
Chapter 78 The Last Survivor

Chapter 78 The Last Survivor

Qiongqi put away some of the bone spurs on his arm, and turned them into incomplete muscles, only a few long and sharp ones remained.Throwing out the blood red tailbone and stabbing at Qian Feng.

Qian Feng saw the right time and dodged sideways, but missed.Take two quick steps forward and dodge a roll, dodging the swinging arms, and hugging Qiongqi's waist tightly.


Several bone spurs radiated from the body, together with bright red blood, falling all over the ground.

A fishy sweetness rose from Qian Feng's mouth, and blood seeped down the corner of his mouth.

The crisp safety catch of "Gou Yue..'s" fell to the ground.The corners of Qian Feng's eyes were blurred, and his arms tightly hugged Qiongqi's body.


Amidst the violent explosion, the flames soared into the sky!A heat wave hit, and everyone fell to the ground.After the flames dissipated, blood mist enveloped Qiongqi, and fragments of corpses and blood scattered around.

The power of three grenades cannot be underestimated.The last member of the sea patrol team choked up, pulled out a dagger and ran towards Qiongqi viciously.

This time, Qiongqi was almost blown off half of his body and one leg, and only supported his knees on the ground with his other hand.

The coast guard who rushed to Qiongqi found that it was not dead yet.Crazy, he stabbed at Qiongqi's body.

One knife, two knife, three knife
"Pfft—" The blood-red tailbone sprang out from behind, directly pierced the sea patrol member's chest, flung it to the wall next to him, and died.

So far, none of the sea patrol team has survived, and all of them have died in battle.

Yang Xiaochuan looked at this scene without any expression.

Are they not afraid of death?They were afraid, but they still went to die resolutely. He took out two Chaos Blades and looked at the uncle, who then took out the thorns that had been useless for a long time.The two looked at each other tacitly, and ran towards Qiongqi.

The blood-red tailbone pierced the uncle directly, and after knowing Qiongqi's attack method, he accurately predicted and rolled over to dodge.

The tailbone didn't retract, it pulled sideways towards Yang Xiaochuan.The uncle looked up and felt the danger:


A blue light flashed, and the tailbone broke into two sections in the air. Yang Xiaochuan didn't stop, he jumped up quickly, and pretended to chop towards Qiongqi's arm. The front of the body sprang out.

The toes of Yang Xiaochuan's landing turned around on the ground, and his whole body took advantage of the trend to circle behind Qiongqi, avoiding the bone spurs, and the blade of chaos slashed horizontally.

At the moment when the head would be cut off in the next second, a bright red shadow came from the front door.Yang Xiaochuan subconsciously blocked with the other hand holding the knife, with the blade facing outwards, and the huge momentum knocked him flying.

Black blood spewed out like a water pipe burst, and Qiongqi's head landed not far from his body.

Everything is finally over.

Yang Xiaochuan struggled to get up from the ground, a deep gash was cut on his face, which was injured by the back of his own knife under the huge impact of the tailbone and the blade.The uncle ran to Yang Xiaochuan, took out some gauze, applied some medicine, and bandaged him.

"Is it dead?" Yang Xiaochuan asked out of breath.

Looking at the decapitated, rotten flesh lying on the ground in a pool of blood, it was somewhat disgusting. It was hard to imagine that this thing had brought so many sacrifices to them.

Looking not far away, there is a mess in the corner, and the familiar clothes of the sea patrol, it is inevitable to feel a little sad.Tears could not stop under the corner of the eyes.

"Brother Xiaochuan!" Not far away, Fang Hujun, Mao Dan, and Ning Yang also came back together.


Seeing the scene in front of them, Fang Hujun finally breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing the violent explosion, they found that a group of corpses were rushing towards the main street from the corner on the way forward, blocking their way. They had no choice but to turn back return.

On the side of the iron gate in the West District, the dark crowd of zombies should have come from the container colony in the South District, after all, there was such a big commotion.

Just escaped from the claws, and fell into hell again.God won't give them a chance to breathe?

Yang Xiaochuan wiped the corners of his eyes, smiled wryly, and stood up slowly.Looking at the messy sea bar.

"Go! Let's go to Haidong City!"

Fortunately, Wei Ming didn't deceive them about Wei Ming's incident at the Sea Bar.

So everyone pulled down the electric switch, and the hull slowly fell from the top of the bar hall into the channel. Mao Dan jumped on the boat, untied the hanging rope, and found that the key was still there, everyone was very grateful.

Thinking that everything would go well, I proposed to go back and take Wei Ming over, but now they are literally lingering.

Unlike the fossil-fuel engines of the last century, this wooden ocean-going vessel is powered by electric batteries, with barely any sound.

In fact, for the convenience of smuggling, this electric wooden boat was customized in the coat of an old-fashioned foreign ship. When doing things in the port at night, the quieter the sound, the better.

They took some intact high-quality foreign wine, searched for edibles in the bar, and when the tide of corpses appeared on the street and roared in a low voice, they drove the foreign ship out of the port.

The sunset glow reddened the sky with thin clouds. Looking at the harbor from a distance, the tall buildings in the quiet Qingshan City stood tall, and the black smoke rising from all directions could be clearly seen.

They don't know which building is burning again, and which survivors will encounter the terrible biological and chemical weapons like them
Now, they just want to quickly escape from this virus-ravaged and killing city.

Everyone sitting on the deck had nothing to say.The uncle came out of the cab and stopped the boat in place.In another 40 minutes, you can reach Haidong City. From a distance, there is peace there.

"I was thinking, we can't just sail the ship to the port of Haidong City, what do you think?"

The uncle glanced at the crowd and sat beside him. The blushing sunset gradually dimmed, and night would come soon.

Seeing that no one answered, the uncle went on to say, "I don't know how many survivors have escaped like us, but I think it will do us no harm to appear rashly."

"Are we infected with the virus? Will those behind-the-scenes people who can cut off all communications use their connections to assassinate us? Will the government imprison us? We may be shot in the head before we even land. I don’t want any living people to come out of Qingshan City, otherwise, how can that monster explain it? How can it afford to sacrifice such a large weapon to deal with us?”

"Stop talking, uncle." Fang Hujun lowered his head with a choked voice.

The emotions accumulated for a long time made him feel very depressed. He remembered everything and finally understood why he was involved in this well-understood vortex.

The disaster in Qingshan City and the attacks they encountered were not that simple, all of this was premeditated.

He was supposed to die in the Eastern Suburb Hospital, or become a zombie, or was eaten by the zombies, or starved to death. Unexpectedly, he met the uncle and his gang to make him alive to this day.

"Let me tell you again, I missed some things before. Uncle is right, we can't just sail to Haidong City."

(End of this chapter)

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