I win the game of survival

Chapter 29 Preparations before the Dungeon

Chapter 29 Preparations before the Dungeon
Gu Jinghai held the small doll and looked it over repeatedly: "The size is about the same as a plush pendant. It can be sent out to explore on its own, and it can be carried to a designated place by a person over a long distance, which saves time. Its function is similar to that of a ground reconnaissance aircraft."

Ji Xu thought so too.

"Han Junqing's talent is focused on analysis, and his mental strength is relatively weak. We have to use his ability wisely, otherwise it will cause damage to him.

I can't bring spiritual recovery injections into the book this time, and everyone's game skills must be used with caution.Your mental strength and body are still unable to support your unlimited use of abilities. "

After he finished speaking, he paused, and then said: "Especially Gu Jinghai and Yin Ci, your abilities are directly linked to your mental strength, so you must control your usage and don't be willful."

Gu Jinghai took off his glasses, paused for two seconds, then wiped them off, joking.

"My ability is almost useless, and it doesn't add much combat power. It may not be useful, so you don't need to worry at all."

Putting on the glasses, he looked a little helpless.

"Because I was worried that I would be slowed down, I simply used the skill points I exchanged, all of my spirit and physique. If there is a night watch in the game, I think I can make some contributions. I feel like I am in the current state, staying up for two big nights It's not tiring."

Ji Xu looked at Gu Jinghai with satisfaction.

"Your decision is very correct. For you, the most important thing at this stage is to improve your physical fitness. I believe that you don't want to get sick or get injured within two days of entering the school."

Bai Hewei couldn't help asking: "Brother Gu, you haven't said what your ability is!"

Gu Jinghai was drinking tea, when he heard this, he put down his teacup.

"My skill card is called "Thought Constructor", and the two unlocked skills are "Thinking Deconstruction" and "Truth Verification".

One can reshape people's minds, similar to forced brainwashing and deep hypnosis.Failure results in the subject's breakdown, insanity, and frenzy.If the mental strength is too much higher than mine, the skills will be invalid.The ability has no side effects on me personally. "

"The second skill, you can understand it as a combined version of super-emotional perception + penetrating into each other's heart, which can effectively identify whether the target is lying.

I feel that the effect of the skill is somewhat similar to her ability that Ji Xu mentioned earlier, but I don't know the principle is different. "

Ji Xu adjusted his sitting posture, leaned his body sideways, put his arms on the armrests, and put his hands on his temples, and said casually.

"Your skills have no side effects? There should be conditions for use, right? For example, Qin Zhengran's "Distortion of Reality", the prerequisite is to have access to the object of operation, and Han Junqing's doll skills, which have a quantity limit and a time limit, you There should be prerequisites for the skill release, right?"

Gu Jinghai's eyes lighted up slightly, he deliberately kept it secret, but Ji Xu noticed it, and suddenly became interested.

"Do you want to guess what is the condition for my skill release?"

The others also set their eyes on her, with some faint anticipation.

"Where do I need to guess? I already know."

Ji Xu lazily rolled up a strand of hair.

"You took off your glasses and wiped them just now. You should be implying to us that the release of skills is related to glasses. For example, you can use glasses to use abilities? I remember the last time I saw you, you didn't wear glasses."

Gu Jinghai couldn't help admiring: "You are really amazing, I thought no one would notice this."

He pointed at his glasses with a helpless tone.

"My myopia is actually not serious, and I only use glasses for office work. I don't usually wear glasses. But the conditions for my skills use must wear glasses, so it became like this."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Yin Ci.

"What are your skills?"

"I also have two skills." Yin Ci replied, "They are "Spiritual Mark" and "Spiritual Bomb", and the card I got is called "Soul Killing Technique"."

"I will master these two abilities after they are unlocked, so I didn't explain them in detail. I don't know how to describe them."

Black Light independently presented the analysis data to Ji Xu, and based on the detected information, she came to a relatively specific conclusion.

"After the 'spiritual mark' is used, it can be used as a positioning and tracking function, and the marked person cannot detect the mark.

'Spirit Bomb' can directly attack all life forms, even energy bodies or radiation bodies, such as souls, ghosts and the like.

The stronger the mental power, the heavier the damage, and it is almost ineffective against ordinary people.

