Chapter 1027 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (22)


Xu Sanya was terrified.

"No, no, no, I don't want it!" She refused to take it, "You eat it yourself."

"I'll take it for you!" Xu Yin stuffed it into her hand, and politely said, "Come to my sister's house to play when I have time", then strode after the sons of bitches and went home.

Xu Sanya went to the embroidery building to hand in the embroidery purse.

Although she embroidered it herself, her grandmother helped her arrange the money from the sale: two taels of salt, two rolls of needlework mending, and about one or two copper coins left over to allow her to buy herself a hair rope.

Since she learned how to embroider and helped the family earn copper coins, it was the first time she was asked to buy something for herself.The main reason is that she is not young anymore, and it is time to talk about marriage and get married in the second half of this year, or next spring at the latest.

After buying these things, she should go home.

In the past, she was always envious of her colleagues who bought meat, but this time, it was her turn to be envied.

At this time, there was no suet and streaky meat on the meat stall, and the bones were contracted by Xu Yin at that time, and the last piece of neck meat became a hot commodity.

The little daughter-in-law who didn't get it, looked enviously at the suet and big stick bone in Xu Sanya's hand: "Sanya, your second sister is very kind to you, and she didn't forget to share a piece of meat with you when she met on the road. This is suet! It can boil a big bowl of lard! Your family’s food will increase in the future.”

Xu Sanya pursed her lips and smiled, feeling both happy and anxious.

I don't know if the second sister will be tortured by her mother-in-law after she goes back.

She has lost so much weight, is she often punished without food and hungry?Or are you forced to work day and night?

Under the envious eyes of her peers, Xu Sanya returned home with a piece of suet and a big bone in her contradictory psychological journey.

The old Xu family was shocked.

Especially Mrs. Xu, her voice was trembling: "Sanya, you said it was given by your second sister? Did you ask you to bring it to us to make up for us? Your second sister... is possessed by an evil spirit?"

Although their old Xu family values ​​sons over daughters, they like boys and don’t value daughters, but they are not the kind of people who will find married daughters to beat the autumn wind and force them to tighten their belts to distribute food to their brothers and sisters. At most, they don’t care about married women So much so that I suddenly heard that Erya, who used to wish to get married early and stop rushing to her natal family, gave her natal family a piece of suet. Can the old lady not tremble.

The third elder brother Xu Sanqiu in the original body even more intuitively expressed his heart at the moment - I saw him carefully mentioning this pure white fat fat: "Is it not poisonous?"


It's no wonder that the people from the old Xu's family speculated like this, it was really Xu Erya's tough style that was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Afraid of eating her, they turned around and were beaten by her on the neck, forcing them to spit it out.

Xu Sanya hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't want it, the second sister insisted that I take it back, saying that the grandparents are tired from farming, and I will give you a boost. However, the second sister has lost a lot of weight, is she at her in-law's house?" Are you having a bad life and being tortured every day? That’s why you think of your mother’s family, and want us to give her justice?”

"What? Your second sister can still be tortured? Who can torture her?" Mrs. Xu was the first to not believe it.

The original mother, Liu Shi, didn't quite believe it either, she frowned and said, "Your second sister told you that she was tortured?"

"That's not true, she just stuffed suet and a big bone into my hand, and then strode away."

"The head of the family..." Liu Shi looked at her man, "This doesn't look like Erya's temperament, could it be that he was really bullied?"

"Let's eat early. After dinner, I will take the third child to Dawa Village to have a look. If you haven't come back in two hours, boss, you can bring a few more people over."

"Got it, Dad."


Just as Xu Mancang hastily picked up a few mouthfuls of rice and rushed to Dawa Village with his youngest son, Xu Yin just put out the braised pork before preparing to serve the meal.

Lunch was delayed today in order to stew this bowl of braised pork.

Fortunately, neither of them was hungry, and they ate enough in the morning. After returning from the town, Comrade Xiao Jin had already cooked a pot of mung bean soup and put it in the well water.

As soon as she got home, a bowl was immediately scooped up for her.

The warm mung bean paste entered the throat, instantly dispelling the heat.

Dongpo Pork with delicious flavor and color, and Pork Ribs and Winter Melon Soup for clearing away heat and detoxifying.

The wax gourd was given to her by Goudanniang. Her vegetable garden basically grows condiments such as onion, ginger, and garlic, and then some transplanted wild vegetables and leafy vegetables with a short maturity period.

It's too late to plant winter melons this year, but next year, she has already made an appointment with Goudanniang for next year's seeds.

Another appetizing and refreshing cold fungus.

Two dishes and one soup, the staple food is white rice.

Eating Dongpo pork is incomplete without a bowl of white rice.

What's more, the rice cooked today is still new.

As soon as the lid of the pot was lifted, the fragrance of new rice came out.

So delicious!
"Let's have dinner!"

Xu Yin felt hungry all of a sudden.

As soon as the young couple sat down and picked up their rice bowls to start eating, they heard Goudanniang's voice coming from outside the fence: "Meng Jin's wife! Meng Jin's wife! Didn't you take a nap? Someone came from your natal family!"


Cui Mengjin moved faster than her, and before she could react, she got up and went out to greet her.

It was the first time the mother-in-law came to the house, and he was nervous.

Goudanniang brought him back and went back, leaving Xu Mancang and his son welcomed into the house by the son-in-law with a smile on his face.

They thought that Erya had been tortured to describe her as thin at her in-law's house, so they rushed to Dawa Village to support her.

Although he doesn't like this daughter very much, and is even a little afraid of her, but the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. After all, Erya is also his daughter, a descendant of the old Xu family. Home teasing, bullying?
In the end, when I arrived at the old Cui's house, after listening to my mother-in-law's explanation, I realized that the Cui family had separated long ago, and now Erya and her son-in-law lived in the old house at the end of the village.

Xu Mancang heaved a sigh of relief: It's good that he wasn't tortured or bullied!
He is an honest man, and he really doesn't want to tear faces with his in-laws and make trouble.

But then I remembered what Sanya said that Erya had lost a lot of weight, she was so thin that she almost didn't recognize her, and her heart ached again—it seems that life after separation is not easy, otherwise Can Erya be thin and out of shape?

Thinking about how fierce and tough the second girl used to be, there was nothing she couldn't get to eat when she went up the mountain and down the river!

How blessed is the body before marriage, and how good the complexion is!Why do you get hungry and thin after you get married?
It seems that the son-in-law is worthless!
As soon as Xu Mancang gave such a definition to his second son-in-law, he was led to the end of the village by the enthusiastic bitch.

Before he had time to look at the son-in-law's house, he was politely welcomed into the house by the smiling son-in-law.

Just about to say a few words to my son-in-law, I looked up and saw... braised pork on the table! ! !

The mood is really full of twists and turns!

I think the last time he ate meat was on Chinese New Year's Day, and the meat in the bowl was only about the size of a fingernail, so it was not as big as the meat in the bowl in front of him.

Prodigal!Whose stew cut the meat so big?Can't you cut it smaller and eat more meals?
(End of this chapter)

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