Chapter 174
Wang Hai's death was doomed the moment he attacked Xu Tian.Ji Jue broke the mirror and Wang Hai executed him, but the two who survived were not happy about it.

Xu Tian was unhappy because Han Shuyin was sent to the imperial capital. The forces there were complicated and he could no longer control them, at least not now.

As for Ji Jue's unhappiness, it mainly came from Xu Tian.

"Junior brother, have you lived for hundreds of years without using any magic weapon?"

"Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng are also fine."

"Mist grass, I've seen decades of poverty, but it's the first time I've seen centuries of poverty."

"Hey, it really took you hundreds of years to comprehend a golden rule? How do you think I let you do it in one day, no! Did you comprehend it in half a day?"

Ji Jue: "I, your mother died."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Ji Jue: "I, you, can I write an IOU?"

"Hehehe, senior is really pissy! No, senior really knows how to repay kindness, and values ​​love and righteousness."

Negative emotion value from Ji Jue, +1999.

Wang Hai is dead, and more troubles follow.So the immediate priority is to find a new passage to go back or rebuild the altar.

And according to what Wang Hai said before he died, their cooperation on the ancestral star was not something that Xu Tian and his team could compete with. Even if Ji Juexiu made a breakthrough, it was just a little bit more money to save his life.

What's more, Xu Tian's current situation is a bit of a dilemma, and they are afraid of throwing a mouse.

According to the information Wang Hai obtained from his cooperative forces, Zu Xing is apparently in the hands of the three empires, but only the senior practitioners know that there is a heavenly palace above the empire, and that is the real master of Zu Xing By.

Xu Tian and the others immediately thought of Kunzu in the Mariana Trench.

If there is no accident, Kun Zu should come from Tiangong.If that's the case, then they have to restrain themselves a little bit, otherwise, once they provoke Ying Zu, Hu Zu, etc., they will be wiped out by farting casually.

When Xu Tian and the two returned to the descending Tianjiyuan again, almost all the Chinese who survived were there.Ji Jue's return gave everyone a backbone.

"Nothing happened, right?" Xu Tian asked softly, looking at Xu Bingbing who was holding back tears.

"The one named Xiao Xiangxiang has been here!"

"Huh? What is she here for?"

"What did he come for, don't you know?"

Xu Tim:? ? ? ?

Xu Tian was immediately fascinated by Xu Bingbing's nonsensical reaction.

"King Jue Tian, ​​what shall we do next?"

When Xu Tian and Ji were not around, Gong Xinyuan was the strongest in the team, so everyone naturally looked forward to him.Including the fact that Xiao Xiangxiang came here before and wanted to provide them with some help within his ability, which was his decision.

Now that King Jue Tian is back, everyone naturally wants to confirm with him the most important problem at the moment.

"Go to Yulan Palace first!"

This was decided by Ji Jue and the other two on the way back.Without Wang Hai's rebellion, with the strength of the two of them, even if they can't run wild in the ancestral land, it is more than enough to protect themselves.

But now not only was their retreat cut off, but they also faced counterattacks from forces cooperating with Wang Hai.Under this situation, they can only temporarily live in one side, and then wait and see what happens,

And Xiao Xiangxiang also mentioned to Xu Tian that she had seen a similar altar in Xuandu.Therefore, this "good relationship" unexpectedly formed by Xu Tian has become their only choice at present.

When Xu Tian and his group appeared at the gate of Xuandu, out of some kind of psychological activity, he took half a step behind Ji Jue as if nothing had happened, but when the overwhelming negative emotional value emerged in his mind, Xu Tian His face turned black immediately.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Poisoned?"

Xu Tim:? ? ? ?

"He was poisoned? Thank goodness he didn't poison others."

Without the participation of those American idiots, getting along with Chinese people will be much easier.

However, their uniform targeting made Xu Tian feel bad.

"The sages have something to say, I examine myself three times a day, did I pick up money today? Did I hit someone today? So many people are targeting me, is it because they are jealous of my appearance?"

? ? ? ?
"Oh, I'm a mud horse. I've never seen such a brazen person."

In front of the Yulan Palace, there were already a large number of people waiting.only
"Why do I get the feeling they want to go to war?"

"That is, why do they look at us with hostility?"

"The leader is King Yulan? Why is his face so dark?"

"Mist grass, you are blind, that complexion is obviously abnormal, as if you have been poisoned!"

The negative emotion value from Xiao He, +999.

"No, why do I feel that they seem to be looking at the same person?"

"The same person? Who?"

Xu Tim:? ? ? ?

You K, you rub, I'm a mud horse, so I look at what I'm doing.

"Uncle Xiao, I didn't expect to meet again so soon. It's really fate."

The negative emotion value from Xiao He, +999.

Xu Tim:? ? ? ?You wipe!Didn't it just ask for some magic weapon, why is there so much resentment.

"Welcome all fellow Taoists to my Yulan Palace as guests, please come inside." Seeing Xu Tian, ​​Xiao He was really perplexed.

Xiao He's cultivation was at the fifth level of God Transformation. The reason why he accepted Xu Tian and the others to live in his house temporarily was not only because of his precious daughter's request, but also because of Ji Jue.

A master at the Ninth Level of Transformation God Realm is an existence that cannot be ignored even in the imperial capital.

"Prince Xiao is too polite. Please forgive me for disturbing you. We."

"King Jue Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I was negligent before, so you can press your fingerprints again."

When the leaders of both sides were about to exchange false greetings, Xu Tian actually took out a blank piece of paper and asked Ji Jue to press his fingerprints?This wave of coquettish manipulation almost made everyone present go away.

Negative emotion value from Ji Jue, +19999.

Well, the negative emotion value exploded again!
Ji Jue was really bored in his heart, and even his cultivation had faint fluctuations that wanted to explode, but he didn't notice that when Xiao He saw the IOU in Xu Tian's hand, he didn't know why. He suddenly felt that the relationship with Ji Jue had taken another step forward.

"If you can kill your own leader, then it doesn't seem difficult for you to accept a magic weapon." This is Xiao He's psychological dynamic.

"It's done! At the critical moment, I'm still the one who hides merit and fame."

Seeing that there was a gleam of light in Xiao He's eyes, Xu Tian knew that it was likely to happen.As for Ji Jue, he didn't take it to heart at all.In his opinion, he had already saved enough face for him by not calling him junior.

Isn't there a famous saying: If you die poor, you will die your teammates.

(End of this chapter)

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