In other words, for those who use mental power as a means of attack, it is almost a devastating blow.

If the two skills are used together, they are simply king bombs. "

Seeing that her analysis was so thorough, Yin Ci couldn't help being a little stunned, but he quickly regained his composure.

There was another heated discussion among the people.

Apparently, having superpowers is a really cool thing for boys.

Seeing that they were almost excited, Ji Xu said.

"Everyone, 1000 points obtained in the game can be exchanged for 1 skill point. Before entering the dungeon, you can look at it and use it. Only by saving your life can you get more possibilities to earn points. Don't be reluctant."

Gu Jinghai raised his hand to signal that he had something to say, and after Ji Xu nodded, he said in a low voice.

"I hope that whether it is an original hunting member or a new partner, after clearing the dungeon in the future, they can hand in a sum of points to the organization.

It doesn't have to be a fixed amount, it can be a percentage.

For example, paying 5% of the points will become the original accumulation of the organization and increase public funds.

This fund is fully managed by Ji Xu, I think everyone should have no objection. "

Gu Jing said by the sea, observing everyone's reactions.

"It stands to reason that veteran players should have to turn in part of the points they got in the first dungeon. After all, these rewards were all earned by Ji Xu. Without her, we wouldn't be able to get four or five digit points."

Ji Xu thought about it for a moment.

"Your proposal is good, I agree."

"Let's start next time. Forget it this time. It's more important for you to improve your strength. As for the points in my hand and the use of public points, I already have a preliminary idea."

Bai Hewei leaned over and grabbed Ji Xu's arm, blinking her eyes.

"You also have something to say?" Ji Xu asked.

Bai Hewei nodded quickly, her beautiful smile was very eye-catching.

"What do you want to say?"

"Ji Xu, needless to say, you must be the leader of the organization, but can you give me the position of commander?"


Qin Zhengran, Yin Ci, and Gu Jinghai firmly denied it with one voice.

Bai Hewei was taken aback, and looked at Han Junqing miserably, trying to win over the only old team member who didn't refute her.

Han Junqing was cautious and couldn't be more cautious: "The position of commander-in-chief may not be suitable for you. There are many things to consider in this role, and you must have a strong psychological quality, be able to withstand pressure, and be able to bear heavy burdens. You don't need to be so hard."

The pretentious smile on Bai Hewei's face gradually disappeared, and her complexion became unsightly.

"You mean, I don't have the big picture, I don't have the qualifications to lead everyone, right?"

She folded her hands, sat up straight, clenched her fists tightly, and said stubbornly.

"I know your plan. You want Ji Xu to be both the leader and the commander by herself, and put all the heavy responsibilities in her hands. We only need to rely on her for everything, but have any of you thought about her? ?”

"She's powerful, so she deserves it?"

Bai Hewei's voice was a little unsteady, but she was still trying to maintain her composure.

"If you think I can't do it, I won't insist on it anymore. You can choose another person who is convinced to be the commander-in-chief. If Ji Xu is willing, she will come."

"However, I will never give up."

Her voice is not loud, but firm enough.

"One day, I will be the commander of all of you, and I will definitely stand beside Ji Xu instead of shrinking behind her!"

Ji Xu has always believed in his own vision.

That's why she likes Bai Hewei.

When everyone has not reacted.

Ji Xu stood up suddenly and leaned forward.

Bai Hewei instinctively held her waist to prevent her from falling.

Then I belatedly realized how ambiguous the two's posture was.

It was a bit difficult to raise her head from this angle, but she still stubbornly went forward.

Ji Xu's cheerful smile calmly shook her mind.

"They think it's useless if you can't do it, but I think it's okay if you can do it."

Ji Xu reached out and tapped Bai Hewei's lips.

"Don't deny yourself so easily, my girl."

She stood up and looked at the people in front of her.

"Bai Hewei will serve as the battlefield commander together with me. Her orders are at the same level as mine. If I'm not here, she will prevail. I will bear any consequences. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and then watch their noses and noses and their hearts.

Just kidding, who dares to have an opinion when the boss speaks in person? !

People are willing to pamper this little green tea, who dares to say no? ?

Bai Hewei was finally happy.

Because he was trusted and supported, especially this person was Ji Xu.

God knows she almost cried at that moment.

Ever since she was a child, it was the first time someone had turned to her like this.

