Chapter 1088

Xu Yin is renting a house at the moment, and has just cleared the weeds for the small greenhouse in the yard.

Since renting this 15-square-meter house, she has opened a vegetable field along the walls of the two courtyards. On the east side, she grows onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, basil, mint and other seasonings, and on the west side, she grows several kinds of vegetables suitable for planting in autumn. Seasonal vegetables.

The main reason is not to save money or to look good in the yard, but to facilitate her to find fish from the system warehouse, so as not to have to go to the vegetable market when there is something missing when cooking.

After winter, she built a simple greenhouse for the two small vegetable plots - bamboo poles covered with plastic film.

Because of her strength, the bamboo poles are deep into the ground, so the structure is firm, and the plastic film for the cover is also strong in bearing capacity. The snow was shoveled in time after the snow fell, and it has not been crushed yet.

I cleared the weeds in the vegetable field in the shed, and picked a few strawberries by the way.

Back in the warm kitchen, she washed the strawberries and tasted two. They were not bad, not as good as the ones she grew in New Zealand, but the taste was not bad. I will bring some strawberries grown in New Zealand to Comrade Xiaojin later. go try it.

I just sat down and planned to check the news on my mobile phone for a while, while watching the casserole stewed with Cordyceps and old duck soup, I received news from Gong Xi and Lu Yunzhou one after the other——

Gong Xi: I want to break up with that bastard Lu Yunzhou!

Lu Yunzhou: Just ignore her!

Xu Yin: "..."

Can you blackmail the two of you?Thanks!
I replied a series of ellipses to each of them, indicating that my sister is very busy and has no time to interrupt your housework.

After the old duck stew was finished, she rented a public electric donkey, put the tightly wrapped casserole in the pocket of the car, and stuffed a bag of snacks, fruits, and snacks for her boyfriend in the place where she put her feet. Riding a small electric donkey leisurely went to Huada to visit her boyfriend.

Comrade Xiaojin has been getting more and more busy recently. She even asked for leave from public classes. She really has no time to attend. She has been soaking in the laboratory with data and learning program control.

When he couldn't leave, he asked his classmates to help him pack lunch, but he forgot to ask his classmates, so he just had two slices of toast and some meat floss that Xu Yin made for him to make a simple sandwich for him.

Fortunately, he handed in both homework and papers in a timely manner, and Professor Jiang explained the reason on the leave slip. The public class teacher readily granted the leave, and said to the students in several classes before class:
"If you are like Jiang Youjin, who are absent from my class due to more important matters, and your instructor signs to say, even if you don't come to class for a semester, I won't deduct your usual marks."


This is no nonsense!
Jiang Youjin's absence was due to a more important class in the laboratory. They were absent either because they were too lazy to sleep in or because they missed the time playing games.

Having said that, if they had Jiang Youjin's brains, they wouldn't be afraid of getting a red light at the end of the semester if they deducted their points casually.

Xu Yin parked the electric car next to the street tree under the laboratory building, locked it and returned it, and then came to the laboratory where Comrade Xiaojin was working familiarly, carrying a casserole in one hand and two bags full of food in the other.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door opened from the inside, and a burst of cheers was heard as the heat came blowing in his face.

The student who opened the door saw Xu Yin, his eyes lit up, he turned his head and shouted into the room: "Xiao Jiang, your girlfriend is here!"

"Xiao Jiang's girlfriend is here? Please come in!"

The others stopped their spittle-flying chatter, gathered around one after another, enthusiastically invited Xu Yin in, and even dragged a chair for her to sit on.

Xu Yin: "..."

Jiang Youjin took the things from his girlfriend, led her to her seat and helped her hang up the down jacket: "..."

My girlfriend is here, why are you all so excited?
What else can I do!
Xu Yin gave her boyfriend a loving meal. Her boyfriend eats meat, so it's good for them to drink some soup.

It’s not that they say that Xu Yin’s soup is absolutely top-notch craftsmanship. I’ve been to more than [-] cafeterias in the whole school, but I can’t buy better soup than her soup, like last week’s yam and mutton soup, Shangshang Zhou’s Chicken Soup with Astragalus and Hericium erinaceus, Shangshang Zhou’s Pepper Pork Belly Chicken Soup...

Can't buy it!
I can't buy it!

You can't buy it with extra money!

The canteen chef doesn't have that skill.

Even the soups sold in outside shops that claim to be secret recipes and ancient methods are several times more expensive, and the taste is still not as delicious as Xu Yin's stew.

"Xiao Xu, are you making soup for Xiao Jiang again? What are you stewing today? Wow - it smells so good!"

"You dog's nose! Xiao Xu didn't even open it, and you smelled it?"

Not only has it not been opened, but the casserole is wrapped in several layers of thermal cotton!Although I know that the soup must be made like a few times, it is an exaggeration to say that it is so fragrant that I can swallow my mouth.

Even if he really swallowed his saliva, it was a conditioned reflex.

"Oh, this is called the art of speaking, do you understand? It indirectly reflects Xiao Xu's superb cooking skills, which can't be explained by someone with an IQ of 250 and an EQ of 25."

"Fuck you are only 250! I tested it, and the real data is not fake - 158 is not mixed with water!"

"Is the point talking about your IQ? I'm talking about your EQ, brother!"


Xu Yin listened to the music. She didn't expect that the top students from the top universities would be so happy in private that they could even form a cross talk team when they went out.

I didn't plan to greedy them on purpose, so I opened the layers of thermal cotton wrapped in it, opened the lid and invited them to drink together: "Cordyceps old duck soup! Nourishing and not getting angry!"

"Wow - it's really delicious!"

Everyone sniffed and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Everyone, you're welcome, I want to drink it myself."

I had the experience of drinking soup several times, and the laboratory prepared a set of eating utensils, from bowls and chopsticks to plates.

Xu Yin has been here a few times, and probably knows how many people there are, so she specially cooked a whole old duck in a large casserole, enough for everyone to share.

There are also several side dishes and snacks.

"Thank you Xiao Xu, thank you Xiao Jiang!"

"By the way, Xiao Xu, it's a coincidence that you came here. Xiao Jiang's Xiatian robot was successfully assembled, and you came just as you were about to find a field to try. You two really have a good understanding!"

Xu Yin was serving soup to her boyfriend, and raised her eyebrows in puzzlement: "What Xiatian robot?"

Jiang Youjin glanced helplessly at the senior brother who was speaking.

He hasn't told his girlfriend yet, and wants to surprise her.

"Aha! I thought Xiao Xu knew!" Zhao Yixuan shrank his neck, made a zip movement to his mouth, and hid away to drink the soup, "Let Xiao Jiang tell you by himself! I won't talk too much!"

Xu Yin's curiosity was aroused: "What kind of field robot? Can it replace humans to work in the field?"

Jiang Youjin brought the soup for the two of them to his work table, asked his girlfriend to sit on his seat, pulled an abandoned main box as a stool, and said while drinking the soup: "Actually, it's not very smart, it's just It is said that it can operate mechanically according to the input instructions. For example, if you need to observe the growth and development of seeds, it can take pictures of the experimental subjects and upload them, and you can see them on your mobile phone without going to the field. It can also follow the set route Loosening the soil and watering it and avoiding the experimental subjects, it can help you complete these mechanical tasks, but if there are some emergencies, it can’t handle it yet.”

(End of this chapter)

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