Chapter 1012 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (7)

The old stump was cut down from the mountain by her, rinsed and dried in the sun, and treated with insecticide and moisture-proof treatment. It is suitable to be placed next to the bed as a nightstand.

Similarly, there is a dead tree branch used as a clothes hanger. The skin is peeled off and repaired into a solid tripod. A bamboo pole on top is a good clothes hanger.

There are overgrown weeds in front of the thatched house, and it took a day to clear the weeds for the convenience of drying. The remaining bamboo was used to build a simple fence wall, which cannot prevent villains, but only prevents chickens pecking everywhere. .

A vegetable field was opened along the fence, but right now she has no seeds on the surface, so she transplanted some wild vegetables, wild onions, and wild mint from the mountains. There is a complete drying field in the middle of the yard.

Xu Yin wondered if it was because her image of a shrew with big arms and round waist, legs as thick as an elephant, and a face as big as a plate was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that no one came to the door even after more than ten days since the separation.

In fact, people in the village were very curious about her, and the women in the village even took sides on why the Cui family split up: one was for her mother-in-law, the other for her.

When people from both parties get together to dig wild vegetables and do needlework, they often argue about this.

Every time I pass by her thatched cottage, I will take a few more glances.

It's just that they don't know each other well, and they don't know her temperament, so naturally they won't come to chat with her if they have nothing to do.

Misunderstandings are thus created.

Xu Yin was puzzled, but she was busy with a lot of things every day, and the crock for food was completely empty. She carried the processed herbs, dried mountain products, and bamboo products to the town to exchange for money or coarse grains and brought them back.

Come back and continue to search for mountain goods, dry mushrooms, gather herbs, weave bamboo prepare for the next wave of market.

At night, we must insist on soaking in medicated baths and conditioning to lose weight.

Cui couldn't sit still anymore, so she asked her youngest son to pass on a message: Don't you plan to plant the land allocated to Dafang?Why haven't I seen her go to the field for half a month, the weeds are almost taller than the crops.

Xu Yin: "!!!"

What did she say!
I always feel that there is something I didn’t do, and I forgot to farm when I co-authored it!

The fields that Xu Yin and his wife were allocated were not far from the end of the village. There were two mu of paddy fields and one mu of dry land. The paddy fields were planted with rice and the dry land was grown with rapeseed.

The rice here is only planted once a year, which is a bit like the middle rice of later generations. It is sown in March and April and harvested in July and August.After the rice is harvested, some winter vegetables such as broad beans, radishes, and cabbage are usually planted, so as not to leave the land empty.

The maturity period of rapeseed is short, and it can be harvested within three months after planting, so it is generally planted later, and the land will be well fertilized before planting.

Before the old Cui’s family, only Cui’s wife and three worked. The original body had never planted the land once after marrying in. When the family was separated, the rape seedlings had just sprouted, and she was allocated the most barren one-acre dry land, and the location was also far away. Very close to the foot of the mountain, but it is relatively close to the old house.

Rapeseed is planted late, so the maturity period is similar to that of rice. After harvesting, sorghum, soybeans and other miscellaneous grains are planted.

If you don't grow these, after paying the taxes, the leftover grain will not be able to carry the next summer harvest at all.

Regardless of the fact that there are two acres of paddy fields, we must know that the grain output at this time is so low that future generations will not believe it - after a busy year, the yield per mu is less than [-] catties.

The gross three hundred catties of grain is still God’s favor—it’s only hoped that the four seasons will be smooth and rainy.

But an adult, even if he only eats [-] grams of staple food a day, needs two to three hundred catties of grain in a year.

This is just the staple food, so I have to buy some fish and meat protein and other meat and fish. In addition, the family's four-season clothes, daily necessities, etc., all need to be exchanged for the output of the field, so the three-acre field is really not much.

Xu Yin came to her own field, and while weeding, she thought, no matter what, she must find a way to increase the yield.

She has a lot of high-yielding rice seeds in her hands, but she is now a country girl who can't read a single word. The farthest place she has been to is the market in the town. She has lived to the age of 16 without even going out of the county. Looking for something to conjure a bunch of seeds from the head?

Unlike bamboo weaving products, there are several skilled bamboo craftsmen in the Kaoshan village under the plum blossom village where her natal family is located. Originally, she went to the mountains all day long before she got married, and rarely stayed at home. If she was idle and bored, she often Watch bamboo craftsmen weaving bamboo weaving, and you will learn it after seeing a lot. It seems that some people believe it.

But there is really no way to find a reason for the seeds. These days, grain seeds are the life of farmers.

Then we can only find a way from the fertilizer.

As the saying goes: a flower in a crop depends entirely on fertilizer.Fat feet, seedlings are strong!

After pulling the weeds, Xu Yin stood up and rubbed her waist, looking at the two acres of paddy fields and thinking.

During the growth process of rice, nitrogen fertilizer needs the most, followed by phosphorus and potassium.

These days, the biggest source of fertilizer is human and animal manure.

But now she lives alone and doesn't raise chickens, where can she get enough farmyard manure?
These days, everyone is holding back to go home to defecate and urinate. The so-called "fertile water does not flow into other people's fields", does this fertile water refer to farm manure.

As for self-made ecological fertilizer like later generations... people can't get enough to eat, so how can they use soybeans, peanuts, and bean curd residue to retting nitrogen fertilizer?Don't even think about expired milk, no one has to eat it.

At most, it is rice water, fruit peels, and rotten vegetable leaves.But these fats are not enough!

Phosphate fertilizers are relatively easy to use - fermented fish scales, fish viscera, or chicken bones, pork bones, and fish bones exposed to the sun and ground into powder are all excellent phosphate fertilizers.

She has the skill of "fishing big with small ones". Dawa Village has a well-developed water system and many rivers and lakes. She has time to catch some fish and come back. Fish bones are ground and viscera are fermented to become ready-made phosphate fertilizer.

Potassium fertilizer is also good, the most common one is plant ash, and mosquito coil ash to repel mosquitoes in summer can also be used.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is only enough nitrogen fertilizer left.

She planned to get up early tomorrow and go to the mountains to look for castor or hemp.

These two kinds of seeds not only have high protein content, but also contain fat. Whether they are native seeds or oil residue cakes after oil extraction, they are excellent raw materials for nitrogen fertilizer.

After inspecting the paddy fields, she went to the dry land again and plucked the grass again. The plucked grass was carried back in a basket to dry in the sun, and then fermented and fertilized.

Cui Dazhuang, a villager working in the field next door, saw it and felt puzzled. He said to his mother-in-law, "Is this Meng Jin's wife? Why did she carry the grass back? Isn't it good to leave it in the field?"

His mother-in-law looked up at Xu Yin's land, except for the crops, there was nothing but bare mud, and the weeds had been pulled out and taken away.

The strong daughter-in-law curled her lips: "I don't know! Could it be that she wants to take it home and dry it as firewood? But what use is that withered grass?"

Cui Dazhuang scratched his head: "She moves quickly, and the weeds in an acre of land are pulled out so quickly."

"What do you mean? Think I'm slow?"

"No, I just said it casually."

"Just say that you praise others? Doesn't this mean that I am something?"


Cui Dazhuang couldn't argue with a hundred words.

The saint was right!Only women and villains are difficult to raise!
(End of this chapter)

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