
Chapter 37 Wu Hanming's Analysis

Chapter 37 Wu Hanming's Analysis (Part [-])
It was the end of June, and the temperature was already very high. It was not an option to keep the two corpses in the store.

In Zhang Liang's store, in addition to ordnance supplies, there are also outdoor products. They took two sleeping bags, wrapped the two corpses, and then wrapped them with plastic film to prevent the corpses from decomposing and polluting the store. Air.

Fortunately, the electricity in the store has not been cut off, and the air conditioner can still operate as usual.They don't know when there will be a power outage later, so they have to take advantage of the existing good conditions to prepare as soon as possible.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Liang's store is simply a paradise for survivors, the golden finger in the game.I didn't expect that things that could only be placed at home as decorations can be used now.Zhang Liang took out 3 large camouflage hiking bags from the store, and then each of them chose a tactical vest, knee pads, arm pads, and tactical gloves
It has not been a week since Yang Xiaochuan retired from the military, and he knows all these basic equipment by heart. Although it is still somewhat different from the equipment of the army, it does not hinder normal outdoor operations.

He helped Wu Hanming and the uncle to put on the equipment, and told each pocket and the purpose of the buckle.The last thing to do is to pick a good weapon.

Thinking of weapons, Yang Xiaochuan leaned in front of Zhang Liang and whispered, "Where is your secret warehouse?"

"Hey! Look, I almost forgot, come here!" Zhang Liang asked Yang Xiaochuan to come to the bar, entered a password, and opened the safe under the bar, which was full of all kinds of special knives. All are custom-made based on well-known weapons in games and comics.

"The young man is not bad, and he still has this habit." Yang Xiaochuan said in surprise, and randomly picked up a pair of crescent double-edged knives.The handle is carbon fiber, the body is inlaid with a red gemstone and has magma cracks.The whole body is crescent-shaped, with a cold blue light on the blade.

"I know that more than 100 years ago, according to Greek mythology, there was a game called "God of War" in the United States. This Chaos Blade is the weapon of the protagonist! I am the most authentic weapon enthusiast. I hope that I can make all the weapons I like in my lifetime. , unfortunately now.”

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he picked up a long sword and stroked it carefully, "The black sword in "Sword Art Online" is the interpreter, and the white sword is the dark chaser. There are more than 20 of them here that can be used for collection and For actual combat equipment, you can see for yourself, pick whichever one is most convenient for you.”

"When did you do this? I only knew that you were a sophomore in middle school. You played games and watched anime all day long, and you were so obsessed. Why do I feel that you opened this shop just to sell the knives under the counter?" What about legalization?" Yang Xiaochuan looked at the Blade of Chaos fondly, the twin knives exuded bursts of cold light, with a strong sense of killing.

"Aren't you a muscular man yourself, don't you understand? I'm called feelings, do you know what feelings are?" Zhang Liang looked at Yang Xiaochuan's bewildered expression, "Forget it, you don't understand after all, Not going to be a soldier is really a waste of your muscular shuttlecock."

Wu Hanming picked out a riot shield and paired it with a 10cm short steel knife, and everyone who went out wore dust-proof towels to cover their faces.After dawn, Wu Hanming motioned for his uncle and Yang Xiaochuan to come to his side.

"This night was a torment. I don't know when it will be the end. I am a teacher and I also teach history. In fact, I have a small idea, and I don't know whether to say it or not."

Wu Hanming turned his gaze to the uncle.In Wu Hanming's view, the current group of people in his group have limited abilities. Some are too frightened to move, and some are calm and expressionless.Everyone is an adult, and it is the first time for him to face such an unexpected situation.

"Teacher Wu, tell me, it's not a bad thing to have more ideas at this time." Yang Xiaochuan answered.

"In fact, everyone has seen it too, starting with the first bitten woman rescued by Brother Xiaochuan, to the student named Xiaoling who died later." After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Yaru who was curled up in the corner,
"I think this may be some kind of virus that can lose consciousness after being infected, but it will attack healthy people indiscriminately."

Wu Hanming's analysis is not without reason.People who are bitten are like monsters, they target living people, and once they are caught, they will eat them clean, which is abnormally bloodthirsty.And those who are lucky enough not to be eaten after being bitten will also get sick in a short period of time and become their own kind. Think about it, this is really a kind of eternal reincarnation.

"Moreover, people who are bitten will be infected. It can be speculated that the transmission is through wound body fluids. Because we have all had contact with infected people at different stages, we can be sure that it will not be transmitted by air or blood directly to the skin, so we need to protect ourselves. You must not be bitten yourself!"

The conjecture given by Wu Hanming is indeed true, "There is another very important thing, that is the time of onset. I looked carefully, the first woman bitten was her small arm, and Xiaoling was bitten on the neck. And the time for the first woman to become ill and mutate was much shorter than that of Xiaoling. The wounds all had black blood streaks extending towards the brain, which shows that the virus circulated to the brain with the blood, and then the infected person became ill and their eyes became cloudy. Just bite. In other words, the distance between the bitten part of the body and the brain will affect the onset time. The closer the wound is to the brain, the faster the onset time will be. Xiaoling mutated not long after being bitten."

Wu Hanming directly stated the current situation that everyone has seen, and every idea has been verified.Bitten, sick, no emotion, no consciousness, like a ghost in hell.

"After the infection, the strength is great, as if unconscious, but the bones are very brittle. You can only attack the head, and you can't fight. It's best not to get close and be thrown down."

The uncle added a few words, and tied a scarf after finishing speaking.Then I went to explain some things to Zhang Liang.The uncle asked Zhang Liang to be optimistic about Li Fei and take care of Zhao Yaru's emotions, and said that if the three of them who went out did not come back at night, there is no need to wait, and each of them will ask for blessings.

After Zhang Liang heard it, he felt very uncomfortable, so he said a few words to Yang Xiaochuan, "Xiaochuan, you must come back alive."

"Don't worry, the three of us will definitely be able to come back as long as we are careful not to be surrounded. After we bring back the food, we plan to escape and find the government's safe zone." Yang Xiaochuan patted Zhang Liang on the shoulder.

Wu Hanming made a division of labor with everyone, "One person is dedicated to carrying water, another is dedicated to food, and the other is guarding. Remember not to be greedy for too much, and don't come into close contact with these things unless you are in danger. On the way , before uncle leaves, my physical strength is almost weak, so I won’t hold you back, and observe the surrounding situation in the middle, Brother Xiaochuan, please come back.” At least in Wu Hanming’s view, the two people in front of him are very powerful from head to tail , I have poor physical strength, so I can't greet you a few times.

Before leaving, Zhang Liang told them that there is a back door in the store, which is an escape passage, which is not used very much at ordinary times, and they can go through the back door. Just when Yang Xiaochuan was about to complain, why didn't he say so early.

"Xiao Chuan, there is actually something I haven't told you."

"Liangzi, when did you become so dizzy, tell me quickly, we are leaving soon!"

"About Wang Meng, there is actually a piece of news that Tiantian has not asked me to tell you, but now that the world has become like this, I am afraid that I may not have a chance to talk about it later. On the cruise ship back then, there were people who found the missing person. Part of the wreckage, when the international police talked with Wang Meng’s family, Tiantian was also there at the time. She said that mass killings also broke out on the cruise ship, and only some limbs were found, not many. No body was found. , According to the list, it can only be defined as missing. Family members who know these details said that they must sign a non-disclosure agreement, and non-dissemination of information is conducive to the detection of the case, so there is not much information about this incident.”

(End of this chapter)

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