Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 162 Soft Persimmons

Chapter 162 Soft Persimmons

Seeing the other party leave as if nothing had happened, everyone was speechless.

Dude, are you a jerk? ?

Pulled down for a trip, just to have a show?

Is it really impossible to treat the gang of miscellaneous ghosts outside?

In fact, they really thought too much, they didn't take this matter seriously at all, but directly found a comfortable place and fell asleep, snoring like thunder.

But this is not surprising, the eagle soaring above the nine heavens will not care about a group of chirping sparrows...

Maybe it's cruel to say that, but every adult who walks out of the campus is imagining how to achieve great success, but the fact is that after two months, he is exhausted physically and mentally. Do you regret it?If mortals are like this, the world of cultivating immortals must be even worse.

The king of heaven... Xu Tian does not have a stalwart background, and he doesn't have much trouble in his heart, because the other party's wine and stories have nothing to do with him.

The experience of growing up made Xu Tian not pay too much attention to some invalid interpersonal relationships.

The appearance of Uranus rekindled the atmosphere in the arena.

The big bosses on one's own side don't care about themselves, but the big bosses on the other side are eyeing them covetously, so it's completely understandable for these foreigners to admit cowardice. I can't hold back this breath, so I can only follow the route of the old women in the countryside, screaming there, and I almost grab a handful of melon seeds in my hand.

"You guys are too barbaric, you beat people like X, and you don't know how to say sorry?" A black boy barked his teeth and claws like a gecko and shouted.

"You dare to beat our aborigines on our land, you are so audacious!"

"You guys, get out of this land, we don't welcome you here!"

"We are a society ruled by law, and you must bear legal responsibility!"


Hearing this, Xu Tian laughed unkindly. He was really like some rural aunts. He was obviously the one who found fault first, but then bit back when he found out that he couldn't beat it. This is really, mother's fault. Mom, your grandma.

However, he can also understand the thinking of these foreigners. Their territory has been dominated by people with supernatural powers. Things are inevitable.

However, they were blinded by the sand from top to bottom. In front of the heroes of the Kyushu in the East, you have to lie down even if you are a bug, and you have to rest even if you are a fly.

Although Chinese has been popularized for a long time, the habit of learning English is still preserved. Therefore, many people in the team can understand what they say, so they are embarrassed to eat after they don't talk back: "Sun thief, I am still here How pitiful, do you want to be both an alarm clock and a signboard?"

This poisonous and hurtful voice was somewhat familiar, and Xu Tian really saw an acquaintance when he looked for his reputation.Left column.

The reputation of this poisonous tongue is not for nothing.

With the backing of the Nascent Soul master, although that master is sometimes too lazy to participate, the self-confidence on the Chinese side is still very high. This may be the reason why many people in the entertainment industry recognize their godfather everywhere.

Until Xu Tian's ears were getting callused, he had no choice but to stand up, and the two parties in the dispute quieted down instantly. Xu Tian said kindly:
"It's inevitable for us to have some friction when we meet for the first time. However, the world is nothing more than the world, and we can't sit down and negotiate, or make an appointment for another time and place, and then calmly select representatives to fight each other and decide the outcome by fate. Woolen cloth?"


After a brief silence, the Yankee was more like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, making a fuss.

"Shit! Little boy, is he so rampant?"

"It's funny, it makes me want to eat shit, oh no, I want him to eat shit."

"No, no, no! I heard that in their country, there is a place called a latrine, where you can soak him directly!"


John, the green-haired foreigner who was beaten up before, seemed to have found an outlet, and took two steps forward, pointing at Xu Tian with a contemptuous expression, and said, "Boy, practice, I'll let you have a hand."

Xu Tian looked a little flustered: "We two? Dan Lian? Ah You Shuo??"

"Of course, you can also confess, I won't make things difficult for you." Green-haired John showed a sly smile at the corner of his mouth.

Xu Tian: ".I.I'm worried that you will be hurt again. So, why don't you pull another back, two people or a group of people, so that you don't have to embarrass yourself alone."

Green-haired John's complexion instantly became extremely exciting as if he was eating shit and stuffing his teeth.

The others also laughed unscrupulously.

Because Xu Tian is really too young, and his cultivation base is almost non-existent, so he is a soft persimmon to strangers, of course.

Although these Yankees have no brains, they also thought that Xu Tian was so obsessed. It may be because there are people behind him, but it doesn't matter. This is the USA. When the people behind him find out, everyone has already run away.

Therefore, the green-haired ghost shot angrily and directly killed Xu Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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