I win the game of survival

Chapter 6 A World where Only NPCs Are Injured

Chapter 6 A World where Only NPCs Are Injured

Ji Xu knew that he had a certain peculiarity, and after confirming that he could touch the ghost body, he made a bold guess.She might be able to touch the abnormal objects in this game, so what she should consider is how to distinguish them. After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no difference between normal and abnormal things to her.

Coincidentally, the glove of this ghost NPC is a very good identification tool. After wearing it, the things that can be touched are real objects, otherwise, the things that cannot be touched are abnormal things.

"I can't give you this." The middle-aged man looked away, trying to refuse.

Seeing that he still dared to play tricks, Ji Xu took a step back and kicked towards his waist. As a result, she saw that the NPC's body was broken by her kick, and the waist was just shaking like a cloud of smoke.

The man brows with joy.

His ghost body state is indeed invincible!She can't do harm to herself at all!

So what if you are strong?If you can't hit me, you're not in vain!
"Oh, I just said oops!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ji Xu's powerful fist struck quickly with an extremely domineering wind.

Chai Mo was like a salted fish, flying into the air without any room for struggle, until the impact force weakened before he was able to control his body.

He is a ghost and will not really fall to the ground. When he realized that he could avoid this incident, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Just when he was about to take a breather, Ji Xu had already approached him, hitting him with a series of fists. On his face and body, he was hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes, and he almost fainted.

During this process, Ji Xu tested his other body parts to see if he could attack. Unfortunately, elbow strikes and knee kicks were ineffective, and only his hands could touch and strike the opponent.

It seems that I should have obtained some unknown ability, this ability can restrain ghosts, souls and other intangible things, even if I can't use guns or cold weapons, I can beat them to death with my own strength alone.

"Tired from playing, take a break."

Ji Xu withdrew his hand suddenly, and the NPC lost his strength to support, and finally fell to the ground like a dead pig, and then vomited violently, until the sky was dark.

The weirdest thing is that the NPC's white eyes turned directly over the Tianling Cap, and the two eyeballs rolled and circled in the eye sockets.

"It's disgusting, don't roll your eyes at me." Ji Xu said disgustedly.

Hearing this, the ghost trembled with anger, but still turned his back to her, endured it for a second, and continued to vomit again.

Seeing that he was almost vomiting, Ji Xu stepped forward, grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him from the ground, and at the same time tightened his hands to ask.

"Well, how are you thinking? I just want you to have a glove, so you won't be so stubborn, right?"

The man had lost all his strength, and with two teardrops on his face, he said tremblingly, "I, I am the same."

Before he could say the word of agreement, Ji Xu increased his strength again, almost crushing him.

This time is different from the kick just now, the ineffective attack has no effect on him, but if he continues to pinch like this, he will really be pinched and exploded!

As a ghost, he really didn't want to die a second time.

"You let go and I promise, I really promise!!!"

But Ji Xu said indifferently: "Don't rush to answer, you'd better think clearly, I'm not interested in beating you up a second time, I just agreed, you have to agree to my two requests, the first one might not save your life But the second one, I'm not sure either."

There were some hints in her words, and the NPC understood the meaning. This second requirement should be related to the game itself.

His body has become a little transparent, and he can no longer control the intense fear. The NPC finally cried out, and explained in a low voice while crying.

"Games, games won't kill us. The role of NPCs is to guide the players, and that is, to kill players. This is the purpose of the game and... If we kill us NPCs instead, the game will not continue. As long as it doesn't completely deviate from the purpose of the game, I can do it for you, so please, let me go."

Ji Xu withdrew his hand in satisfaction, watched him fall to the ground again, and it took him a while to recover.

The NPC struggled to sit up, his aggrieved appearance and miserable state, as if he had been ravaged by someone.

Ji Xu smiled nonchalantly, leaned close to him and knelt down.

"You, what are you doing? I have already promised you!"

Seeing her approaching, Chai Mo instinctively hugged himself, curled up in horror and backed away.


Ji Xu looked at him impatiently.

It's disgusting for a middle-aged man who is not very handsome to make such a gesture.

After receiving the left glove from the NPC, she carefully observed it first, and sure enough, a prompt box appeared in her sight.

[Special props: "Ghost Gloves/One-Way World Item" (single piece)]

[Introduction: This is a wearing item from a guiding NPC. It looks like an ordinary leather glove, but it is actually a "one-way world" glove made for humanoid spirit creatures. The inside fits the spirit body and the outside fits matter.This prop is a game prop, which can be equipped and hidden when equipped. The ability to "touch reality" is only effective when actively used, and is a decoration when not in use. 】

[Hint: props are dangerous, please use them with caution]

in danger?
Hard to do.
Could it be that if ordinary humans wear it, the entire hand will be destroyed?

