Chapter 1010 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (5)

Cui looked at the cramped small yard in embarrassment: "The house at home is crowded, and the second and third children haven't married yet. Since you and the eldest have separated, the old house at the end of the village belongs to you."

After dividing the house, then divide the belongings.

Cui Shi was finally able to take back the key to hold Zhongfu. She puffed up her chest and said magnanimously:

"Boss daughter-in-law, I don't care about the food you lost after you entered the door. The remaining food, household items and land are divided into four shares. The boss and the second child each get a share. I will live with the third child in the future, so The third child gets two shares. There is not much money in the family, and the second and third child are not married yet, so the money will not be divided. But don’t feel disadvantaged, the third child is still young, and it will take at least seven or eight years for him to get married , I don’t want a penny or a grain of rice from your big house for the next seven or eight years. When the third child also marries a wife, you will support me in accordance with the village rules. As for the chickens, there are only two in total, and they are all coincidences on weekdays. Coincidentally, I don’t want to divide the chicken, I will share a bowl of chicken with you at the end of the year, don’t you have any objection?”

Xu Yin didn't have a chance to speak at all, so Cui Qiaoqiao snorted and said, "What can she say? She didn't buy the chicks, she didn't feed the chickens, and she didn't clean the chicken coop."

Xu Yin: "..."

Yes, yes, you are right!
The family is poor and poor, and there is nothing to share except surplus grain, cooking utensils in the field and kitchen, and a few farm tools in the woodshed.

Everything in the bedroom can be moved away, but there is only a bed, a dilapidated small desk, a small stool with upturned legs, a fir suitcase that was the original dowry, and a few used items in the box. Not old clothes and a winter quilt, nothing else.

The whole separation process took less than a stick of incense.

"Meng Jin's daughter-in-law, if you have no objections, just put your fingerprint on the separation document, and the family will be considered settled."

As the host, Li was handing the transcribed separation documents to Xu Yin.

Xu Yin didn't pay attention when she heard the address, but she blinked when she saw the sign on the document where her fingerprint was required.

Cui Mengjin?
Could it be Comrade Xiaojin?
If so, what a coincidence!
We met so early in this life?
Could it be that they accumulated the fate of the last small world together?

At first, I was still thinking, wait for the cheap husband to come back, reconcile with him peacefully, and then buy a few acres of fertile land, build a house, and the koi female lead will not interfere with the river water, earnestly implement the word "gou", and keep a low profile to ensure safety.

But if the cheap husband is Comrade Xiaojin, then what is the difference?

Right as this is a small world on vacation, while trying to survive the fate of cannon fodder, it is not bad to form a family with Comrade Xiaojin and have a cub, and live a rural life where men farm and women weave for a lifetime.

However, whether "he" has to wait for someone to come back and take a look.

Let's break up now.

Xu Yin quickly scanned through the family separation documents, and seeing that there was no fraud, she quickly pressed her fingerprints.

Cui Qiaoqiao on the side muttered sarcastically: "I press every fingerprint slowly, as if I can understand the words on it."

Xu Yin ignored her.

After separating the households, she neatly moved her share of belongings onto the wheelbarrow borrowed by Wenlizheng's family, and pushed the cart to the old house at the end of the village.

She was dumbfounded when she saw the old house——

It turned out to be a thatched cottage that could collapse at any time in the wind and rain!

Also, what hope did she have!

Think about the adobe house of the Cui family, it is still a treasure after being broken down like that, how can the old house be better?

Xu Yin sighed.

At this time, it was already dark, so we could only make it through the night.

Tomorrow, she will go up the mountain and cut down some trees and come back to fix the thatched hut firmly so that it will not collapse in a strong wind. Does she have to sing "Song of the Thatched Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind" to suit the occasion?
The dry thatch needs to be exposed to the sun more. The thatch on the roof is rotten and needs to be replaced. Otherwise, on a rainy day, it will rain heavily outside and light rain inside.

As for tearing down and building a new house, we should wait until we have saved enough money before considering it.

After thinking about it, she rolled up her sleeves and cleaned the house again.

Taking advantage of the time when the villagers went back to their homes to eat and rest, and no one was wandering around outside, Xu Yin released the robot cleaning guard and let it crawl all over the house to suck up the dust and wipe off the dirt. Then Xu Yin took a piece of disinfectant Wipe for secondary cleaning.

Otherwise, I really don't know when I will go to work.

This thatched cottage was built by the Cui family when they separated. The bedroom, Westinghouse is the stove and main room.

However, Xu Yin thought this broken straw mat was too broken and dirty, so she tore it off and burned it as firewood.When she came back and cut some bamboos, she hung them up on a strip mat by herself.

Oh, one is not enough, one should be spread on the bed, and the doors and windows also need door curtains and curtains.

Come to think of it, the next few days are pretty busy.

To repair thatched houses, weave bamboo mats, and bamboo curtains, the key is that the rations allocated are only a shallow crock, so we must find a way to get the food out as soon as possible.

Tonight, the first day of separation, the first step away from the reborn heroine, I still have to reward myself.

Xu Yin cleaned the house, cleaned the stove and chimney, sprayed some non-toxic potions to repel insects and snakes in the corners of the house, then boiled a pot of water, and then she could wash her face and brush her teeth. The main thing is to let the chimney smoke, otherwise Others should be suspicious.

In fact, she brought out a luxurious seafood big coffee from the system warehouse. A few days ago, she ate porridge and steamed buns, which made her face almost pale.

Although she can secretly cook a small stove for herself, but next door is her brother-in-law's room. She doesn't dare to eat such crusty or strong-flavored dishes. At most, she can feed herself a piece of sauced beef and eat a small chicken wing.

Seeing the steaming oysters, scallops, lobsters, crabs, razor clams, and prawns on the big dinner plate... she was really greedy.

Hurry up and start!
After eating, put the rubbish into a clean desktop trash can, and tomorrow I will take it up the mountain and bury it in the soil.

That night, not only Xu Yin was celebrating, but Cui's three mothers also had a big meal behind closed doors.

"Mother, try my stewed rabbit meat, how does it taste?"

"good to eat!"

Can it be delicious?
Mouth full of meat!

Cui thought with satisfaction.

Cui Jikang also stuffed the rabbit meat into his mouth.

"Eat slowly, don't choke! Drink pheasant soup!"

Cui Qiaoqiao added another bowl of pheasant soup for her mother and brother, and took a sip of the bowl herself, squinting her eyes comfortably: "Such good days are yet to come! Mother, brother, I am very lucky now Very, I can pick up good things every day! I plan to go to the town every two days and exchange them for money."

"Then be careful." Cui didn't know what to think, and a look of worry appeared on her face, "You have to pass the old house when you go up the mountain, so be careful when you meet your sister-in-law, I'm afraid she will retaliate against us."

The dead woman said before that if the Cui family dared to divorce her, she would dare to find someone to sell the children.

Although it's just a separation now, who knows if she will bear a grudge against her husband's family and take revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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