I win the game of survival

Chapter 21 Sudden Events

Chapter 21 Sudden Events

After closing the call, Ji Xu let out a long breath.

"Are you okay?" Qin Zhengran asked slowly.

He had no intention of inquiring about Ji Xu's affairs, but since she didn't take the initiative to avoid it, he presumably had some trust in him.

"I am fine."

Ji Xu smiled and shook her head. For some reason, she suddenly wanted to talk.

"I have a group of very good subordinates who have followed me for many years."

Her eyes fell on a distant place, as if she had a lot of things on her mind, but it seemed that she was only casual.

Qin Zhengran couldn't understand the emotions in those eyes, nor could he guess her past, but he could clearly feel the melancholy rising from the bottom of his heart, which made people sigh unbearably.

"The guy just now is called Credy. He is quite strong, but his mind is relatively simple. Because of some things, this kid has a severe dependence on me. I thought that after I disappeared, he must have gone crazy. Regardless of the ban, you will come to me."

When she said this, she suddenly smiled helplessly.

"You may not know that Credy can really do this kind of thing. It seems that he has been wronged by saying this. It is better to say that he often does things that do not comply with the regulations."

Ji Xu's tone was relaxed, and the brows were gradually stained with a faint starlight.

"I really didn't expect that he would stay in the starship honestly."

She looked unreal, Qin Zhengran slowed down his breathing.

Noted until later.

It turned out that at some point, it got dark, the evening wind gently stirred the night, and the lights of the city gave out a little warmth.

Returning to reality from the hazy illusion, Qin Zhengran pursed his lips.

Which subordinate would be so close to the boss?Who would believe that he didn't have ulterior motives?

"Your subordinates value you very much, which is good."

What he said was sincere, but it was really tasteful.

Ji Xu didn't say anything, but the curvature of the corners of his lips never diminished.

The two walked for about 10 minutes and finally arrived at their residence.

This is a high-end residential area, walking on the stone road with excellent greening, vines and flowers are wrapped around the quiet wooden fence, scattered low pillars and floor lamps are laid in the grass, and there are vertical hanging lamps full of atmosphere every few meters. lamp.Surrounded by light, you can occasionally see flying insects.

Ji Xu sized it up as she walked, she liked the layout design here, it felt like an open space, well balanced by the layered plants and flowers.

"What do you think of the environment here?"

After entering the elevator, Qin Zhengran pressed the button.

"'Shangjian on the Stream' is known as the city garden. At the beginning, my parents took a fancy to the carefully repaired green partitions here, and then bought the houses here. Each building has ten floors, one floor and one household. There are courtyard designs between the buildings. I think you should also like this feeling of being close to nature."

"It doesn't matter whether I like it or not." Ji Xu joked.

Qin Zhengran blushed slightly, with an unnatural expression, "My family lives on the ninth floor, and I live upstairs. If you want to stay, I'll give you the top floor. I'll go with my parents."

After a pause, he said again.

"I know you have your own place, and I heard you mention the 'base star'. Ji Xu, I am very clear that what you have is probably something I have never imagined, and it has exceeded my imagination, but Selfishly, I hope you can stay, at least for a while."

Ji Xu asked curiously: "Are you reluctant to part with me?"

Being told the central matter, Qin Zhengran could only cover his lips and nod.

"After all, we are together. After going through a period of unusual things, it can be regarded as a shared adversity."

Gritting his teeth, he decided to tell the truth.

"Besides, Ji Xu, I want to get to know you. I know that you have no intention of hiding it, so I dare to say it directly. I just don't know if you have the kind of memory-erasing means shown in movies. , not afraid of being exposed because it can be done at any time”

"Well, I can indeed clear my memory." Ji Xu's tone was flat, deliberately teasing him.

Sure enough, Qin Zhengran's pupils shrank slightly.

He was still about to talk, but the elevator door just opened, and two men and women who looked young approached him, almost bumping into Ji Xu who was about to go out.

Walking in the front, the beautiful woman with an anxious expression couldn't help but exclaimed.


The woman's appearance is dignified and majestic, with gentle brows and eyes like water, revealing a bit of sharpness and heroism.

"Where did you go and why did you come back? I can't get through to you. Your dad and I are talking about looking for you!"

Her heart rate was a little fast, Ji Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and quietly put his right hand into his jacket pocket.

"Little bastard, where did you go? Do you know how much your mother is worried about you? Don't you know that she is not in good health and can't be frightened? We almost called the police! Come back with us quickly, and don't make it clear that this matter is endless. "

The relationship between the three present is already very clear.

Ji Xu frowned, and said solemnly: "Qin Zhengran is fine, are you his parents? Uncle, don't worry, please take this lady out first, the elevator is not ventilated."

Seeing that they didn't understand, Ji Xu explained: "She doesn't look very well, showing signs of illness."

Qin Zhengran and Qin Juezhi reacted immediately, Qin Juezhi made a decisive decision, put his arms around the shoulders of the woman beside him, leaned slightly, lifted her legs, and hugged her gently and steadily.

"Yun Rou, son is fine, don't worry, your heart is not good, adjust your breathing, let's go home and take medicine. Don't be afraid, don't think about anything, it's fine, I will accompany you." Qin Juezhi seemed to be with you after finishing speaking. Uneasy, he said again, "Hey, how are you feeling now? Tell me immediately if you feel uncomfortable, and I'll call an ambulance right away."

