Chapter 1047 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (42)

Everyone has become a conditioned reflex. Whenever they see an unfamiliar crop, they think it is a product of the Western Regions.

But this is what Xu Yin wants.

The Western Regions are separated by mountains and rivers, and the roads are long. Most people would not really go there to seek evidence.

"My lord, these are indeed the seeds from the Western Regions that a woman bought in Chunzhou Mansion. At that time, she thought that these seeds were very special, so she picked them out and planted two small ridges."

When the county magistrate heard that this was indeed the case, he hurriedly urged the yamen servant to go down to help: "What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and help."

With many people and strong strength, two ridges of corn and two ridges of taro were quickly harvested.

When weighing, Lizheng found that the output was different, and he couldn't help wondering: "What's going on? Is it related to the land?"

Xu Yin touched her nose: "Oh, it's about the fertilizer."

"Fertilizer? A new type of fertilizer was applied to one piece? No one was applied?"

"No, one was fertilized with a new type of fertilizer, and the other was fertilized with more fertile fertilizer."

Li Zheng's eyeballs almost popped out, and his voice changed his tune with excitement: "What? Is there a fat that is more fat than the new type?"

Sounds like a tongue twister.

The county magistrate said: "This matter is not urgent..." Because he already knew about the fertilizer, he took a handful of castor beans for it.

Li Zheng: "..."

Are you in a rush about the fertilizer?What's the rush?
Oh yes, high-yielding grains! ! !
"Meng Jin's daughter-in-law, what is the name of the red-skinned, sweet-tasting one that Meng Jin brought to my house this morning? Can the yield per mu really reach ten shi?"

Xu Yin met their expectant eyes: "I also estimated that if all the fruits of a seedling were taken out, it would weigh about twenty or thirty catties, and it would be no problem to plant thirty or forty seedlings in one mu of land. Ten stone?"

Li Zheng's eyes suddenly brightened: "So, if you grow a few seedlings per mu, can the yield per mu be increased?"

"How big is a seedling? I can plant a hundred or so seedlings in an acre of land!"

The county magistrate and Lizheng looked at each other, their eyes sparkled with excitement, and they said in unison: "So, the yield per mu is expected to reach [-] shi?"

Xu Yin is happy: yes!That's right!Three thousand catties is the standard mu yield of sweet potatoes for later generations!One thousand catties is a conservative figure given by her.

Even with this conservative data, the county magistrate was very happy.

Even in the golden autumn sun in the afternoon, I didn't feel hot, and chatted around the sweet potato per mu yield in full swing.

After all, the small half-row of sweet potatoes left in the backyard of Xu Yin's family could not be kept.

The county magistrate took away the big heads, and Lizheng had the audacity to beg for a few, leaving only a few catties for her to plant next year.

After seeing off the county magistrate and Li Zheng, Xu Yinlan couldn't get up on the couch: "I'm so tired! I'm so tired!"

Dealing with people is exhausting!

Cui Mengjin twisted a washcloth made of well water for her and came over, gently covered her face, and wiped her face gently, so comfortable that she wanted to sigh.

Seeing her lazy like a cat, he smiled: "If you're tired, just lie down and have a rest. What do you want to eat at night? I'll do it."

"Just eat the corn you just picked today, keep it simple."

"Well, let me make you another winter melon and shrimp soup?"

"it is good."

That night, Xu Yin and his wife had a meal of fresh tender corn with the refreshing and appetizing winter melon shrimp skin soup.

At the same time, the county magistrate also rushed back to the county office, rushed into the study as soon as he got home, and wrote a letter to report on the sweet potato. Human race came out?Some of them are high-yield grains, and some are fresh vegetables and fruits. The way to eat them is as follows... Let's go...

Not long after, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince replied, this time the letter was different from the previous ones that were concise and to the point, this time he wrote six pages, but three pages were criticizing him for reporting too late!

It is said that the people in Zhuangzi did not understand how to eat these new crops, so that they harvested these green leaves as vegetables before the fruits grew up.

County Magistrate Chen: "..."

The credit was not reaped, and he was criticized... Who is worse than him?
There was no other way, so County Magistrate Chen had no choice but to come to Xu Yin and ask if he could leave some seeds from the Western Regions for him.

"The seeds I brought back were ruined because the people in the village didn't know how to plant them."

Xu Yin really wanted to give him a supercilious look, but she knew that it was probably a waste of nothing to say for so many days.

Fortunately, she kept a handful in her hand, otherwise all previous efforts would have been wasted.

"My lord, where is your Zhuangzi? Why don't you let the women go and have a look, maybe there is still a chance of rescue."

County Magistrate Chen: "...Uh, in the capital."

Xu Yin: "..."

The sister didn't say anything.

Not to mention the long distance, even if it is very close, the capital city is the place where my sister-in-law entered the dungeon, and it was too late for her to stay away, so how could she take the initiative to bump into it.

Because of this, County Magistrate Chen came up with an excellent idea: Yes!The Cui couple are good at farming, and they have the seeds of the Western Regions in their hands. Why not take them to the capital and go to the village of His Royal Highness to farm?In the field they are good at, to solve problems for His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness the Crown Prince will definitely give them gold and land, which is much better than being an ordinary Dawa villager!
County magistrate Chen stroked his beard, went back to revise a letter, and told the crown prince this proposal, His Royal Highness readily agreed, but in case his brothers who coveted his position as crown prince found out that there was trouble behind this matter, let magistrate Chen use his wife, family and relatives In the name of Cui and his wife came to Beijing.

The county magistrate Chen came to deliver the good news to Xu Yin.

Xu Yin: Listen to me, thank you——

She declined on the spot: "My lord, the folk women were born in the countryside since they were young, and they are used to the life in the countryside. When they went to the capital, they were worried about the acclimatization."

County magistrate Chen's persuasion was fruitless, and he couldn't force him. He was worried that he would offend people if he forced too hard, and it would be better to maintain the current status quo.

Thinking of this, County Magistrate Chen said a few words politely, and then went back.

Xu Yin wondered, she thought it would take a lot of talking, but she didn't expect the county magistrate to be so reasonable?It seems that the emperor of the Daqi Dynasty is generally considered a wise emperor, otherwise the officials below would not pretend to be ordinary people in their hearts.

Autumn goes and autumn comes and another year comes.

Xu Yin's family gave half of the lotus roots they harvested last year to plant in the collective lotus pond. Of course, they don't give them in vain. It counts as her work points. At the end of the year, the lotus roots sell well, so she can share a lot of money.

In addition to saving some seeds for her own lotus pond, Xu Yin taught the women in the lotus root starch processing workshop how to make lotus root starch, and gave some of the made lotus root starch to the county magistrate and his wife, along with a few eating methods.

The words were written by Comrade Xiaojin.

After more than a year of literacy classes, he has a super good memory. He not only recognizes the commonly used characters of this dynasty, but also learns how to write.

Xu Yin invited Lin Xiyun to come to his home to hold a literacy class, originally to let Comrade Xiaojin know a few more words, but now that he has learned the knowledge of Lin Xiyun's club to a good extent, there is no need to continue the literacy class .

But after discussing with Li Zheng, Xu Yin built a school in Xiaowa Village and continued to ask Lin Xiyun to be his teacher to enlighten the children in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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