my brother's character is still reliable, and Lu Tiantian also knew that she was a very good girl when she was with Wang Meng, and the two of them might really succeed together.

Yang Xiaochuan felt that fate could not be stopped when it came.

"Zhang Liang, what is Lu Tiantian doing in Haidong City now?" Yang Xiaochuan ate the skewers silently with a calm expression.

Seeing that Yang Xiaochuan's mood didn't fluctuate much, Zhang Liang took a deep breath and said:
"It's the pharmaceutical company in Haidong City who makes pills. I don't know what to do. Since Haidong City was designated as a natural ecological residence, the entire Haidong City has become a population flow guide. A 15000-square-kilometer There are nearly 1000 million people living on artificial floating islands, and the house prices are now frighteningly high.”

"The development of Qingshan City is limited due to the terrain. Isn't the establishment of Haidong City's floating island a solution to the shortage of land resources? It takes a strong family to settle in Haidong City, but since you have this Ideal, young and energetic, and the Haidong Municipal Government pays civil servants a lot, so it shouldn't be a big problem for you to stay."

"Recently, I heard from Tiantian that many strange things have happened in Haidong City, and their department needs to hurry up to produce some newly developed medicines. Because of this matter, I didn't go to the movie with her tonight, She said she could go back and prepare some reporting papers."

"If you are busy with work, you should care more. Don't act like a normal person every day. Don't you go to work?" Yang Xiaochuan took a sip of his wine.

"My class is just to look at the store at home. Our home is one of the few controlled equipment stores in the country with a formal license. They are all hard dishes. Do you want to go and have a look? Ordnance-grade Nepalese saber-leopard. Strider10-BT prisoner of war 9th generation - How about black eyes, are you interested?" Zhang Liang looked like a profiteer.

"Forget it, forget it. Brother, I have already disarmed and returned to the field. Let the Maotoubing experience the things on the battlefield. But I don't mind if you give me a hand~ hehe~" Yang Xiaochuan was a little drunk.

"That's not a one-sentence matter. Come to my shop tomorrow to pick out whichever one you like. Don't worry about it between us brothers, just do it!"

Zhang Liang raised his wine glass and drank the last glass of wine with Yang Xiaochuan, the night was already very deep.

The two of them were drunk and ready to take a taxi home.Because "Satisfactory BBQ" is opened in the old neighborhood, and it is also a street with the strongest street flavor in Qingshan City.

In fact, this street was rebuilt 50 years ago, and another 50 years have passed, and the new street has become an old street.The family that has lived here for 3 generations, this street means a lot to them.

Although Haidong City is a new city, its infrastructure, medical care, and education are far behind Qingshan City. Most young people will cross the Dongpu Bridge to Haidong City to develop.Migrants with low incomes will choose to go to work in Haidong City and return to their homes in Qingshan City to rest at night.

As soon as the two of them came out, a police car blared its siren and sped by.

"Watch out! I'll go to you to see how fast it drives, why didn't I see the police go so fast when I called the police!" Zhang Liang muttered.

"Okay, okay! Why are you arguing with the police? They are performing official duties. What do you know? Hurry up and call the police."

"Bang!" Yang Xiaochuan hadn't finished speaking when the police car that had just passed by collided with a private car at the intersection.

"Damn it! What's the situation!?" Yang Xiaochuan gave a shock.The front of the car was on fire in an instant, because the street was originally dark, and Yang Xiaochuan couldn't see clearly. He was dizzy when he saw the fire from the police car not far away getting brighter and brighter.

"Go, Ryoko, go over and have a look, save people!"

Yang Xiaochuan and Zhang Liang hurried over, and Zhang Liang used the GPS on his wrist to send a positioning message to the fire alarm and 120, and the police situation was set as a traffic accident.Yang Xiaochuan and Zhang Liang ran to the front of the two cars and checked the situation. It was not so bad.

The fronts of both cars were out of shape, the cab of the private car was slightly better.Yang Xiaochuan took off his coat to cover his hands, pulled the handle of the driver's cab, but couldn't move it, smashed the glass with his elbow, opened the door safety, opened the door and took off the seat belt, and dragged the driver out forcibly. There is only one person in the car.

Looking at the police car, the entire driver's cab and co-pilot had been engulfed in flames, and it was impossible to save anyone.

"Xiao Chuan, did you hear any noise from inside the police car?" Zhang Liang squinted at the back seat of the police car from a distance, but the rear window was covered with black film, so he couldn't see anything clearly.

 I'm a layman, please recommend!collect!These are motivations!My motivation to explode!


(End of this chapter)

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