
Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Yang Xiaochuan didn't understand, how could such a thing be tolerated?He was doubting Fang Hujun's last sentence.

"I once doubted the trickiness of this, and everything I know so far. Because of my own authority, I can only guess: the people behind the scenes secretly carried out virus research and development under the guise of some experiments. The reason for obtaining The information about biological and chemical weapons was deliberately leaked when someone submitted the documents to the Space Alliance."

"Every country has the right to share knowledge. When research encounters difficulties and bottlenecks, the relevant experimental objectives and experimental data are sent to the Space Alliance for help. It can be said that the Space Alliance is the ceiling of human technology."

"When I got the file, I accidentally found a chemical mutagen called "HOPE-103" in the experiment list, which can increase the mutation rate of the virus. I saw several more photos, and the muscle tissue of various animals collapsed. The experimental failed product that exploded is frightening to watch, and the more in-depth research materials have been re-edited and sent to my mailbox."

"I have been dealing with viruses for many years, and I can still see this. This chemical inducer directly changes the virulence of the virus, expands the host range, and has a high binding rate with highly infectious viruses such as influenza, measles, and smallpox. Improper operation or cleaning is a catastrophe for the human world!"

"Against the danger of this project, the Space Alliance informed without reservation, and refused to provide technical support for research and development. However, the representative of the world leader later provided an experimental video, which made the Space Alliance change its mind."

"In the video, a small white mouse with a broken tail was shown in front of the eyes. After being injected with the drug developed by HOPE-103 chemical inducer, the tail grew out intact within 5 seconds! And the biological characteristics of the mouse did not change. Adverse reactions!"

"It grows in 5 seconds? How is it possible? My mother said that no matter how powerful the medicine is, it will take 100 days of cultivation to repair the muscles and bones. Not to mention the recovery time of the mouse tail, whether it can grow back is a question, 5 seconds?"

Maodan sounds a little weird, although he is not very good at reading, he still understands normal logic.

Fang Hujun talked about the whole thing, although he didn't understand half of what he heard, he felt that Brother Fang was not the kind of grandma in the village who talked about gods and gods. There was a statue of God at home all day long, and he kowtowed at every turn, praying in his mouth prayer
But speaking of these now, it is no different from the uncle who gathers at the entrance of the village to play cards all day, and the ghosts and gods who tell anecdotes and legends after dinner!How can the dead wood be rejuvenated, but the broken limbs cannot be restored?
"Don't say it's unbelievable, this is the first time I have questioned science, and at the same time I am in awe of science. In the end, the Space Alliance promised to do further research, but the time will be longer. In the next few years, everything will be normal, followed by I'm helping Africa."

Fang Hujun was relieved and finished speaking.

"You mean, the Space Alliance betrayed you?" the uncle asked thoughtfully after listening for a long time.

"It's not a betrayal. I think someone cheated me and killed someone with a knife. If this incident is reported, some countries will go to war. Especially the dangerous experiment of this virus research and development is enough to make the leaders of most countries step down. "

Fang Hujun said lightly, as if he was not used to these intrigues and calculations.Yang Xiaochuan and the uncle also changed their previous views on the opponent's Lake Army.

The man in front of him, after saying everything, remained calm, with a sense of vicissitudes.But according to what Fang Hujun said, they are now fighting against governments all over the world!

"Xiao Chuan, help me take out this tracker."

"We don't have much medicine on us, and we don't know how deep the knife will go, just in case"

"Don't be afraid, it's just a minor operation, just a few stitches will be enough, just use those spirits to disinfect my wound."

"Here, use mine. My knife hasn't touched a zombie yet. This is what I brought out from the kitchen to cut fruit. It's clean!"

Yang Xiaochuan took the knife without any hesitation, pinpointed the hard spot in the skin where it was implanted, and then cut the surrounding soft tissue.After a while, a metal device the size of a bean was taken out.

Fang Hujun held it in his hand, looked at it, and threw it into the sea.Right now, they need to find a place to go ashore as soon as possible. This boat is not their destination.If he recuperated and recuperated on the ship, he still couldn't escape the fate of being buried in the sea in the end.

"Haidong City has four ports in the east, south, west, and north, and each port cannot be docked. If you don't go to the port, you can't go ashore at other places. They are all vertical sea-eating walls more than 5 meters high. "The uncle said.

Yang Xiaochuan knew in his heart that it wasn't that they were too cautious.But since fleeing, every time they acted cautiously, they did not cause too much sacrifice or loss.Let's talk about the people who met them by chance.
He can only feel sorry in his heart, the death of those people does not prove how fragile he and the others are, but that if he wants to survive, he must be fully prepared.

This time, you can still stay comfortably in the sea, maybe there will be some terrible things jumping out of the sea in the next second, such nonsense things as poor and strange beasts descended from the sky can happen, and then something will come out of the sea Strange beasts are not necessarily impossible
Yang Xiaochuan didn't dare to think about it anymore. Fighting with zombies and biochemical weapons were all pure fighting.

And what about humans?
Then it's not as simple as fighting each other.Although there is more hope for Haidong City, we have to guard against it.

"People's hearts are sinister, so it's better to be careful. During the period of losing contact with the outside world, we only know that there is a virus outbreak in Qingshan City. The indirect information obtained from various sources on the surface tells us that everything in Haidong City is normal. , did not arrive at Haidong City for a moment, whether it is a paradise for fugitives or hell, no one knows."

Yang Xiaochuan agrees with the uncle's worries and knows where the current difficulties lie.It takes at least 40 minutes to sail from their current place to Haidong City. Yang Xiaochuan asked everyone to take a good inventory of their supplies.

Everyone still has 3 days' worth of food and drink, and the rest is the spirits brought from the sea cafe. 3 automatic rifles, 3 automatic rifles with full magazines, 2 pistols, 1 pistol with full magazines.Then there is the cold weapon that everyone uses on their own.The whole boat was also turned upside down by them, and there was almost nothing.

Faced with the only supplies in front of him, Yang Xiaochuan thought about it and had no choice. How can he know the situation in Haidong City and go ashore safely?
When he saw that the uncle's fully automatic rifle was completely different from his own, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "I have a solution!"

(End of this chapter)

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