Chapter 351

The Insect Beast Forest occupies a very large area, and the outer area is full of dangers, and few people can enter the inner area.

Kaxiu and his party have been to the deepest place, and they are still three-quarters away from the center of the forest.

Therefore, he didn't know what the central area was like.Because very few people go in, and those who go in, they don't come out.

Xu Yin guessed that there were probably fierce beasts like tigers.

But she didn't intend to go into the deep forest, the outer area alone was enough for her to wander around.

The forest before the cold season is similar to the mountains in autumn. Not only fresh mushrooms and fungus can be seen everywhere, but ginseng and ganoderma are also ignored by the people here.

After Kaxiu and Simon met, he told his younger brother and went hunting.

Xu Yin took Kahn to search for treasures in the outer periphery.

In Xu Yin's view, there are treasures everywhere.

There are pine nuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, jujubes, wild fruits on the trees...

There are all kinds of fungi on the ground, but they are all relatively large.

From time to time, hundreds of thousand-year-old ginseng, huge fake-like red sesame, and extra-large Hericium erinaceus that resemble the hairy head of a monkey can be found.

At this time, I don't mind a bad start at all.

Bitterness first, sweetness later, bitterness comes with sweetness, life is like this ups and downs!
"Brother Hero, you can't eat this, it's poisonous!" Kahn saw her picking red mushrooms, his little face turned pale with fright, "Someone ate this and died on the spot!"

Xu Yin thought about it, and the russula and some poisonous mushrooms are really similar.

However, she had learned how to identify red mushrooms from her aunt at the time in the 80s, not to mention the "Chinese Herbal Medicine Illustrated Book" to protect her, so she can't be wrong.

He taught Kahn how to identify red mushrooms: "If you pick them this way, you won't get any poisonous mushrooms."


"Of course. When have I lied to you?"

Kahn thought that there really wasn't any, so he happily followed Xu Yin to pick up the mushrooms.

Whatever Xu Yin picks up, he picks up accordingly.


Kahn was picking it up happily when he suddenly tripped over a rotten wooden stake.

Xu Yin helped him up, and pulled out the abrupt wooden stake.

A black lump that looked like coal rose from the root.

Take a closer look, have fun!

Black truffle!This is good stuff!

Known as the black diamond on the dining table.

Seeing Kahn pinching her nose in disgust, Xu Yin laughed and said, "Kan, you found a treasure! Go back and cook something delicious to reward you!"

"This is baby?"


Kahn expressed his incomprehension.

But when he heard that there was something delicious, he tried his best to find the rotten wooden stake.

Xu Yin laughed heartily.

Black truffles are hard to find. Wherever there are wooden stakes, there will be black truffles, which is not such a good thing.

Unexpectedly, Kahn actually found clumps of black truffles with rotten tree stumps.

Xu Yin: "..."

This result was unexpected.

In addition to black truffles, Kahn also accidentally dug up a clump of wild Gastrodia elata thicker than an adult's arm.

"Kan, have you lit up the skill of the treasure hunting mouse?" Xu Yin happily wanted to hug the child and kiss him.

Kahn looked confused: "What is a treasure hunting mouse?"

"..." Forget it, my sister didn't say anything.

The siblings picked and picked and dug and dug. With ginseng, Gastrodia elata, and red sesame as the base, they dug up a large clump of wild yam, and they didn't think it was a surprise.

Kahn was not sensitive to the yam: "This is poisonous, it is really poisonous. My brother brought it back once, and before eating it, his whole body was covered with red rashes, which were itchy and painful. I felt uncomfortable for several days."

Xu Yin told him about science: "Yam is like this. It is easy to be allergic when you peel it, but it is not poisonous after cooking. It tastes very good. Do you really not want to eat it?"

Kahn swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Eat!"

Xu Yin suppressed a smile and put away the yam.

At this time, Kaxiu, Simon and others who had been wandering around for a day also came back.

They got off to a good start today, hunting a horned bug that looked like a cow, which was a circle bigger than the one they hunted last time.

"If we can hunt a big guy like this every day, we can go home earlier, and it won't take as long as last time," Simon said.

Every time he came out, he always thought about his wife at home, wishing he could eat enough meat for a cold season in three days, and go home to watch his wife live.

The others, like Kaxiu, are bachelors.

Most of the men commit the ultimate crime, so women are quite popular on the exile planet.Xu Yin is glad that she made the decision to disguise herself as a man.

When bachelors get together, it is inevitable to talk about women. Xu Yin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when she heard them laughing and chatting about nasty things.

Do you want to avoid it?
At this time, there was a shrill cry for help from the woods.

It seemed that some giant beast ran out, and the ground was shaken loudly.

Simon and the others immediately held the sharp weapon sharpened by the mangrove tree and stood ready.

Kahn was hugged by Kaxiu to a nearby tree.

"It's Clovis?" Simon recognized that the man who stumbled out was Monkey's father.

When Clovis saw them, he cried out in terror, "Run! There's a monster!"

As soon as the words fell, a manic giant beast was seen galloping from the direction of the deep forest.With its size and speed, it is impossible to fight against it.

The companion who had been hunting with Clovis before had been knocked to the ground by its horns.

"Quick! Hide behind the big tree!"

Simon waved his hand.

Several people quickly rushed to the opposite side of the towering tree that could only be surrounded by five or six people.

However, as if the giant beast had heard their voices, it ran straight towards the back of the tree.

Kahn watched in fear from the tree, subconsciously shouted: "Brother!"

The giant beast turned around and slammed into the tree where Kahn was.


Seeing that the situation was wrong, Kaxiu wanted to rush over and fight the giant beast desperately.

Xu Yin grabbed him, then stepped forward quickly, aimed at the belly of the giant beast, and rushed forward with a fist with all her strength.

Just hearing a "bang", the giant beast was thrown out by her fist, and hit a towering tree, the trunk was hit with a crackling sound.

"No! The tree is falling! Run!"

Kaxiu made Kahn jump off, caught him, and ran out of the insect beast forest with the others.


The movement of the big tree falling caused the ground to tremble three times.

Xu Yin and the others ran for a certain distance, and stopped after confirming that the danger was over, panting heavily.

"Thank you, hero!"

Kaxiu took a breath and came over to thank Xu Yin.

Kahn cried and threw himself into Xu Yin's arms: "Brother Yingxiong, thank you! Otherwise, Kahn and brother might both die!"

Xu Yin patted his head: "It's okay, it's all over!"

Simon and the others were very surprised:

"Brother Hero, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"I saw the hero's thin and weak appearance before, but I didn't expect such explosive power."

Xu Yin blushed when she was praised: "Don't dare to be! It's just that you have great strength, but everything else is just mediocre."

"Hey! You are so humble!" Kaxiu patted her on the shoulder, "You alone are as good as several of us."

(End of this chapter)

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