
Chapter 4 The Hallway Fright

Chapter 4 The Hallway Fright
Yang Xiaochuan tied the paper ball again, stood on the edge of the balcony, resting his cheeks, anxiously waiting for the rope to be pulled back again.The appearance of the ball of paper gave this lonely and voiceless world some hope.

Yes, to live is to hope.The ball of paper began to rise, he rushed to the balcony with a quick step, poked his head out, a long-haired woman met his eyes, the woman saw a stranger's face, not greeting with joy, but a look of vigilance, Quickly retracted the ball of paper and quickly disappeared by the balcony.

Yang Xiaochuan waited for a while, then retracted his head.He can understand the woman's reaction. In this world, when two strangers meet, who can know whether the other person is a good guy or a bad guy?It was the male master named Brother Cheng who had been in touch with her before, but now there is no sign of Brother Cheng. Only then did he regret that he should not show up rashly
Just when I was blaming myself, that ball of paper appeared again.Yang Xiaochuan knew that if he didn't take the opportunity to clarify the matter now, maybe this woman would go out alone to find supplies in order to avoid conflicts and protect herself, and then there would be big changes in the future.

He then took out a pen and paper, briefly explained the situation in the room, and took out several cans from the kitchen, tested whether the rope was strong, and tied it together with the ball of paper.

When he saw the paper ball and the can rising together, he breathed a sigh of relief and waited quietly for the next paper ball to arrive.

In this way, two people came and went, and they probably got to know each other a little bit.

The woman upstairs is called Su Xia, and she has been out searching for supplies with her neighbor Cheng Ge downstairs.In fact, there were still many survivors in this apartment when the apocalypse came. People would often go out to search for supplies later on, and every time they went out, there would be attrition.Over time, there were fewer and fewer people living in the building, until a resident in the building was bitten and returned home without telling everyone. So far, the zombie virus broke out in the building. After that, she could only contact Brother Cheng's family of three. could not be reached.

Su Xia stayed at home for almost two months, and went out once in the middle, but returned without success.Nearby food has been looted, so I can only go further away, and sometimes I may not be able to return for a day.She has limited ability alone and can't go too far, so she wants to contact Brother Cheng downstairs, after all, there is one more person and one more to take care of her.

"Can I go to your side?" Yang Xiaochuan wrote as he untied the last ball of paper before dark.

"Okay, but how do you get here?"

"I live on the 10th floor. Our house is next to the safety escape stairs. I was very quiet at home before. The zombies in the corridor were not near my door. When I went out to find supplies a few days ago, I solved a few more. Those who wandered over now just don’t know the situation of the zombies on your side.”

"Well, let me help you check the situation in the corridor on my side. If it's safe, come back!"

Yang Xiaochuan and Su Xia agreed on the agreement. He can only guarantee the situation of the corridor on his side, but there is no way to figure out the situation of the stairs.Su Xia replied that it doesn't matter, except that she has never been to the higher floors. The stairs leading to the floors below are safe passages, and the unsafe safety doors have been locked by various rope-like things.Unless there is a reason to go to the locked floor, it will never be opened.

Yang Xiaochuan came to the door of the room, calmed down and put his ears close, except for the slight sound of wind blowing in from the open corridor window, and the cool air coming in through the crack of the door.Then I looked through the cat's eyes, and there was nothing outside the door.Although it sounded quiet on the surface, he didn't want Su Xia to put himself in danger, so he decided to open the door and take another look.


The crisp door opening sound was particularly clear, and there was some echo in the quiet corridor.The door opened half the size of the body, looking at the corridor, the corridor was relatively clean, there were no corpses, some of the blood stains on the ground seemed to have been there for a long time, the window of the corridor was on my side, and the light from the window was empty There was not a single figure of him.He didn't go back immediately, but waited, because he could clearly see that the doors of two houses were ajar.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement from the two open doors, and the faint light and shadow in the house made him a little uneasy.The house I was in was a side household on the floor, and the elevator was in the middle, but the power had already been cut off.Next to the two houses with open doors is the escape staircase safety door.

Although the zombies cannot be seen, there is no guarantee that Su Xia's voice when she goes downstairs, or any unexpected situation, may trigger unknown dangers in the house.So he decided to close the two open doors, regardless of whether there were zombies inside.

He drew out his knife and opened the door of his room wide, so that he could run back at any time in case of a situation. Who knew that within two steps of going out, a gust of wind suddenly blew in from the window, and firmly closed the door behind him!

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu's nerves to be so concentrated that they were already highly concentrated. Window, cursing secretly in his heart: "Isn't it? Damn!"

With his eyes fixed on the front, as expected, roars slowly came out from the two half-open doors.He rushed up quickly and closed the nearest door. Just as he regained his composure, two extremely rotten zombies walked out of the other door. Flies and insects were still dancing around their bodies, and the buzzing sound seemed to be annoyed at Yang Xiaochuan. Disturb them to eat delicious.

He dodged one of the zombies that rushed towards him, and the other zombie did not give him a chance to breathe, turned around and then rushed towards him.Yang Xiaochuan took advantage of the situation to grab the zombie's neck, and with a forceful finger, he sank deep into the rotting flesh. The squeezed maggots wriggled on his hands, and the smell of corpses and the rotten face made his stomach churn. , Without thinking too much, he stabbed a knife into his mouth, and then kicked him away. Before he could stand still, the first zombie threw him to the ground.

The knife in his hand fell in the distance, and the rotting zombie's face was only a finger away from his face.The zombie, who hadn't seen a living person for a long time, was extremely excited, and his strength was astonishing!At the same time, there was a heavy banging sound from the door that was closed by him!With the bloody mouth opening and closing, the blood in the zombie's mouth and the rotten flesh on his face fell on Yang Xiaochuan's face. He pursed his lips, his face turned red, the veins on his neck popped up, and he tightly held the zombie jaw.

One person and one dead body are stuck in a stalemate. If this continues, he will only lose his strength and be bitten.The rotten face was getting closer and closer, and the hands that clasped the chin were holding on tightly. He knew that if he continued like this, he would not escape bad luck. He gritted his teeth, turned his hands vigorously, and with a click, the zombie's head was twisted off forcibly.
It's not that Yang Xiaochuan is weak, it's that his body has not recovered from his severe injuries, and an ordinary person might really be bitten.He knew that he had been in the battlefield for a long time, understood the characteristics of zombies, and subconsciously always had a way to deal with them.In any case, this time it was lucky to survive.

After removing the corpse on his body, the banging on the door still didn't stop. He didn't dare to stay for a moment, picked up the knife, and walked softly towards the dark safe passage.

(End of this chapter)

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