Chapter 1122 The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (15)

The other fishermen watched eagerly.

Fortunately, Xu Yin did not bring much catch. The sea fishing catches in two refrigerators and the amount of two small shrimp pots attracted tourists who got up early to watch the sunrise, and some tourists who lived in nearby B&Bs to catch the morning market at the wharf. .

Most tourists have to sleep until they wake up naturally before they come to the pier to pick up some favorite seafood and go to the food stall for processing.

At that time, Xu Yin had already driven her beloved small fishing boat back to Xingzhou Island.

Otherwise, she will definitely become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of other fishermen.

Although he is also envious and jealous now, the business affected is not too much, and the two parties are still living in peace.

After that, Xu Yin went out to sea once every morning, and most of the time she used her homemade bait to really rely on her strength to fish, and occasionally she used the [Small Fishing Big] skill to try her luck.

But even if good things are caught, they are still stored in the system warehouse, and they have no plans to sell them for the time being.

She goes out to sea for no more than two hours each time, and when the sun rises, she returns no matter how much she catches, and picks up shrimp pots along the way and drives directly to the main island pier.

Tourists who get up early to watch the sunrise have developed into her biggest customer base—they rush to buy before her small fishing boat docks.

It is impossible not to eat seafood when you come to the island for vacation. If you buy it yourself and take it to a food stall for processing, the cost is much more cost-effective than going directly to the restaurant to order it.

New tourists, seeing that her stall has the most buyers, will flock to join in the fun, and then buy some, one after another, the old will bring the new, and the "beautiful seafood stall" has become famous.

Xu Yin's arrival may not be the earliest, but it is definitely the fastest to close the stall.

Boss Jin of the resort hotel once passed by the pier and saw Xu Yin tidy up the stalls and jumped on the fishing boat to go home, so he only had time to say hello to her from a distance.

Back at the hotel, Boss Jin asked the kitchen manager: "Has Xiao Xu ever delivered goods to our hotel?"

"Which Xiao Xu?"

"It's the original owner of the top-quality blue-finned golden gun a few days ago."

"Oh, you mean Miss Xu? I haven't been here before!"

Boss Jin pondered for a moment and said, "Well, if you send someone to the pier early tomorrow, she probably feels embarrassed to come and set up a stall to sell seafood at the pier."


Boss Jin, through the big blue-finned golden gun contributed by Xu Yin, not only attracted a group of wealthy bigwigs at home and abroad, advertised for the hotel for free, but also earned a lot of commission. The spring breeze is proud.

Seeing Xu Yin, a contributor, working hard to set up a stall at the pier, I couldn't help but want to pull her out.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the kitchen manager called and told him: "Boss Jin, Ms. Xu's goods were rushed up by tourists as soon as they landed, and it's not our turn to collect them."

"Ah?" Boss Jin was very surprised, "Isn't it because she was thin-skinned that she didn't send it to the hotel?"

"Probably not. Her business was so good that it was sold out in less than half an hour. I heard from other fishermen that it was like this every day."


Boss Jin was also in a daze, and came back to his senses and said, "Could it be that the seafood she caught is of particularly good quality? In this way, you find someone to act as a tourist to buy some back, and I'll try it."

The manager of the back kitchen ordered the new helper to queue up at the pier the next morning to buy Xu Yin's seafood.

As a result, the young man forgot to set the alarm clock. When he remembered, he ran to the pier to see where there was Xu Yin, and he had already sold out and returned home.

Afraid of being reprimanded, I bought a few good-looking seafood from other stalls and went back to do business.

After Boss Jin tasted it, he found that it was no different from ordinary small seafood. It must be that Xu Yin is young and beautiful, and he stands out from the crowd of fishermen, which is why he is so popular among tourists.

Since her business was good, Boss Jin didn't ask the back kitchen manager to send someone to find her. He only told the back kitchen that if Xu Yin sent any seafood, he must accept it and the price would be favorable.

In this way, Xu Yin opened up the sea fishing market at the pier of the main island.

There is no live broadcast on the Internet yet, and the seafood caught is not enough to sell every day, so is it necessary to live broadcast and bring the goods?

On the way home, Xu Yin rubbed her chin and thought about this question when she saw the workers sent by the communication company to finish the construction of the optical fiber base station and prepare to leave Xingzhou Island.

Finally, I came to a conclusion: the live broadcast is still going on!She also wants to change to a big fishing boat!The current business is just a small business, and it is okay to support the family, but if you want to buy a fishing boat with advanced equipment, it is still far away!
The 150 million yuan for selling bluefin tuna was given to Mother Xu and she has no plan to get it back.

Xu's mother told her more than once that when Haohao was older, she planned to re-apply for a homestead to build a bigger house, and save it for Haohao to ask for a wife in the future.

The homestead of the current house is too small. With the renovation and re-building of the surrounding neighbors, the old Xu's house is getting shorter and smaller.

Of course, Xu's mother wanted to train Haohao into a college student, but college students also want wives, what can they do without a house?The native fishermen of Xingzhou Island couldn't afford the hundreds of thousands of dowry gifts like the outside world, and they always had to buy a decent wedding house.

Xu Yin didn't say to Xu's mother: Even if girls from the outside world fall in love with the young man in Xingzhou Island, what they want to live in may not be the self-built villas in Xingzhou Island, but the commercial housing in the city.

However, the family has a guarantee of 150 million yuan, so Xu's mother can build whatever she wants.There is something to do, and it saves her time. She often weeps silently holding the photos of her deceased husband and son.

Keep earning money for upgrading fishing boats!
"Yinyin! The Internet is connected! Our island is finally connected to the Internet!"

He Xue was playing with her son in the alley, when she saw Xu Yin, she waved to her excitedly:
"In the future, if you want to surf the Internet, you don't need to go to the main island!"

Xu Yinjiong.

Is this teasing her?
He Xue approached her mysteriously and excitedly said: "Didn't you say last time that you plan to broadcast live fishing when you get through the Internet? I also plan to broadcast live, and I will broadcast live makeup."

Live makeup?

Xu Yin's heart skipped a beat: Make-up must show your face.

So, there is a high probability that the heroine will reunite with the hero during the time period arranged by the plot?
Although I currently refuse to play the role of cannon fodder that promotes the plot, but the plot cannot hold up and it has its own pulleys-no one pushes and continues to move forward.

She can prevent herself from getting involved with the hero and heroine, but she can't stop the heroine herself.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Of course! I asked my second sister-in-law to teach me to register. My nickname is 'Fireflies in the Snow Season'. Isn't it poetic and romantic?"


Xu Yinxin said that she didn't think fireflies appeared in spring and summer, so it was strange that there were fireflies in snow season.

But the nickname, what is the favorite name, even if it is called "fireflies swallowed the summer", no one will argue with you.

"Well, Axue, what's so good about live broadcasting with makeup, it hurts the skin! Why don't you live broadcast fishing with me! The kind that doesn't show your face and shows fish and shrimp!"

"Going to sea hurts the skin! And I don't like sea fishing, I like makeup!"


There is no salvation!

This girl insisted on running back to brighten up the plot and experience the heart-wrenching scenes, but there was nothing she could do.

(End of this chapter)

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