"Ji Xu, we haven't decided on the name of the organization yet." Bai Hewei reached out and pulled Ji Xu's sleeve.

When it came to business, Ji Xu sat down again.

"I have an idea. When we enter the dungeon, in addition to the role of the player, I also want to play a third-party force to find a breaking point. Therefore, when we appear in the form of an organization, the appearance of the members should be as little as possible. Expose, add some mystery to the organization."

Han Junqing suggested: "Why not, when the organization is conducting special operations, all members of the mission should wear masks, how about that?"

Qin Zhengran's eyes lit up when he thought of Ji Xu's armor mask.

"That's a good idea. Ji Xu's mask style is very handsome. We can also wear a black mask so that it looks more uniform."

Ji Xu also agreed with this idea, and then revealed the mask.

Sure enough, the mask with a technological style and a bit of a cyberpunk feel has won unanimous praise.

"My starship has a tool room dedicated to production operations, as well as a batch of rare materials, which can make 14 masks for you, but to be on the safe side, I'd better make a few more, round up, and make 20 masks."

After Ji Xu finished speaking, he turned to look at Bai Hewei.

"What color do you prefer?"

Bai Hewei blurted out.


Then she regretted it.

She knew that everyone else must want the same black color as Ji Xu, so she was about to change her tune.

"You don't need to change it. You can choose red if you like it. Is it okay to have a darker wine red?"

"Yes, I like dark red very much!"

"Well, I'll send a message to let them do it now, and it will be ready and delivered in less than two hours."

Ji Xu looked at everyone.

"The mask is made into a simple one. I don't like too fancy ones."

"Since the symbol of the organization is a red mask, why not name it 'Red Mask', what do you think?"

Naturally, everyone had no opinion and agreed one after another.

Ji Xu sat up a little more, and said again.

"Next, let's discuss what items to bring into the instance."

"Qin Zhengran and I can each carry 10 kilograms. You should be rewarded accordingly, but the weight may be different from ours."

After the lively and sumptuous dinner, everyone returned to the assigned room to rest.

Yin Ci felt unhappy and went to the courtyard to breathe.

Not long after walking, I ran into Ji Xu who was also out for a walk.

The two chatted one after another, walked to a beautifully constructed pool, and sat on a long wooden bench beside it.

Ji Xu raised his chin and motioned, "Yin Ci, show me your knife, is it convenient?"

Yin Ci handed over the knife.

After receiving the Tang Dao, which was dark in color and shone with silver polarized light, Ji Xu activated the black light detection and analysis function.

After a while, he said.

"It's a nice knife, but I can't find anything about it."

"Is it private?"

He weighed it in his hand and admired it for a while.

"The appearance is designed like a Tang sword. The handle is longer than the ring head sword and shorter than the modern katana sword. The length of the blade is moderate, and it supports chopping, picking, and stabbing."

"The blade is sharp, and the sound echoes."

"Absolutely good knife!"

She stretched out her hand to caress the upper side edge, touched it lightly with her fingertips, and exclaimed.

"There is a reverse-embedded knife pattern engraved on the blade surface. If it is stabbed into the enemy's body and then pulled out directly, the opponent will die on the spot."

Ji Xu looked up at Yin Ci with burning eyes.

"What is this knife called?"

Yin Ci saw her love for this knife early in the morning. Seeing that she was so interested, he replied slowly.

"Folding Flower Snow Su."

He took the knife from Ji Xu, and casually chopped it off at the small flowers by the pool.

A rose branch snapped off and the flower fell to the ground.

"This is my mother's knife, and the 'zhehua' in the name comes from what happened when my parents first met."

Yin Ci's expression was gentle.

"My father fell in love with my mother the first time he saw her.

In order to show his strength, he swung a knife across the air and destroyed the flower field that my mother had planted by herself. For this reason, my mother swore that she would never talk to him again in this life.

As a result, fate tricked people, and they finally came together. "

"Xuesu is my mother's baby name. When she got this knife, she named it 'Zhehua·Xuesu'."

"The knife was hit by my father. It was a gift for my mother to make amends."

"But when my mother got it, my father was dead."

Yin Ci's expression dimmed.

"My mother spent all her time investigating my father's death."

"Finally found out, but she was also killed by the other party."

(End of this chapter)

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