Chapter 125
Guardian?Is it the job title that Lao Zhang arranged for himself?
Xu Tian didn't know much about the specifics, and the level shouldn't be too low, so he said, "It seems to be."

Blonde: "???"

Negative emotion value from kitty Amanda +9
What does it mean to be like... Bullying my Chinese is not good...

The blond Katie said: "The higher ups sent me to take care of your task, then Guardian Xu will leave this person to us."

"Oh." Xu Tian had no objection, someone came out to wash the floor, and he was happy to relax.

After escorting the monk behind the criminal gang into the car, Katie offered again:

"Protector Xu, let me take you back."

Of course Xu Tian had no objection and got into their business car.

During the conversation, Xu Tian learned that this girl had only been in China for three years, and she was sent by the headquarters of the monk Qi Refining Sect.

"So my Chinese is not very good, Xu Hufa forgive me."

Xu Tian waved his hand: "I can speak ancient Chinese, and my language level is quite good."

Katie heard that the boss was praising herself, and was very happy for a while, and said, "Really."

Chatting again, this beautiful foreign girl suddenly said: "I like everything in China very much."

Xu Tian: "How much do you like it?"

The girl didn't think he had any other intentions at all, and said to herself: "In short, I like it very much. It doesn't cost money to see a doctor. My husband is a surgeon. Everyone respects him very much. I heard him say that doctors in some countries Very low status."

Xu Tian suddenly became interested when he heard the words: "The status of foreign doctors is very low? How do you say that?"

Katie: "He said that many people abroad look down on doctors."

Xu Tian: "..."

Several other subordinates in gray and white uniforms also almost sprayed.

Xu Tian explained: "Looking down does not mean looking down on doctors, but looking down on doctors."

Katie: "???"

The poor foreign girl was completely dizzy...

Xu Tian couldn't help but find it very funny, the Chinese characters are so extensive and profound that they cannot be easily understood by the natives of the West!
Many people who learn English are envious of those young children abroad. Why can they speak English so fluently and easily, but they can't learn it by themselves?

Do you let foreigners come and learn our Chinese?

Lao Mi doesn't know what's going on. The war between humans and beasts is getting more and more intense. I heard that a terrifying monster comparable to a master of Jindan has appeared in Michigan. A monster of the bloodline, simply put, is a hybrid of a dragon and something else...

That thing bigger than Godzilla is called, "Speed ​​Raptor"!
That guy, that's a dick, the fire that spewed out made the sky red, he stomped down half of Michigan, and the fighter jets he sent had his teeth gaped.

The United States is still fighting alone.

From a biological point of view, the species produced by hybrids are indeed better than pure ones. For example, hybrid rice has a much higher probability of survival than ordinary rice, and its quality is also better. The motherland relies on Yuan Lao's technology to feed itself. how much population.

Another example is the combination of parents in a long-distance relationship. One is from the north and the other is from the south. Most of the children born are much smarter than ordinary people, let alone children born from cross-border marriages. They are all superior in appearance, but of course it is not absolute. Yes, good-looking people are called hybrids, and ugly people are called hybrids...

Another example is the combination of Saiyans and Earthlings, Frieza would be afraid of it!
...there are not too many examples of this kind.

What's more, the velociraptor is still a hybrid of dragons, and it is so strong that there is nothing to say. In time, it may even be worse than its dragon ancestors.

But the United States has suffered such heavy losses, and it has almost reached the most dangerous moment. They are still reluctant to ask for foreign aid.

Lao Mi's stubborn appearance is very similar to Xu Chun who is 0/8 and wants to jump over the tower to kill others...

It is simply a 24K gold iron head!
Xu Tian is surprised, can't let go of your face as the most powerful country?By the way, the number one power should already be Shanghua, so what is Lao Mi doing to save face?

However, Lao Mi didn't speak up, and it's not easy for others to intervene, so everyone can only watch the land of the country of Mi being trampled by the minions of monsters.

In the past few days, news of being attacked by monsters has also spread from other countries. As many people expected, it is said that they are not domestically produced, but smuggled across the ocean from the United States.

It's hard for those countries.

But the strange thing is that Xu Tian's worst plan was that monsters would attack China, but the bad phenomenon that coastal cities like Hongzhou borne the brunt did not happen.

As in the past, Shanghua was peaceful, and everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, singing and dancing.

This is not the fake comfort of "a businesswoman who doesn't know the hatred of subjugation, but still sings flowers in the backyard across the river", but a real stability, impregnable, without any threat.

The current crisis that the United States is facing is not only foreign monsters, but also internal turmoil-doesn’t most people in Lao Mi have guns, so there have always been some Chinese people who can’t see it in real life for a lifetime criminal behavior.

For example, the scene of gangsters holding guns and police biubiubiu shooting at each other on the street, you can’t see it at all in China, but it’s commonplace in foreign countries, some foreigners in the western region listen to gunshots Those who eat, can't eat or sleep all day without listening to the gunshots.

It's already that bird in peacetime, let alone the end of the world?

Monsters are raging, the army and police are exhausted, and the world is in chaos. Many unscrupulous people unscrupulously release their inner beasts, murder, set fire, rape and robbery, and do all kinds of evil.

A typical example is a serial killer who was sentenced to prison eight years ago—there are many serial killers in the United States, but there are none in China. It can be seen that education is definitely much more advanced and high-quality in my country.

The prison where the murderer "George" was located was destroyed by monsters. He survived by chance and gained the long-lost freedom. Afterwards, this devil with a distorted and perverted personality, who had been suppressed in the prison for so long, became worse and worse. It turned out.

He shot one by one, holding the full 98K he picked up, and rushed to the scene of fighting monsters-don't get me wrong, he didn't go to kill monsters, but to kill soldiers.

With hatred for the U.S. government, he singles out those U.S. troops who have lost their armor and armor and are defeated, hiding in the dark and sniping at them...

This person has not been arrested yet, and hundreds of ordinary people and soldiers have died at his hands...

The frightening thing is that there are too many perverts like the serial killer "George" in the United States...

With internal and external troubles, the United States is in jeopardy.

Other countries are also having a hard time, and some countries that were attacked by monsters are also devastated and suffer heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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