Chapter 1015 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (10)

The head of the big grass carp is stewed with tofu; the body of the fish is cut into two, and half of the fish is salted and eaten tomorrow;

Before the separation, she ate Cui's pickled sauerkraut. It wasn't very tasty, but at least it showed that sauerkraut was popular in this area.

Scrape off the scales of small miscellaneous fish, take out the internal organs and wash them clean.

Fish scales and viscera were found in a container, and they were fertilized later.

The brook grouper has few thorns, so it can be stewed in soy sauce, but if there is pickled fish, it is braised in soy sauce;

The other two kinds of fish are thin and have many spines, so they are suitable for deep-frying in flour. They are crispy and the bones can be chewed, which is very fragrant.

But this was too wasteful, so I marinated the sun-dried fish and saved it to eat slowly in the future.

That night, there were fish head tofu stew, pickled fish, and braised brook grouper, which were rich enough.

"Have you washed your little hands? Then why are you still standing? Sit down and eat! There are no chairs at home, only old tree stump stools, don't mind."

Xu Yin greeted the three children.

"Come on, Goudan, give your little friend chopsticks."

Xu Yin handed Goudan three pairs of bamboo chopsticks she had cut.

Goudan swallowed his saliva, looked away from the rich dishes, and carefully separated the chopsticks.

Tie Wa and Hu Zi swept away their joy and ease in the past, and sat down cautiously.

Xu Yin had already served them a good meal, and took a few empty bowls, filled a bowl of fish head tofu soup for each of them, and spread a few slices of sauerkraut and fish fillets on their rice: "Eat quickly! The fish is cold It has a strong fishy smell."

"Thank you, auntie in the lobby." This is Goudan.

"Thank you, Aunt Erya." These are Tie Wa and Hu Zi.

Xu Yin: "..."

What the hell is Aunt Erya?

"Just call me Aunt Yinyin from now on."

Xu Yin corrected them.

In other words, she is only sixteen now, is she inferior to being called aunt by a six or seven-year-old boy?
But think about the age of her soul... Forget it, she's a god, she can call her whatever she likes, the title is just a code name!
"Auntie in the lobby, the dishes you cook are really delicious!"

“This is the best dish I have ever eaten!”

"Fish and sauerkraut are stewed so delicious!"

"I'll let my mother stew like this later."

"You have to catch such a big fish!"

"Small fish are delicious too, and Aunt Yinyin's cooking is delicious!"

"Yes! It's delicious!"

The three children ate and praised, shaking their heads so cutely.

Xu Yin listened to the children's rainbow farts and was very satisfied.In terms of deliciousness, it really has to count the fish that have lived in a pure natural environment for a long time!

After eating and drinking enough, the three children helped Xu Yin pack the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen, and rushed to fetch water, wash dishes, and wipe the table. They were very diligent.

Tie Wa rubbed her stuffed stomach, and said shamefully, "Aunt Yinyin, I ate too much."

Xu Yin laughed: "Not much, not much! At your age, no matter how much you can eat, how much can you eat? I ate most of it!"

Her body is a veritable king of big stomachs!Sigh!

"Aunt Yinyin, do you like tofu?" Huzi asked shyly.

He found that Xu Yin drank several bowls of tofu soup. Compared with fish, tofu was much cheaper, so he thought about sending another piece of tofu to Aunt Yinyin tomorrow, but this time he decided not to charge for it!

"Okay!" Xu Yin didn't refuse. Although the tofu made by Wang's family is brine-based, it is relatively tender, and she quite likes it. "But I have to go to the mountains tomorrow. Leave one piece, and I'll pick it up when I get back."

"Auntie in the lobby, what are you doing going up the mountain tomorrow? Gathering firewood? I'll help you pick it up together." Goudan sounded his mother's order, puffing out his chest, "I know where there is ready-made firewood. you go."

He didn't tell anyone about that place except the Audio-Technica friends!

Xu Yin smiled and patted his head: "Thank you dog, but I'm not going to collect firewood tomorrow. There's still enough firewood. I'm going to find a plant seed called castor bean. It looks like this. Have you seen it?" ?”

As she spoke, she took out a few castor beans, which had thorns in their shells, and peeled off the thorns to reveal the brown-colored nuts inside.

Thinking that they often go up and down the mountain and down the river, maybe they picked this kind of small thorny cones out of curiosity.

However, after the three of Goudan recognized it, they all shook their heads: "I haven't seen this before."

Xu Yin was not disappointed either, and said, "It's okay, I'll go find it myself."

"Aunt Yinyin, let's look for it with you!"

"Yes! Let's look for it together. There are more people and more power!"

The three of them insisted on going to find castor beans with Xu Yin, and made an appointment to come early tomorrow, so they ran home in a hurry.

The next day, just as Xu Yin was getting ready the household items for going up the mountain, she heard the voices of Goudan and the other three coming from outside the courtyard.

"It's quite early! Have you eaten yet?" Xu Yin handed the three of them a corn bread.

She took the time to steam a lot of this kind of steamed buns, including miscellaneous grains, wild vegetables, and dates and walnuts.

But she didn't take out the latter for the time being, let's eat it at noon.

"Auntie in the lobby, we've already eaten." Goudan took out an egg and handed it to Xu Yin, "My mother cooked it specially for Auntie in the lobby."

Goudan Niang heard Goudan go back yesterday and said that Xu Yin's dinner was fish and dry rice. She thought Xu Yin had spent a lot of money, so she got up this morning and cooked an egg for Goudan to bring over.

Tie Wa and Hu Zi also brought her something.

"Aunt Yinyin, this is the mung bean cake that my uncle brought back from the town. My grandma hid it and was reluctant to give it to us. Today, I'm finally being generous. Try it!"

"Aunt Yinyin, these are pickle cakes made by my mother herself, eat them while they are hot!"

Xu Yin cooked a small stove for herself in the morning, how could she eat so much food, but she didn't refuse, put it away with a smile and said: "Go back and thank your mother and grandma for me, I will accept it the first time, next time Don't be so polite!"

Seeing that she had accepted it, the three little guys also tasted the cornbread that Xu Yin gave them with peace of mind.

"Aunt Yinyin, the steamed buns you make are so delicious!"

"It's much more delicious than my mother's!"

"Everything my aunt in the lobby is delicious!"

Xu Yin restrained herself from laughing out loud, she was so good at blowing rainbow farts!
But it's not all blown, she mixed some white flour when kneading the rough dough, the dough was soft and soft, and it didn't cut her throat so much.

The first and third children carried their own baskets, which were filled with household items such as hemp ropes for binding firewood, and went up the mountain talking and laughing.

Cui Qiaoqiao, who was about to go up the mountain, looked at their backs, startled and frightened: Mrs. Xu is going to sell the dog eggs, right?
In this life, she persuaded her mother to separate the family before the turning point of fate. Xu couldn't find a chance to sell her, so she made up the idea of ​​a village child?

The more Cui Qiaoqiao thought about it, the more flustered she became, so she didn't even think about going up the mountain, so she turned around and went straight to Goudan's house to report the letter.

Xu Yin took the three little guys all the way up the mountain.

Usually, they often come to the mountain to dig wild vegetables, collect firewood, and dig out bird eggs. This road is very familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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