
Chapter 68 Zhang Liang's whereabouts

Chapter 68 Zhang Liang's whereabouts

Yang Xiaochuan listened quietly to the woman telling her experience in the dim room.

That kind of resentful voice is not only for her, but why not for herself?

A female student who had nothing to lose, was so sleepy in the temporary refuge space of the end of the virus that she fell asleep instantly.

Continuous tiredness is no longer dominated by fear.Hearing the horrifying images that appeared in my mind, it was as if I was reminiscing about the emotions that I couldn't release in my heart, until a moment when it could explode, ghosts and gods were unstoppable.

"We encountered the first tide of corpses, it was after a violent explosion in the city, we suddenly woke up from the car, and then we saw a sea of ​​corpses surging outside the car window.

Everyone dared not make a sound and drew the curtains on the car windows.The walking corpse's broken steps and low growls surrounded the entire RV. "

"Every time I tremble with fear, it's like passing by the god of death. You can clearly hear every bloodthirsty evil spirit whispering in your ear, and if you don't pay attention, your internal organs will be torn to the ground. smash.

I couldn't help vomiting in the car, how many days of cruelty and blood, the scenes kept reappearing in my mind
I tried not to make a sound, but it was too late.From the first sporadic zombies slapping on the car windows, to the sound of knocking behind them almost smashing the RV.Everyone was at a loss.
Until the moment when the zombie smashed the glass, countless rotting hands stretched out into the car, and the car body shook violently amidst the collision and crowding of the corpses. Scared to stand still, she knew how many zombies there were outside. The girl couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and drew out the long sword behind her, aimed at the head and hit one, and after a while, the corpses were pushed into a mountain outside the car body, but just right That's it, the zombies behind stepped on the corpses of the fallen zombies and charged into the car hungry."

"Then a piece of glass was smashed, and countless bloody hands stretched into the car."

Yang Xiaochuan listened to all this quietly, and suddenly asked nervously, "Is that girl a high school student, wearing a school uniform! Is that boy a bit fat? Has a beer belly?!"

"Yes, yes!" the woman replied excitedly.

Yang Xiaochuan completely understood that Zhang Liang and Zhao Yaru were not dead!

"Sister! What happened behind!? Why was the glass of the RV smashed so easily by the zombies? The height of the RV and the strength of the zombies should not be so strong!" Yang Xiaochuan wondered.

"I was lying in the car, vomiting non-stop. I only vaguely remember that a zombie hit the window glass with its head, and there were more than one." The woman replied in horror.

Bumping your head against the window glass?Everyone is frowning, how is this possible?With the current mobility of zombies, it is impossible to have.
"Wait! What are you talking about!? You smashed the window glass with your head!?" Fang Hujun suddenly asked loudly.

"Yes! The glass was shattered piece by piece. The zombie who smashed the glass first crashed and fell into the RV. The girl stabbed her head fiercely with a long sword, and then the collision didn't stop. I stood up dizzy and couldn't dare Believe your own eyes, there are dozens of zombies standing not far away and screaming, unlike those zombies who knocked on the glass with their hands, they were waiting for an opportunity, and they rushed towards the car window one by one.

The girl's side was okay, those who rushed in were stabbed to death with long swords on the spot, but on the other side, there were also zombies charging, one after another, as if they had planned it long ago.

The rushing zombie struggled to get up. The injured boy was in the corner. After being found by the rushing zombie, he thought he would be bitten by the zombie. Seeing this, my husband kicked the zombie and pulled the boy over. Who knew He was bitten by the zombie who got up quickly, and the boy pulled out his dagger and pierced it into the head of the zombie, and then shouted loudly, "Drive!!!"

"My husband stumbled into the cab, started the car, and rushed out. Everything happened so suddenly. Can you understand the deep despair? Facing your lover who is about to become that bloodthirsty monster, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Woohoo"

The woman began to sob softly, losing her lover, relatives, all thoughts, and hope of life
"Sister, what happened to the two people you met later? Why aren't they with you?"

Yang Xiaochuan was very sad. After all, this woman's husband was bitten because of Zhang Liang. Her husband is a good man.

"The car's fuel was almost used up, and I found a Huaxia Hydrogen Fueling Station on the side of the road in the suburbs, a self-refueling station. At this time, my husband was already suffering from a high fever.

The young man went down to help refill the fuel. Unexpectedly, a lot of zombies appeared from nowhere around the fuel station. The young man was too late to come back and told us to go quickly. He ran to the other side, and the zombies followed him. I didn't know what to do at the time, the girl jumped out of the window without hesitation, and chased after the boy.

The zombies didn't all chase after them, they began to surround them slowly. Seeing this, my husband endured the pain, started the car and left. There was nothing we could do. We just wanted to live. For the next two days, my husband's legs were black and bloodshot. Stretching up the legs slowly, about the waist we reached the port."

Everyone in Yang Xiaochuan also knew about the following things. Compared with Yang Xiaochuan and everyone in the woman's experience, there is almost nothing to be surprised about. The dangers encountered by everyone are different, and they all escaped from death.
Yang Xiaochuan remained silent. According to the woman's dictation, Zhang Liang was injured. It should be true that the girl who has been stubbornly killing zombies is Zhao Yaru.

It was hard for him to imagine how a high school girl transformed into such a cold person who calmly killed zombies.The key is that when Zhang Liang was in danger, Zhao Yaru jumped out of the window to save others without hesitation. What happened to the two of them?correct!And Li Fei!The boy in the store.Not with Zhang Liang and the others?Is it life or death?

A series of questions made Yang Xiaochuan frown. He knew that Zhang Liang and Zhao Yaru had a hard journey. If such a dangerous situation in the end of the world cannot make a person face death quickly, then there is no possibility of survival. Zhao Yaru may be like this.

I hope that both of them are safe and can escape from Qingshan City together alive.

"Big sister, I have a question to ask you." The uncle in the corner spoke suddenly.

"Ask, and I'll tell you everything I know, but I have a request!" the woman replied.

"If I can do it, I will do my best!" said the uncle firmly.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" The woman cleared her throat.

"You said you saw dozens of zombies standing outside the car, they didn't go up and knock on the window, but rushed into the RV one by one in an orderly manner?" The uncle said in a heavy voice.

"That's right! I can see clearly that they seem to have IQ, and they seem to have more ideas than ordinary slow-moving zombies!" The woman replied.

(End of this chapter)

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