Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 122 I Only Swear

Chapter 122 I Only Swear
"Since when are you still in charge of drug trafficking?"

Zhang Bairen smiled: "It's not complicated. The Qi Refining Sect will not interfere with social security issues, but we can't just sit idly by when monks are involved. Go ahead, He Bing will tell you the details of the mission, including the known list of drug gangs." etc."

All right, Xu Tian didn't say much, and went back to contact He Bing.

The whole afternoon of the second day, Xu Tian stayed with He Bing, listening to him explain the mission content in detail, and keeping in mind the list of drug gangs, gender, appearance, personal information and so on.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Tiangang and He Bing parted ways, and when they were about to leave in their luxury car, they received a WeChat message from Xu Chun:
Brother, I dreamed that when I was young, you held my hand and took me to buy vegetables, but you suddenly stood still and didn’t speak. I asked you what’s wrong, and you said that you had Alzheimer’s, and you might never remember me again. Yes, I was suddenly so sad, so I woke up crying, I hope you will never grow old and stay by my side forever.

Seeing Xu Tian's heart warming, the second child is usually not in good shape, but in fact he is quite kind and sentimental, and immediately replied very touched: Why do you go to bed at five o'clock in the afternoon?
Xu Chun: "???"

Negative emotion value from Xu Chun, +666!

Xu Tian got up early the next day to go to work. He had already done his homework yesterday and knew the addresses of these drug gangs like the back of his hand.

What makes me feel helpless is that the Qi Refining Sect clearly knew the specific information about the drug gang and that it was a criminal organization, but they didn't take any action.

In He Bing's words, the Tianyuan Foundation is not an organization aimed at ordinary people, and has no obligation to intervene in domestic security issues.

Therefore, his task is only to determine whether there are monks in the drug gang, and if so, to bring them to justice independently.

As for other things, I believe the criminal police in this country, they will handle it well.


Xu Tian first arrived near the apartment where a small leader of the drug gang named Zhang Jie lived, and jumped to the roof to observe. Cooperating with the sea of ​​consciousness that he had just opened up in his mind, his five senses were significantly strengthened, and he couldn't even close his eyes. He could feel the flow of people nearby, and the faces of all the people below couldn't escape his observation.

I heard that these people will ship a batch of goods recently, so Xu Tian has to keep an eye on them for the past few days until he finds a flaw.

After squatting until about 02:30 in the afternoon, he finally saw Zhang Jie's face appearing in the crowd. He made a special observation, and this Zhang Jie didn't have a leopard head tattoo on his neck...

"Strange, is the information wrong?"

According to the list of drug dealers, Zhang Jie had a leopard head on his neck, and he remembered it very clearly.

Most people don't remember such unimportant details, but who is he?He is Xu Tian!Xu Tian, ​​whose brain circuit is different from that of normal people, has noticed it since he was born. He specially picked Zhang Jie because he has a tattoo on his neck that makes it easier to find...

Who knew that this person who appeared under his nose had no tattoos?

Then Xu Tian also noticed that there were a few people who behaved differently from ordinary people in the distance. Seeing Zhang Jie coming out, they whispered to each other and took out the walkie-talkie.

Most likely, these people should be criminal police in plain clothes.

It turned out that the police had already noticed this group of criminal gangs.

When they saw Zhang Jie, they hid in the crowd and followed him secretly.

Under such circumstances, if the man surnamed Zhang really dared to carry out illegal transactions, Xu Tian believed that he would be caught immediately.

These are not things he can control, but since the police are watching, he doesn't bother to do anything more, it's better to spend his time on other people.

His figure disappeared on the roof of the apartment building with a whoosh, and when he reappeared, he was already on the roof of another building more than 30 meters away.

He had just arrived at the residence of two other members of the love gang, Zhen Quan and Jia Qingqing, and found that the couple happened to be driving out in that old 08 Santana.

Xu Tian immediately followed all the way secretly.

He's good at it.

After all, it has already been done.

The old white Santana was driving the back road to the country.

About [-] kilometers away, I came to a place called Luota Town, which is a mountainous area with few people and beautiful mountains and rivers.

Xu Tian followed them into a village called Queshanling.

There was an abandoned factory near the mountain, Xu Tian jumped onto a tall tree, and saw two people smoking at the door of the abandoned factory, one of them was shirtless and had little flesh on his body...

Zhang Jie? ? ? ?
Xu Tian was taken aback at the time, isn't that face the same as Zhang Jie's?
Didn't Zhang Jie just come out of his apartment before, is there still someone staring at him?
What's going on with this Zhang Jie?

He never believed that the two men were the same person.How could anyone run so far ahead of him so quickly!

He's much faster than a car!
Taking advantage of this Zhang Jie, Xu Tian turned his head and took a closer look.

