Chapter 1050 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (45)

Therefore, Xu Yin, who was changed into new clothes at the mercy of the county magistrate's wife, and Cui Mengjin, who was called back from the field by someone sent by the county magistrate, hugged their son who was sleeping soundly, and knelt with their heads buzzing to welcome the order issued by His Majesty the new emperor. This reward edict.

"By God's blessing, the emperor summoned and said: The Xu family in Qinghe County is ingenious and intelligent. He is diligent and conscientious in farming. He not only researched the magic weapon for increasing production, but also prayed for thirty stones of high-yielding grain seeds for me..." I would like to pray for the blessings of the common people. I will be granted the title of eighth-rank Sinong, the salary of the county magistrate, a house in the capital, one hundred acres of cultivated land, one thousand taels of silver, ten pieces of jewellery, ten bolts of silk and satin, and several servants... I hereby! "


"What are you doing in a daze, thank you!" The county magistrate's wife tugged at Xu Yin's sleeve.

Xu Yin had no choice but to kowtow to thank her.

There are ten thousand sentences in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not.

In the past four years, the county magistrate dedicated everything he took from her to the crown prince...

No wonder the system has been beeping constantly in the past few years, and energy has been credited to the account almost every day. I also want to say that Mr. Chen is quite capable, teaching so many people to use new-style fertilizers and eat food grown from new-style fertilizers.It is not he who dares to give orders, but the prince.

That is to say, three years ago, he tried his best to invite himself to farm in Zhuangzi in the capital. I am afraid it is not an ordinary Zhuangzi, but Huangzhuang, right?
"Congratulations, you two!"

After the county magistrate Chen finished reading, he put away the imperial edict, and bowed his hands to Xu Yin and his wife with a smile on his face.

He has also been promoted. As a servant of His Highness the Crown Prince, he has achieved Taoism and ascended to heaven alone. Now he has been promoted three times in a row, and he is already a fourth-rank Beijing official.

"Yinmei, after you settle down at home, let's go to Beijing together!"

Xu Yin's jaw almost dislocated: "We must also enter Beijing?"

"Of course! Your Majesty wants to meet you and your wife. The emperor's kindness is great, and you should go to thank him. Also, don't you want to see the houses and fields in the capital?"


To be honest, I don't want to!

"What about you? Do you want to go to the capital?"

Sending off the county magistrate and his wife and a group of villagers watching the fun, looking at the pile of rewards and the six servants standing respectfully outside the house waiting to distribute their work, Xu Yin pinched her brows and asked the man with a headache.

Cui Mengjin took her into her arms and massaged her temples: "If the lady wants to go, I will accompany the lady."

"Alas..." Xu Yin sighed, "This is no longer a question we want to think about. The emperor summons us, and ordinary people have no right to say no."

Looking down at his son who was still grinning and giggling in his sleep, he couldn't help but want to pinch his fleshy little cheeks. A heartless boy doesn't have these troubles.

Anyway, if you want to go, it is better to prepare early.

"In this way, the house will not be built for now, and we will talk about it when we come back."

Originally, the autumn harvest was over, and the silver taels on the bright side were finally saved enough. She wanted to build a courtyard house with blue bricks and black tiles, and a wall around the main courtyard. There are also pigpens and chicken and duck houses at the back, all surrounded.

A grape trellis was set up on the patio of the main courtyard, a few wild osmanthus plants were transplanted, and a set of stone tables and benches was built to enjoy the coolness in summer... The design drawings have been reviewed several times in my mind, and it turned out...the plan really couldn't keep up with the changes!

Cui Mengjin comforted her: "Just take it easy and go out for a walk."

He remembered going to Chunzhou Mansion four years ago, and she had a great time strolling around. The capital is at the foot of the emperor, so it must be more lively and interesting than Chunzhou Mansion.

Xu Yin also complained to her man, when the biggest boss summoned her, she had to have the courage to refuse.

Li Zheng happened to go out today, and when he came back to learn that Meng Jin's daughter-in-law had been conferred the rank of eighth-rank Sinonong by the new emperor, he was so shocked that he almost lost his composure.

Speaking of the official title of Sinong, it was added by the Supreme Emperor when he ascended the throne. Unlike the county magistrate who had to go to work in the Yamen, Si Nong was a idle job, but enjoyed all the benefits of the county magistrate. For so many years, there are very few farmers who have been granted titles, and Xu Yin is the first one in Qinghe County.

After the clan elders heard about it, they chose an auspicious day to open the ancestral hall and recorded the name of Meng Jin's daughter-in-law in the genealogy.

Xu Yin twitched the corners of her mouth, that is to say, she was only worthy of being named "Meng Jin's wife Xu" in the Cui family tree, but now she can record her full name.

"Xu Erya? No, no, no! My name is Xu Yin, Caotouyin."

After opening the ancestral hall, all the crops that should be harvested in the field were harvested, and Xu Yin and his wife kept enough rations for the next year, and sold the excess;

The lotus root in the lotus pond is dug up and divided into three batches, one batch is reserved for seeds, one batch is still invested in the collective lotus pond, and the other batch is invested in the lotus root starch processing workshop;

Of the six servants, two are left to look after the house. The chickens, ducks and pigs at home need to be fed, and the winter vegetables in the field will not be harvested until some time later.

The four went to Beijing with them, helping with luggage and taking care of the children on the way.

On this trip to the capital, she brought a lot of selected grains, vegetables, and melons.

Since the emperor summoned her as a farmer, he would definitely ask some questions related to farming. Bringing some of the various seeds can also make multiple topics.Otherwise, are you staring at the emperor?
Finally, there is a basket of freshly harvested papaya and a papaya tree packed with soil.

The papaya seeds bought by Chunzhou Mansion, after four years of careful watering, finally bear fruit this year. The emperor rewarded her with so many things, so she should take this as a gift.

Cough, the emperor might not like it, but his queen and concubine must be satisfied with this gift.

After packing up, Xu Yin and his wife took their children and servants and set off for the capital.

On the day of departure, the villagers of Dawa Village came out collectively to see them off.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Cui Jikang bid farewell to the two with red eyes:

"It's a long way to go to the capital, brother and sister-in-law must take care!"

"Yeah." Cui Mengjin was as concise as ever.

Xu Yin patted the young man on the shoulder: "Do your best for the rural examination! Maybe you are going to the capital to take the general examination before we come back from the capital."

The boy's eyes were bright: "Can I do it?"

"Of course! Sister-in-law is optimistic about you!"

The boy clenched his fists and nodded excitedly: "I will work hard."

Cui who was on the side rolled her eyes: "Third brother, don't listen to your sister-in-law's nonsense, it's not so easy to pass the exam! According to me, it's just a waste of time and money to make a trip."

Everyone else felt that Cui Shi's words were too disappointing: "Ji Kang is about to end, and you still make sarcastic remarks. You are still a mother, so don't look forward to him, okay?"

Xu Yin ignored this mother-in-law who loves to be disappointed and always wipes tears from her red eyes. She pulled Cui Jikang over, reminded him of the precautions for going to the examination room, and slipped a silver ticket to him: "The poor family is rich, don't go out!" Show your wealth, but don't be too frugal, treat yourself better. It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam, you are still young, so you should go to practice."

"Thank you sister-in-law." Cui Jikang's voice was choked up.

"Okay, okay, we should go!"

Her natal family is still waiting to see them off at the front intersection, and the entertainment is also very tiring, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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