Chapter 1017 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (12)

As soon as Xu Yin picked up the basket on the ground, Tie Wa Niang snatched it away: "I'll do it! Meng Jin's daughter-in-law, you've worked hard."

"Daughter-in-law Meng Jin, do you still want to pick up firewood? I'll pick it up for you. Go home and rest!"

"That's right! We'll pick it up for you."

Xu Yin: "..."

Can't help but ask: "How do you know that I hit a wild boar?"

Besides, it took less than 5 minutes from meeting wild boars to dealing with them. Even if they were working at the foot of the mountain, they didn't know it so quickly and ran up, right?


Only then did everyone remember the reason for their trip up the mountain.

"Haha! A misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!" Goudanniang laughed awkwardly and waved her hands, "Your sister-in-law doesn't know what you're thinking, but you're going to take Goudan to sell them. Let me tell you, it's impossible. Well, we can all see how good you are to Goudan and the kids."

How can a person who is willing to entertain children with dry rice and big fish have such a bad heart.

But her mother-in-law said that she would rather believe it than believe it, so she asked her to come over to have a look.

Tiewaniang and Huziniang felt a little ashamed when they heard the words. They were also one of the group of people who "would rather believe what they have than believe what they don't have".Meng Jin's daughter-in-law is too strong, and if there is a conflict, she is worried that she will not be able to beat her.

Unexpectedly, there was a big oolong.

They turned to look at Cui Qiaoqiao, with deep suspicion in their eyes.

It is said that Cui's wife and Meng Jin's wife don't get along very well, otherwise they wouldn't have separated their eldest house while Meng Jin was away.Looking at it now, it's not just a bad relationship, it's obviously very bad.

How can a sister-in-law treat her sister-in-law as a flirt, and insist that she sells the children of the village.

Cui Qiaoqiao was no less shocked than everyone present after seeing the wild boar.

At this moment, he still hasn't recovered from the shock.

How can it be!

Where did Mrs. Xu get so much strength?

This is a whole litter of wild boars!There are a total of eight heads, two big and six small!
Like she was terrified enough to meet a wild boar cub.

Since her rebirth, she has picked up rabbits, pheasants, and birds on the mountain, but she has never encountered a wild boar. For this reason, she feels lucky, after all, encountering wild boars is also risky; but at the same time, she is a bit regretful. Pheasant bird meat, after all, is not as fat and fragrant as pork!

Unexpectedly, eight wild boars appeared all at once today, and they were all solved by "hob meat"!

Thinking of the woman owning eight wild boars alone, Cui Qiaoqiao's mood was extremely complicated. If there was no separation, all these pork belonged to her family, and how much could they exchange for taking them to restaurants and restaurants in the town!

As soon as Xu Yin went down the mountain, she saw the patriarch and Li Zheng waiting at the foot of the mountain.

The men who carried the wild boar down before her were talking to them excitedly.

Seeing Xu Yin coming down, Li Zheng hurriedly stepped forward: "Meng Jin's family, I heard that you took care of these wild boars? What are you going to do with them? It's getting hot now, and you can't let them go. I want to take you to the town to sell, I will find a few people to accompany you. Just... I have an unkind request, can you keep two wild boar cubs for sale in the village? It will be busy soon, and everyone I want some meat."

Wild pork has a strong smell, but it is much cheaper than domestic pork. For the same money, wild pork can buy a few taels more.

Now I bought it and marinated it, cut a few slices and steamed it on the miscellaneous grains and rice during the busy farming season, and added some oil and water to the belly, otherwise, how could it withstand the heavy busy farming, people are afraid that they will lose their appearance.

Xu Yin didn't say anything else: "Kill that boar and sell it in the village. Give me the rest. I want to keep the two live wild boars. Who else wants the rest? If you don't want them, I'll take them to the town and sell them." gone."

Lizheng's voice trembled: "What? You want to kill that big boar?"

Xu Yin nodded and said: "That's right, how much meat is there for a wild boar? What kind of head can it hold! If you want to slaughter, just kill the adult boar. After a while, ask someone to help you to cook a pig-killing dish for everyone to eat together."

She is also borrowing pigs to offer Buddha, and if she eats hers, it would be better not to talk about her behind her back in the future.

This day has become the busiest day in Dawa Village since the slaughter of pigs last year.

Housewives boil hot water and pass knives and scissors;
Men put pig blood and pluck pig hair;

The children skipped and skipped among them.

Xu Yin thought that the amateur pig butcher in the village was not as efficient as she was in dealing with wild boars, so she simply took over the butcher's knife and performed a perfect performance of killing pigs.

Everyone present looked at her with a different look.


Not only can this woman kick a big wild boar away with one kick, she can even kill a herd of wild boars by herself, she can even kill pigs?
Look at her holding a butcher's knife, walking easily on the pork, dividing the pork into fat, ribs into ribs, and viscera into viscera... This posture is not inferior to the professional pig butchers in the town. ah!
The bum who was idle and wanted to go to Cui's old house to take advantage of it: This woman is too scary!Go around when you see her in the future.


An adult male wild boar has more than 300 catties after removing its fur and entering the water.

Dawa Village, like its neighboring Xiaowa Village, has only fifty households.

Each household pays to buy three to five catties of meat to take back, because wild pork is cheap. Usually, if they want to improve their conditions, they can cut some meat back to eat, and it is rarely more than one catty.

Therefore, there is still more than half a leaf of unsold meat left in Xu Yin's hands.

But she is not worried, there is still a sow wild boar and a few wild boar cubs that can be sold to restaurants in the town. Going to keep it for myself.

Pork belly marinated two pieces of bacon, dried two pieces of sauced meat, stuffed sausage with the leftovers, big stick bone soup, pork ribs fried with salt and pepper...

She pretended to sell the pork belly, but actually hoarded it. Wild boar belly is a good food for nourishing the stomach!

She plans to try artificial breeding of two live wild boar cubs. If they can be domesticated into domestic pigs, won't there be two more delicious pork at home during the Chinese New Year?
So, after going to the town to sell wild boar meat, she built a pigsty next to the toilet in the backyard.

Worried that the wild boar would escape from the pigsty, the stones specially used for the walls, the big stones that ordinary people can't carry, she easily carried back, pounded the sharp edges and corners, and smoothed them , Layer by layer, built higher than a person, leaving a door opening and a small skylight for ventilation. A thick hardwood door was blocked in the door opening, and the small fangs of wild boar cubs would not be able to pierce it for a while.

After the thatch roof was built, she untied the two wild boar cubs and drove them into the pigsty.

The wild boar cub howled, suddenly smelled a fragrance, sniffed around, and finally found a food bowl, which contained a small half of the simplest pig food - clear water mixed with bran.

It's just that two spoonfuls of spirit lake water were mixed into the clear water. The sweet and aura-clear spirit lake water instantly captured the taste buds of the wild boar cubs. .

The first day of artificial domestication of wild boar cubs: perfect!

(End of this chapter)

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