There is a leopard head!
This Zhang Jie has a leopard head on the back of his neck!
There are indeed two Zhang Jie!
The second monk Xu Tianzhang couldn't figure it out. Are they twin brothers, or is there a monk among them who can change his face?
Is the one with the tattoo the real thing or the one without the tattoo?
Later, another group of people came, driving a Buick GL8 commercial vehicle, six or seven people got off, and Zhang Jie, who was guarding a box and wearing a gold chain around his neck, went up enthusiastically to have a bear with a middle-aged man with a big belly. Hug, and then invite them in.

Xu Tian jumped onto another tree, sneaked closer, and then quietly landed next to the abandoned factory building, approaching almost without making a sound——

The factory building was riddled with holes, so Xu Tian stooped down and secretly threw himself through a hole in the wall panel to observe the inside.

No one found him.

"Boss Qiu, this is a bit too expensive."

This was said by Zhang Jie, who was shirtless. While picking his nails with a woodpecker knife, he looked at the portly man in a suit with a bit of embarrassment.

"This is our latest product..."

Then it was a bargain, and Xu Tian could see clearly that Zhang Jie was the recipient of the goods, which was equivalent to a second-level distributor, and the one called Mr. Qiu was probably the manufacturer.

In the end, Zhang Jie asked his subordinates to scan the QR code to transfer the money, and kept the box brought by Boss Qiu, and Boss Qiu and his party left contentedly.

Xu Tian continued to hide and wait. Not long after Boss Qiu and his party left, Zhang Jie also waved his hand, and took the other three men into the old Santana and started on the road.

Xu Tian followed behind, looking for an opportunity to touch Zhang Jie to determine whether he was a monk and how high he was.

The distance was too far, or it might be because his cultivation base was too weak. From the two Zhang Jies, he couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation of divine power.

The opportunity finally came. When they were about to enter the city, they stopped at the gas station to refuel, and Zhang Jie got out of the car and walked to the public toilet.

Xu Tian immediately jumped down from the tall building with a whoosh, landed on the public toilet, and jumped down while no one was around.

Then he swaggered into the toilet pretending to be a passerby, and bumped into Zhang Jie who was walking towards him with his pants up.

"Do you really have eyes?"

Zhang Jie started spraying immediately.

Xu Tian: "Sorry, I only scold people, not you."

Zhang Jie suddenly looked shocked and angry: "???"

[Resentment from Zhang Jie, +332! 】


Zhang Jie looked as if he was about to pull out his fist to beat him, but he held back in the end, probably because he thought about the shipment and didn't want to cause trouble at this juncture...

Looking at Zhang Jie who turned around and left after a curse, Xu Tian touched his chin thoughtfully.

This person looked like a mortal from a distance, but he still didn't have any mana fluctuations from a close look.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a monk.

Now it seems that another Zhang Jie should be his real goal...


It was late at night, Xu Tian sat on the railing of a tall building and yawned.

It's not sleepy, it's just too boring.

There is a street nearly [-] meters away under his feet, and the cars and pedestrians are as small as sesame seeds. It is said that he still had a little fear of heights in the past, but since the awakening of the supernatural power, he no longer has this mental illness.

It has been more than six hours since Zhang Jie and his party returned to the urban area. It was already midnight, and Xu Tian was squatting on the top of the opposite building and staring at them for a long time.

Agents are really not something that ordinary people can do...

It's so boring.

He has basically confirmed that the other Zhang Jie is the monk he is looking for, but right now he can only stare at this group of people. After all, he does not know the movements of this group of people. If he runs to find Zhang Jie over there, Zhang Jie over there was nowhere to be found, so he turned around to look for Zhang Jie here, and Zhang Jie here was nowhere to be found either.

So embarrassing.

So he can only stare at Zhang Jie under his nose, and when he leaves to meet another Zhang Jie, then his task will be done.

Finally, at about two o'clock in the middle of the night, Zhang Jie took the three horse boys out. This time Zhang Jie dressed himself up very tightly, put on a peaked cap, and lowered the brim of the hat very low.

"Finally I'm willing to go..." Under the bright moon, Xu Tian got up and stretched long.

It was another remote mountain village far away from the outskirts of the city. Zhang Jie and his party arrived first and stopped the car outside a construction site.

The other wave of people hadn't arrived yet, Xu Tian guessed that it was another Zhang Jie, that fake Zhang Jie...

Almost ready for action.

Xu Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark, flew out, passed between the three of them, and beat them down with a knife in his hand. Then Xu Tian dragged the four of them to the nearby grove to hide, while he put on the badges. Jay's cap came out and got in the car.

After a while, a Hyundai car from the opposite side flashed its high beams at him from a distance, and he flashed its high beams in response.

A bald man in his 30s got out of the opposite car.

As the distance got closer, Xu Tian finally felt a familiar wave of mana from this person.

That's right... This guy is also a foundation cultivator.

Xu Tian lowered his peaked cap to cover half of his face and got out of the car, facing the other party's headlights, carrying the box and walking up.

(End of this chapter)

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