Qin Juezhi carried Li Yunrou into the house, laid it flat on the sofa, and then turned his head to get the medicine.

Li Yunrou's face suddenly turned pale, she grabbed her chest and almost fell off the sofa.

Ji Xu's expression changed slightly, and he secretly thought it was not good.

This woman should have been stimulated before, her mind was confused, her heart rate was unstable, and now she is experiencing cardiac arrest.Accidents come suddenly, if no measures are taken, it will lead to sudden death.In this case, whether it is taking medicine or calling an ambulance, it may be too late.

Although he didn't really want to expose himself, saving people was the most important thing, so he didn't think about it, and said directly: "Qin Zhengran, control your father."

After Ji Xu finished speaking, he quickly took out the sealing injection from his pocket, pulled off Li Yunrou's clothes with one hand, and stabbed her chest decisively.


Qin Juezhi was terrified, and felt that he had lost all senses for a moment.When I came back to my senses, I realized that my whole body was tightly hugged, and it was too late to stop it.

"Okay, she's fine."

In the surveying and mapping field of view, the medicinal liquid has already penetrated into the heart, providing sufficient active power.

After Ji Xu finished injecting the injection, he took out another intermediate energy bottle, opened the cap and gave her a sip, then put the rest on the table next to her.

"Her vitality is just draining rapidly, if I don't do this, she may die within seconds."

"I injected her with drugs for heart disease, but the ordinary intravenous delivery is too slow, and the time is too late, so the scene is a little scary, sorry."

After Ji Xu finished speaking, he consciously stepped aside, indicating that he would not make any other moves.

Although Qin Juezhi was still in a daze, part of his reason had already returned.If the girl wasn't here to save others, she wouldn't let Qin Zhengran stop her.

However, he was really scared to death! !

Anxious to confirm his wife's situation, Qin Juezhi scolded: "Little bastard, let me go."

After speaking, he moved his arms, but found that he was still tightly restrained, and cursed in his heart.

"That's your mother! She's still lying there, dead or alive, you bastard, let me go, hurry up! I won't hurt your little girlfriend, let me go quickly."

"What are you talking about, Dad, she's not?" Qin Zhengran was taken aback, and quickly retorted.

"Qin Zhengran, you can let me go, your mother is already awake." Ji Xu reminded.

The attention of the two was immediately diverted, and they walked towards the sofa in a panic.

Although Li Yunrou had just experienced danger, her consciousness was always clear, she knew what happened, and she also knew that it was the girl who came back with her son who saved her.

She opened her eyes and felt her body in surprise.

"I seem to be fine?"

After finishing speaking, under Qin Juezhi's astonished gaze, he stood up steadily, his energetic appearance was not at all like someone who was almost sick and dying.

"Little girl, thank you!"

Li Yunrou looked at Ji Xu, and said sincerely and excitedly.

"I know that I was in danger just now. If it wasn't for you, I might not have opened my eyes again. Actually, my condition has been stable all along. Today is because... I read the news not long ago, saying that something serious happened around here. The accident, Ran Ran never came back, and still didn't answer the phone, so I felt flustered and uncomfortable. Anyway, thank you very much."

Ji Xu nodded and accepted the other party's thanks.

"You're welcome, you are Qin Zhengran's mother, I should save you. Even if a stranger falls in front of me, I won't just watch him die like this."

Hearing this, Li Yunrou relaxed, for some reason, she was a little afraid of this little girl.

Then he couldn't help asking curiously: "What did you give me to drink? It tastes sweet, but it doesn't feel like a drink."

Ji Xu picked up the bottle on the side and handed it to her, explaining.

"This is an energy drug, which can replenish vitality, that is, stimulate the internal and external power of the body cells, and combine with the heart source drug to quickly help you get out of danger."

Li Yunrou looked at the delicate bottle in his hand in surprise, feeling very incredible.

Qin Juezhi's hanging heart has not yet let go. In his cognition, how could someone suddenly fall to the ground and then recover suddenly? This is a bit too magical and bizarre.

Carefully supporting Li Yunrou to sit down, Qin Juezhi carefully confirmed the situation with her.

Ji Xu stood quietly at the side, watching Qin Juezhi and Qin Zhengran circle Li Yunrou for inspection and interrogation before slowly opening his mouth.

"Sorry for scaring you just now."

Qin Juezhi hurriedly raised his head and returned: "No, no, we should thank you for saving Yunrou, why do you apologize to us in turn? We just couldn't react for a moment, what happened just now, Some things are beyond our understanding."

Although he didn't fully understand the current situation, he could still tell the difference between good and bad.

"Boy, why don't you introduce us quickly? We don't know what to call him yet."

Ji Xu spoke first, interrupting Qin Zhengran's entanglement.

"Don't embarrass him. Apart from my name, he probably doesn't know how to introduce me to you."

"My name is Ji Xu."

"Like you, they belong to the cosmic human race."

"However, I am not a human being on this planet, but I am from a distant place—the fourth-level primary interstellar civilization of the Galicchild Complete Globe System."

(End of this chapter)

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