Ji Xu glanced lightly at the NPC, seeing that he probably didn't know the details.Thinking of his special physique, he didn't bother much, and directly equipped the gloves. Sure enough, nothing happened, and then asked.

"The progress of the other groups should be about the same?"

Chai Mo had given up struggling, so naturally he didn't intend to hide it.

After getting up from the ground, he didn't care about his embarrassment, pretending that nothing happened, and tried his best to control his expression and showed a smile.

This time the smile was a little more sincere.

To be able to survive, and feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

He tidied up his clothes a little and replied.

"Don't worry, it won't be so fast. The most efficient way is to kill each other, but newcomers need a certain amount of psychological construction, or if the outside world can give enough stimulation, if it is a peaceful competition for places, the speed will be much slower. "

Seeing that he was really honest, Ji Xu said, "I want you to find two cars for me. You know what I mean. I don't want more. Just ten more places will do."

Unexpectedly, Chai Mo agreed almost immediately. Although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't plan to delve into it.

What Ji Xu didn't know was that Chai Mo didn't refuse this time because it was useless to shirk any more. Everyone here has already understood that the quota limit set by the game is to initially reduce the number of people, so it's pointless to waste it any longer If you don't agree, you will be killed decisively by Ji Xu.

It's good to make the game more exciting and intense, but if it doesn't work, you can let them all go to the official venue. Anyway, the difference is that they die sooner or later.He couldn't deal with Ji Xu because he was just a novice guide. If he couldn't do it, it didn't mean others couldn't do it. He would report to his superiors and make sure to adjust the difficulty of the trial knockout to the highest level!
[Sub-line plot (hidden): Dear player, you trigger the hidden plot - "Goodwill from NPC", congratulations on getting the promise of the guiding ghost NPC Chaimo, the other party is willing to provide you with a high-end car and a business car , do you accept help? 】


A shiny reminder box suddenly appeared in front of Ji Xu.

After reading the above content, she raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but sigh.

"So convenient? Click accept, and the car will change immediately?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Chai Mo explained to her.

"Otherwise? Is it possible that you really want me to find you a car in this wilderness? Even if I agree, are you willing to let me go? You must be worried that I will take the opportunity to escape, right?"

Ji Xu understood, took two steps back, and thoughtfully relieved Chai Mo's pressure.

Seeing that she really didn't intend to attack him anymore, Chai Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Xu didn't rush to accept, but set his eyes on the crowd.

The reminder box just kept on, without any intention of urging her, and quietly waited for Ji Xu's choice.

From the moment when the NPC's identity was exposed, the conversation between the two was conducted in private. Others only knew that they were talking, but they didn't know what they were talking about. A glove, and why and for what purpose no one knows.

Ji Xu raised his volume and spoke to the people around him.

"Surely you won't have any doubts now, right? There are [-] places, and anyone who wants them can raise their hands, don't mess around, and anyone who doesn't obey the rules will be disqualified."

As soon as the words were finished, they raised their hands scramblingly, but unexpectedly, only [-] of the more than [-] people present raised their hands, and the few people I met at the birth point were among them. It seemed that because they had offended Ji Xu, they didn't dare to look at her, for fear that they would be deprived of the opportunity by holding grudges.

Ji Xu looked around.

Those who did not express their views included Qin Zhengran, Yin Ci, Bai Hewei, Wu Xuanyu, Chen Guangsheng, and several other men and women, including the owner of the private company, a total of 13 people.

"The 10 people who raised their hands, go to the truck and wait first, make some adjustments, and leave in [-] minutes."

Although everyone had doubts in their hearts, they still walked quickly towards the truck.

Obviously there was no need to snatch it, but they all rushed into the car as if they were afraid of Ji Xu's repentance.

Ji Xu didn't bother to waste energy on talking to the group of people, he turned his head and said to the dozens of people who gathered towards him.

"If I'm not wrong, all of you are determined to follow me, right? Then I'll make a long story short."

Seeing everyone looking at him quietly, Ji Xu was satisfied.

These 13 people are of relatively good quality in a group of people. Talking to these people can save a little bit of worry. For example, at this time, there is no one who insists on jumping out to express a few opinions.

"My name is Ji Xu. As you can see, I am the strongest of all. I have no other requirements for following me, just two points, be obedient and smart, and don't cause trouble for me. As long as you can do it, you will be considered a monster." If I swallow you alive, I can fish you out, there is nothing else to say, and being able to choose to stay proves that you still have some brains."

(End of this chapter)

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