Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 127 Not 1994

Chapter 127 Not 1994
He Bing smiled wryly and shook his head:
"It's amazing... It's unbelievable that my cultivation has reached the same level as mine. I've only just reached Jindan for less than ten years."

Han Shuyin also had the same opinion, and sincerely sighed: "Young people are awesome..."

Xu Tian: "It seems very old."

Han Shu listened to the music, and looked at Xu Tian as if he had discovered a new world:

"Yo, I didn't think about it, and you can still say nice things?"

Xu Tian: "Isn't it just 6 years older than me. At 25 years old, he is a Golden Core cultivator. It's very powerful, okay?"

Xu Tian's words are not flattering, Han Shuyin's 94 years, but already in the golden core stage, quite amazing.

Han Shuyin was taken aback: "Who told me I'm only six years older?"

This time it was Xu Tian's turn to be stunned: "Didn't you say it, it was in 94. I was the one who asked this question back then."

Negative emotion value from Han Shuyin, +35!

Probably because she suddenly recalled the scene when Xu Tian choked, Han Shuyin gave him an angry look, and then she could not help smiling, with dimples on her tender face, and said:

"I said I was in 94, but I didn't say which year it was in 94."

Xu Tian: "???"

Han Shuyin didn't say which one in 94, and Xu Tian didn't ask again. It's not appropriate to ask a girl's age, let alone a cultivator who can't tell her age...

The beautiful class teacher Han Shuyin... was born in 1694 or 1094... a thousand-year-old demon?

This information is a bit explosive...

Xu Tian couldn't wait to see what Shen Pan'an's expression would look like after hearing the news...

It turns out that the circle of monks is also so complicated, it is comparable to that of the entertainment circle.

Seeing beauties in the entertainment circle, many people will habitually think that she is whole. When seeing beauties in the cultivating circle in the future, Xu Tian will doubt whether she is Grandma Tsunade...

From now on, I dare not face up to the beauties in the circle!

Sure enough, the world of practice cannot be judged by common sense. It is very likely that a thousand-year-old old woman is as tender as a newborn, with a good face, and her level is really high.

As we all know, the body that has been soaked in mana all the year round has a metabolism hundreds or even thousands of times faster than ordinary people, and the cell activity is amazing, and it hardly ages. No wonder the stronger the monk, the more energetic and bloody he is, and he doesn't need to sleep and rest , Physical strength is always at its peak, and there will be no minor ailments.

Like Xu Tian himself, he estimates that he will always maintain his current appearance in the future and will not age anymore.

"The situation in the United States is not optimistic right now."

Then it's time to talk about business. When it comes to this mission, Han Shuyin, who has always been a little cynical, also looks a little dignified, "We are going this time, the risk is very high."

Xu Tian frowned and corrected: "Teacher, how can you be so pessimistic? What do you mean by high risk? I think we are probably dead this time."

Han Shuyin: "???"

He Bing: "???"

Negative emotion value from Han Shuyin, +666!
Negative sentiment value from He Bing, +488!
Han Shuyin narrowed his eyes slightly, with a faint vein appearing on his forehead: "Let me tell you...have you bought insurance?"

Xu Tian shook his head: "Not yet."

Han Shuyin: "Go and buy a personal accident insurance. As the class teacher, this is my last life suggestion."

Xu Tian blinked: "Why do you also sell insurance part-time, teacher?"

Han Shuyin touched his forehead and said, "No, I just think that sooner or later, I will be beaten to death, so I can save a little for my family..."

Xu Tian: "..."

He Bing sighed: "But what I'm telling you is the truth, we're going here... more bad luck than good luck."

Xu Tian hesitated for a moment, and said casually, "If you know it's so dangerous, don't go. Why do you have to die? Isn't it good to live?"

This is what he really thinks in his heart.

The United States is now like a bird, and even Jindan monsters have appeared, the kind of existence that is said to be able to kill a monk with a single roar. Once Han Shuyin and the others join the battle, it can be said that they are close to death.

Regardless of the fact that Han Shuyin and He Bing are both Jindan monks, they are not enough to look at in such an earth-shattering scene. Most likely, they are contributing two higher-level nutrients to the land of the United States, which is commonly known as...cannon fodder.

But after getting along for so long, Xu Tian and these two teachers, as well as other teachers who are about to leave Shanghua to fight foreign aid to the United States, have feelings for each other.

Although I really don't want to admit that my heart is not that strong, although I don't want to be a person who cares about me, although Xu Tian always tells himself that there are only brothers and sisters in his world, and there can only be brothers and sisters, but he still I have to admit that the people around me, including Su Tong's family, the teachers, and Shen Pan'an, Niu Yun and his buddies...

Unknowingly, they have already occupied a very important position in his mind.

Do you want to watch them die?
Xu Tian is 1 reluctant.

Hearing this question, Han and He were silent for a while, and looked at each other, Han Shuyin smiled sassyly, and said to him:
"We are not going to die, but to fight to live."

Xu Tian was suddenly silent when he heard the words.

He didn't want to persuade them any more, and even regretted the words that slowed them down just now.

He hasn't reached that position yet, so he doesn't know so many inside stories.

Naturally, they couldn't understand Han Shuyin's position.

It was as if others were not him, and would not understand him. Similarly, he was not Han Shuyin, He Bing, or any of those who were determined to obey the Qi Refining Sect's deployment to resist foreign aid.

He couldn't understand them either.

Asking him to give up his life to fight for the so-called justice, honor or other noble things, he is absolutely unwilling.

But not understanding doesn't mean he doesn't agree.

So he didn't want to persuade any more.

It's not that he's willing to just watch his former teachers die one by one.

It's because he knows that everyone has their own way, they have made up their minds, and he should respect their choice.

Although, their choice might be something he couldn't bear to see...death.

All Xu Tian could do was stand up slowly and raised the goblet in his hand.

Seeing this, Han Shuyin and He Bing raised their wine glasses at the same time and touched him lightly.

Xu Tian raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

"Teacher, please be sure..." Xu Tian stood up straight, "Come back alive!"

Han Shuyin and He Bing both stared blankly, then looked at each other, and replied in unison: "Yes!"


After eating this meal, Xu Tian actually didn't understand what he was going to teach in the future.

Because Han Shuyin and the others didn't even know about the arrangements for him...

Xu Tian was stunned, why did those two invite me to dinner? Dare love is to celebrate your student becoming a Dharma protector, and take care of me by the way, say goodbye to me?

I thought I was handing over work...

Xu Tian was a little helpless, let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, the contract has been signed. In view of the annual salary of 3000 million, let alone teaching magic, he has to do it even if he is asked to teach physiology on the spot.

It’s just that I have to plan and plan well. After all, I am a teacher, and I have to teach so many students in the future. I should think about how to be effective and efficient... pissing off these flowers in the world of cultivating immortals to earn more negative emotional value.

(End of this chapter)

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