Chapter 1029 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (24)

Xu Yin refused to accept their wages, saying that the food they ate was enough to cover their wages and there was much more, how could they ask for more wages.

Xu Yin packed a catty of dried fish for each of them, and they could eat it after steaming it in a rice cooker.She pickled it salty, super good with rice.

The distance between the two villages is ten miles, neither far nor close. It takes a lot of effort to build a house during the day, and it is too hard to drive ten miles in the morning and evening. Xu Yin arranged them in the families of Goudan and Tiewa. There is no need for a bed in summer, just a straw mat on the floor.

After building the house and going back, Xu Yin returned the ration bags they had brought.

On the way back to Plum Blossom Village, several cousins ​​were carrying dried fish and hooking Xu Sanqiu’s shoulders and said:

"I didn't expect Er Ya to change so much after getting married! It's really useless to worry!"

"This help is really worth it! Three days in a row, there will be meat! Third child, next time there is such a good thing, remember to look for us! We are brothers, right?"

"Yes, Sanqiu, brother, I thank you in advance. This is the first time I have eaten all-you-can-eat dry rice, and the first meal is white rice! This year's new rice is delicious!"

"That's what I said, as if someone used to eat all-you-can-eat rice."

"You're all too busy eating, and you didn't hear from Erya that her rice production has increased by a hundred catties this year? The rice harvest of two acres of land has caught up with the harvest of three acres of other people's land."

"That's right! She also taught me how to fertilize and fertilize, and said that as long as I do what she tells, our land will have such a good harvest."

"Go back and try!"

"Yes! Go back and try!"

"By the way, Erya eats so well, why did she lose so much weight? The first day, I was shocked. But then again, she doesn't look ugly after she loses weight. On the contrary, she is very beautiful, not like before. , the eyes are squeezed into a slit."

"Old Fifth, don't let her hear your words, or you will be miserable."

"...I'll just tell you in front of you, you won't betray me, will you?"

"That's not sure, hahaha!"


Seeing the tidy new home, Xu Yin was filled with emotion.

In ancient times, the construction of houses was really fast. Three adobe houses were built in three days.

This is when she deliberately asked for the foundation to be dug a little deeper and laying the foundation stones would take half a day, otherwise it would have been done in two and a half days.

One advantage of building a house in summer is that it can be moved in without baking.

The scorching sun helped her to bake every day, and the adobe was already dry.

Bamboo curtains were hung on the doors and windows, and one was hung on the beams of the main room. Just like the thatched cottage used to separate the bedroom from the main room, this time the main room is divided into two rooms, the north and the south. The northern half serves as a dining room, and the kitchen is on the right hand side when you go out from the back door of the main room.

With the help of a group of relatives, all the furniture and common household items in the thatched cottage were moved here.

The thatched house was not demolished. Before the new house was built, Comrade Xiaojin said that the open space to the east of the old house was also his homestead, but a thatched house was built when there was no condition.

That being the case, let’s keep the thatched hut. During the construction period, there was a place to stay. After moving into the new house, it will be used as a woodshed and storage room. The old stove is specially used for cooking pig food.

It's just that there were not many pieces of furniture in the thatched cottage. After moving to the new house, the huge bedroom seemed empty.

But according to her father, there is an old carpenter in Meihua Village, who can make good beds and cabinets, and can also carve flowers. When he was young, he followed his master to make dowry furniture for officials.

Xu Yin immediately put out ten taels of silver as a deposit, and asked her father to find an old carpenter to help build a set of carved furniture, using as good a wood as possible.

In fact, her system warehouse has high-quality furniture wood and complete sets of furniture, such as huanghuali wood, golden nanmu, and rosewood, but they can't get them out.

But it's good to make a set now, if you don't keep it all, it will become an antique in the future.

Xu Mancang took the money and was completely dumbfounded.

Isn't there just a cabinet and a cupboard?How did it become a complete set?
I also asked for carvings... Money is not such a loser!
But does Xu Mancang dare to say anything?

This girl became fierce, but he couldn't stand it.

Let the son-in-law have a headache!
The key point was that his son-in-law wasn't unhappy at all. On the contrary, he was very happy. The young couple got together and murmured about what else they needed to buy besides a complete set of carved furniture...

Done! ! !

Prodigal men and prodigal women have joined together!
Xu Mancang staggered, and returned to Meihua Village with a complicated mood, carrying ten taels of silver.

Xu Sanqiu and a few cousins ​​came back one step ahead of time, and they have already arrived home.

They took out the dried fish and the rations they had brought, and talked about the food for the past three days, which shocked their families.

To be honest, the female relatives of these families are actually not happy for men to help Xu Erya build a house.

Not enough coolies, and you have to bring your own rations and send adobe, how can it be so unreasonable!
Didn't expect to bring back a lot of rations, and earned a catty of dried fish?It smells salty and savory, and it is destined to go well with rice.

During the helping period, food and lodging are included, and there is enough fish and meat for each meal, and dry rice is enough?
Xu Erya changed her surname?

"If I had known earlier, I would have followed along."

Old Xu's house, after listening to the description of her grandson's food for the past three days, Mrs. Xu muttered enviously.

But she just muttered, if she was really told to go, she would still be scared.

She didn't forget that before the second girl got married, she helped the family with some work, and she clamored for cooked food, and smashed the kitchen cupboard if she didn't give the cooked food. It's better to stay away to keep safe.

"Mother, Erya asked me to find Carpenter Cao from Hedong to order a set of carved furniture. I paid the deposit, so I'll go now?" Xu Mancang filled a pot of water after arriving home, wiped his mouth and was about to leave the house.

Ten taels of silver in his arms was like a hot potato.

Before this, how had he come into contact with such a large amount of silver?
"Go, go." Mrs. Xu waved her hands weakly with her eyes closed.

How could she not be jealous of the ten taels of silver?

But when he thought that it was Xu Erya, a hob meat that could kill people when he got up, no matter how jealous he was, he would not dare to cut her silver taels to subsidize his son and grandson.

Xu Yin didn't know that in the eyes of her natal family, she was no different from evil spirits. She was currently receiving the two giants of Dawa Village - the patriarch and Li Zheng.

"Meng Jin's family, I heard that you have figured out a fertilization method that can increase the yield of rice per mu?"

The two had actually heard about this rumor a long time ago, but like most villagers, they didn't believe it at first. It wasn't until the rice was harvested and the rapeseed was harvested that they really realized: Meng Jin's daughter-in-law didn't brag, she really did. A new type of retting method that can increase the production of food crops has been worked out.

Now, how can I sit still!

I've thought about it a long time ago.

After finally waiting for her new house to be built and the relatives who helped her were gone, they immediately came to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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