Chapter 1032 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (27)

Several households near her home were also preparing to serve dinner, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they smelled this domineering aroma.

"Whose house is this? Why is it so fragrant!"

"Who else can it be! It must be the one in Muroumi, the only one who can afford meat."

"How do you say that?"

"Her family's two acres of rice harvest is more than that of Da Zhuang's three acres of land. Isn't it just a matter of changing the extra harvest for a few catties of meat?"

"Next year, we will use the new type of fertilizer Meng Jin's daughter-in-law came up with. Her two acres of paddy fields yielded three acres of harvest. Our family has five acres of paddy fields. Wouldn't it be possible to produce two more acres of crops?"

There are many villagers who have such thoughts.

As a result, a strange phenomenon has recently appeared in Dawa Village:
Everyone improved their food and bought big stick bones instead of meat, which is cheap and can be fattened;
The children in the village go to lakes, ponds and rivers to catch small fish more diligently than before. Even if the fish caught can only fit between the teeth, they must scrape their stomachs clean and use them for fattening;

Rotten vegetable leaves, peels, and eggshells are not thrown away casually, just like leaving no fertilizer and water on the field for outsiders-throw them into your own compost pond;

The rotten leaves and wild fruits on the mountain can also be picked up at home, almost digging the ground three feet from the mountain.

In short, never let go of any material that can be fertilized, to ensure that the new type of fertilizer is fully fertilized!
But the effect is really obvious.

The crops in each field have been fertilized several times with new fertilizers, and they are quite strong.

The heavy sorghum ears bend the branches; the soybean pods are full; the dog's tail is drooping.

Although the radish grows in the ground, its stems and leaves are fat, and it can be seen that it is growing well.

The villagers of Xiaowa Village are so happy that they walk with wind.

In addition, this year's weather is good, thunderstorms frequently occur in summer, and the water level of rivers and lakes rises, but the river banks have not overflowed, the fields are not short of water, and there are no floods. It can be seen that this year's harvest is about to bloom steadily!

Cui Zhonggui recently saw the right eye with the daughter of the shopkeeper of Zhizhapu, and wanted Cui to propose marriage.

Cui wanted to wait until after the autumn harvest.

"During this time, your third brother and I have been very busy. You own the land at home, but you are not at home, and your younger sister has gone to Beijing again. Only my third brother and I are doing the work in the field. Your elder brother must be I'm angry, and I haven't visited the door since I came back, let alone helping the family with work. Fortunately, this year's harvest is good, and I am busy and happy. But your marriage, my mother has no time to deal with it. Fortunately, the autumn harvest is not far away Yes, just wait a little longer."

"Is the harvest good this year?" Cui Zhonggui asked with concern.

"This year we can harvest a few stones more than in previous years." Cui Jikang excitedly took Cui Zhonggui to the field to look, and said as he walked, "Second brother, come and see, this year's sorghum and corn are growing well, and the yield per mu is estimated to be about [-] yuan." One stone more than in previous years. It’s a pity that our family started too late. If we followed my sister-in-law to apply new fertilizers in the first half of the year, the rice would be a few stones more!”

"So many?" Cui Zhonggui was so surprised that he almost slid down the field ridge.

After regaining his senses, he asked again: "What does it mean to start too late? Isn't the good harvest because of the good weather?"

"Of course this is also the reason, but without the fertilization method that my sister-in-law came up with, and in a year with good weather, there would be no such a good harvest."

Because of this incident, Cui Jikang completely changed his opinion of his sister-in-law, and became the only "big sister-in-law" in the old Cui's family.

However, he was shy, even if he met Xu Yin on the road, he didn't know what to say, so he yelled "Sister-in-law" and hurried away with his head down.

I'm afraid even Xu Yin didn't expect that such a shy young man would be so supportive of himself in front of others.

After Cui Zhonggui listened to his younger brother's babbling explanation, he was shocked, but at the same time, he was filled with emotion.

Half a year ago, who would have expected that the lazy elder sister-in-law would have such ability?
So much so that when I returned to the rice store to work, my mood was still a little agitated.

When there were fewer customers, I couldn't help but tell the shopkeeper about the harvest in Dawa Village this year.

Before the shopkeeper said anything, the customers who bought rice beside him were quite surprised: "At least one acre of land has been increased in production? Is it true or not? Which village?"


Dawa Village is famous!

To be exact, it was the retting method of the collective society of Dawa Village that became famous!

People from other villages wanted to come here to learn - what kind of composting method can actually increase the yield per mu by more than a stone!
In this way, the county magistrate of Qinghe County was alarmed.

Xu Yin has not been in the field recently.

Since Comrade Xiaojin recovered from his leg injury, he has done all the work in the field by himself.

She was also not allowed to do heavy work at home, such as chopping firewood, carrying water, watering and fertilizing the vegetable fields in front of and behind the house, and let her wait for him to come back when he was busy.

When he has free time, he competes with her for sweeping the floor and doing laundry.

Xu Yin: "..."

Miss is too busy!

It seems that apart from cooking, there is nothing else that belongs to her.

This is also because his cooking is not as delicious as hers, otherwise he might not escape the fate of being robbed.

With nothing else to do, she cut a batch of bamboo strips and planned to weave two reclining chairs, one for each of Comrade Xiaojin, enjoying the cool in summer and basking in the sun in winter.

On this day, after the two of them had breakfast, Cui Mengjin went to fertilize the soybean field for the last time, and then waited for the autumn harvest. Xu Yin filled him with a pot of tea made from wild chrysanthemums, and wrapped some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes in clean oil paper , If you are hungry, you can pad your stomach.

After autumn, the wild osmanthus in the mountains blooms vigorously.

She picked a lot back, dried the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers in the sun, salted sweet-scented osmanthus flowers, and put a little when making snacks, it was very fragrant.

After sending the man away, she cleaned up the stove, sat down and continued weaving the lounge chair.

On the small table next to it, there is a pot of chrysanthemum tea, a plate of dried wild fruit slices and sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Drink tea when you are thirsty, eat a piece of cake when you are hungry, and take dried slices of wild fruit in your mouth, it is very pleasant!All it takes is some soothing light music.

At this moment, Li Zheng led the county magistrate in official uniform to the door.

Xu Yin: "..."

Can't help but give Li Zheng a small accusing look: Can you give me a reminder next time before coming to the door?It's so abrupt every time.

Li Zheng was very excited.

It was the first time he received a county magistrate after being Li Zheng for so many years. He was so excited that his heart almost flew out of his throat, and he didn't receive Xu Yin's little eyes of resentment at all.

Zhou Zhihai has been the county magistrate for seven or eight years.

His colleagues who joined the government in the same year were promoted to Beijing officials four or five years ago, and those who were late have been appreciated and promoted by Shangfeng one by one in recent years.

Only he has changed places twice, and he is still a small seventh-rank county magistrate, and the few counties in the middle are poorer than the other.

He is really eager to make a career and rise to the top!

But living in this small Qinghe County, what achievements can he make?
A few days ago, I heard from the master that there is a small mountain village called Dawa Village below, and some villagers have invented a fertilizer that can increase the yield of crops.

It is said that the villager who invented this fertilizer increased the yield of rice harvested by at least one stone per mu this summer.

Although it is not yet time to harvest sorghum, corn, and soybeans, from the current point of view, an increase in production is already a certainty!

This made Magistrate Zhou overjoyed. If it was true, this would be a political achievement before his eyes!
As long as the news is verified to be true, he will write a memorial and report it to the imperial court, and promotion and official promotion are just around the corner!
(End of this chapter)

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