
Chapter 54 Escape

Chapter 54 Escape
Yang Xiaochuan gradually became conscious, and the severe pain made him unable to straighten up.He looked at what Maodan was holding.

gun! ?

Where did Yang Xiaochuan get what he dreamed of?He looked at another thing, the reagent said in English: Morphine.
Yang Xiaochuan smiled wryly, he survived the catastrophe, and there are still people who send equipment and medicine. Do you really think that you are playing games in the last days and defeating the boss's customs clearance reward?
He took the morphine from Maodan's hand and plunged it into his thigh. It didn't take long for the coolness to strike, and the severe pain began to subside slowly.He took a sip of water and checked the time. The pain relief time was at most 2 to 4 hours.So before the pain comes, there must be no more accidents.

He took the gun from Mao Dan's hand again, and looked at it, the German HK series, the handle of the sea wave and the gun head with sawtooth pattern.Open the magazine, fully loaded with 15 rounds.

From the moment the sniper opened fire, he was thinking that there might be a safe place outside Qingshan City.This team in Qingshan City must not be official. The supplies provided by Huaxia's troops are in order, and it can be seen that there are none of these.

Maodan lifted the injured Yang Xiaochuan and stood on the railing, with the tide of corpses surging.It's like this on the left, Mao Dan ran to the right, it's still the same.After finally escaping from death for a while, the scene in front of them made it impossible for the two of them to feel the possibility of surviving.

Mao Dan squatted on the ground in pain, Yang Xiaochuan looked at the situation in front of him and had nothing to say.He looked around at the surrounding walls. At the end of the row of commercial buildings, there was an iron escape staircase in the safe passage of the merchants in Bianhu, but the staircase was two meters high. It can be seen that this staircase will not be used at ordinary times.

Not far from the stairs was a car with an open door. Although the noise attracted zombies, the path between the commercial buildings and the office buildings in front of them did not flood too many zombies.

The only hope at the moment is to have a car. Some of the vehicles that can be seen are in disorder, some with closed doors, some overturned and on fire and almost turned into ashes, and some are blocked in the middle of the road. Yang Xiaochuan for the remaining time Trying to find a chance of escape.

Even in the cab of the car with the door open, the driver has turned into a zombie struggling in the car.

The seat belt held it tight.This may be the only hope at present. If you can't take advantage of this opportunity to escape, you really can only wait for death.

"Damn! Why are you crying? Come here quickly! We have a chance to escape!" Yang Xiaochuan was a little out of breath.

Maodan raised his head and looked at the endless zombies on the street. They wandered aimlessly on the street without sound guidance, as if waiting for Yang Xiaochuan to give their dead souls some new ways to play.I am afraid that only fresh flesh and blood is the driving force to wake them up and move on.

"Brother! I don't want to leave, I want to go back, I don't want to be like them. I'm afraid, I miss my mother"

Mao Dan burst into tears in an instant, as if no weapon could bring him back to the man he should be, his will collapsed, and the result could only be a dead end.

Yang Xiaochuan doesn't want to be a good old man, because he doesn't have time to preach and teach younger brothers here.He walked up to Maodan and handed him the screwdriver on his body.

"I don't force you. In this world, let's live according to what we want. Take this screwdriver and go to other stores later. There may be something to eat for you to stay in the original store for a while. You Beware of the zombies in the store yourself. From here on, let’s go our separate ways, meet by chance, and take care of each other.” Yang Xiaochuan climbed up the fence calmly and jumped.

Maodan wiped his tears with his hand, looked at the empty roof, the roaring noises from all around him filled the air, only him was left in this world.

The loneliness and depression slowly became more and more difficult for him to accept.Death is terrible, and the loneliness before death is even more terrible.

Why Yang Xiaochuan always likes to take risks, maybe he dare not stop, once he stops and wants to settle down, then death will slowly approach him, because Yang Xiaochuan knows that if he wants to survive in this city, he can only escape .

This may be an emotion that Maodan cannot touch and understand.But Maodan was still too young after all, so there was hope once, even if he had to risk his life to live longer, but fear eventually became a kind of vent.

A truth in the last days, one cannot let fear dominate oneself, nor can one get used to the fear that breeds in adversity.As soon as Maodan gritted his teeth, he followed Yang Xiaochuan's pace and chased after him.

Yang Xiaochuan jumped onto the rest platform of the stairs, and looked down to the last floor.He looked directly below, and the nearest zombie hadn't noticed his position yet.

In order to huddle under the stairs and wait for their mutton to bite before the zombies react.Without any hesitation, he jumped down from the bottom floor and rolled towards the ground. There was a slight pain in his ribs, and he knew that the real pain was far worse than this.

Be quick, go back even faster.The zombies in twos and threes in front of him were kicked down by him and pushed away with his shoulders.He could feel his every movement and his uncoordinated ribs at any moment as he limped to the side of the car.

Pulling out a Chaos Blade, he pierced the zombie tied to the seat from the temple, cut off the zombie's right arm mercilessly, unfastened the seat belt, and dragged Lost off the seat.The moment the car door was closed, the window glass was covered with zombies.

Use the finger print of the zombie's right hand to unlock and start the ignition.Yang Xiaochuan kicked the accelerator and ran over the zombie lying on the front of the car.

The zombies rushing from behind surrounded the car like ants, and he kept reversing and moving forward to adjust the direction.At this moment, the crowd of corpses slowly piled up in the road, just as he was about to rush forward at full speed into the tide of corpses on the main street.The figure of Maodan appeared on the stairs in the distance.

The bottom of the stairs was already full of zombies, Maodan had no chance of coming down. He looked at Yang Xiaochuan's position in horror, feeling extremely desperate.

He hated himself for not jumping down with him sooner, and collapsed on the steps, silently looking at the hope that he was about to leave.

He doesn't blame Yang Xiaochuan, everyone has his own decision.There is no regret medicine in the world, but there are many people who give you regret medicine.If you are sick and don't eat, you have to wait to die.

"Ah!" Yang Xiaochuan sighed deeply, slammed in the direction, and ruthlessly rushed down the zombies under the stairs, some were crushed, some had their hands and feet broken, and they were in pieces like ears of rice. It fell down, and it wasn't long before it was refilled by the crowd of corpses slowly swarming over.

Yang Xiaochuan cleared a clean field for the last time, wiped the blood-smeared windshield with the wiper, pointed the front of the car at the bottom of the stairs, and honked the horn twice.

Shout out "Jump!"

(End of this chapter)

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