Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 102 18th Floor Ghost

Chapter 102 18th Floor Ghost

Finally, the long-lost summer vacation is coming!
Niu Yun is about to leave. His hometown is in the far north. He was looking at the ticket a few days before the holiday: "Hey, you said that the train starts with k, which means express, and t means express, so what is the one starting with z?"

He asked a casual question, and Xu Tian replied seriously: "Quick."

Niu Yun: "66666."

After Shen Pan laughed, he said, "Then we will take you there the day after tomorrow."

The time for parting finally came, and Shen Pan drove Niu Yun to the high-speed rail station in his other car, the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

When parting, Xu Tian said to Niu Yun, who was carrying big bags and small bags, "I'll go buy some oranges. You stay here, don't move around."

Niu Yun: "???"

[Negative emotion value from Niu Yun, +444! 】

Niu Yun, who was still a little bit sad about parting, sprayed at that time, gritted his teeth and said, "You don't even forget to take advantage of me."

Shen Pan: "Hahahaha."

Xu Tian's line is from Zhu Ziqing's "Back View", which is written by his father before sending Zhu Ziqing to the train. Xu Tian's use of this line is tantamount to implying that he is Niu Yun and his father...

After sending Niu Yun away (this sounds weird), Shen Pan and Xu Tian had nothing to do, so they went to the Internet cafe for a while, and then went to have dinner. The training class is also a holiday, and there is no need to go to class at night. The two of them played until late, and then went back to Haiyuan Mingdu together. Both of them have a house there.

"Go and sit with me for a while?" Shen Pan asked while backing the tough guy off-road vehicle into the parking space.

Xu Tian nodded: "OK."

After parking the car in the parking space, the two walked to Unit 3 and were about to go in when Shen Pan suddenly widened his eyes and looked into a dark bush in front of him: "Just now... I seemed to be there just now, look There was a face, but it was gone in a blink of an eye..."

Xu Tian followed his line of sight to look at the cluster of bushes, and his expression changed immediately: "Could it be... the legend is true?"

When Shen Pan heard it, his heart became even more frightened: "What... what legend?"

Xu Tian: "Dogs can see things that humans can't..."

Shen Pan: "???"

[Negative emotion value from Shen Pan, +322! 】

Shen Pan said anxiously: "I really saw that there was a face, it was pale and pale, and when I looked over, it just opened its eyes, and it didn't even have eyeballs!"

Xu Tian curled his lips: "You haven't slept yet, why are you talking nonsense in your sleep?"

[Negative emotion value from Shen Pan, +114! 】

Shen Pan: "I really..."

Xu Tian: "You're really wrong..."

[Negative emotion value from Shen Pan, +215! 】

Xu Tian: "Okay, go up, don't think about it."

When he arrived in the elevator, Shen Pan was still a little absent-minded, and when Xu Tian talked to him, he was also in a daze and didn't have any thoughts to speak, and said to himself:
"I'm thinking, should I tell my dad about this? I always feel that I must have read it wrong. Didn't I often hear news of ghosts appearing before the spiritual energy recovered? Now that the world has changed, maybe... really Ghost!"

Xu Tian has no interface.

Of course, he also sensed an unusual sinister aura in that area.

But after Shen Pan yelled that sentence, the evil spirit suddenly disappeared strangely.

So Xu Tian knew better than Shen Pan that there might really be something dirty in that cluster of bushes just now.

But he didn't care.

This kind of demon heretics is insignificant to him.

"The signal in the elevator is really bad."

Shen Pan'an called his father, but he didn't get through.

As the elevator continued to go up, the tender sapling of the Heavenly Dao Tree in Xu Tian's heart suddenly trembled, and suddenly, a strong evil spirit suddenly filled the entire narrow elevator space.

Xu Tian: "???"

Shen Pan'an, who was sending WeChat to his father, also shivered: "Hey, it's strange, what's going on, I suddenly feel a little cold."

At this moment, the elevator stopped suddenly, Xu Tian subconsciously looked at the floor, 18.

A very unlucky number.

There was no one else in the elevator except the two of them, the community was still very new, most of the suites were still being renovated, and there were not many people staying there yet.

Obviously, residents on the 18th floor outside pressed the button.

The building security system of Haiyuan Mingdu is very strict. The elevators are all swiped like hotels. The cards in the hands of each resident can only allow them to swipe the card to stay on the floor of their own house, so as not to disturb the residents on other floors.

For example, the elevator cards of Xu Tian and Xu Chun can only stay on the 28th floor of their building.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Shen Pan'an was so frightened by what appeared at the door that he almost jumped up, and took a step back with horror on his face.

It turned out to be a woman with disheveled hair and a long white dress!
This person's appearance is quite ghost-like, especially since he can't see his face with his head down, which adds a bit of treachery and mystery.

No wonder Shen Pan'an was almost scared to pee.

The woman poked her head in and took a look. From the angle of Xu Tian's 1.8 meters tall, she could only see a pale and tall nose, a mouth and a pointed chin underneath.

Immediately, the woman muttered: "Strange, why are there so many people today..."

The voice is very low, and a little hoarse, very unpleasant.

Shen Panan: "???"

No, I feel like I'm going to pee out!
But at least it sounds like this woman is normal.

But what the hell are you saying there are so many people in the elevator!
Labor and management were almost scared to pee when they were downstairs just now, and now you are doing this again!
Eldest sister, are you here to trick me on purpose?
Xu Tian was expressionless, watching the woman walk into the elevator with cold eyes, then turned around, leaving him and Shen Pan'an with the hunched back.

The elevator door closed.

Shen Pan'an's heart was beating wildly.

"Gluck cluck cluck..."

Following the creepy laughter from the woman's mouth, the lights in the elevator flickered on and off, and the thin shoulders of the woman in front of her also trembled violently.

Shen Pan'an's breathing became rapid all of a sudden, just as he felt that this woman might be normal, he immediately realized that he might have misunderstood again.

Xu Tian's face became more and more serious.

As the lights flickered, the woman suddenly turned to face the two, revealing a pale and bloodless face, staring at the two with a pair of white eyes with no eyeballs. At the same time, she opened her mouth to a level that is absolutely impossible for normal people It was almost able to swallow a pumpkin in one gulp, and there was a squealing sound similar to fingernails scratching a blackboard.

Shen Pan'an covered his ears and screamed, the sound made him feel so uncomfortable that he wanted to go crazy!
The next moment, the woman's hair seemed to come alive suddenly, winding towards Xu Tian like countless snakes.

Sure enough, it was aimed at him!
(End of this chapter)

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