Chapter 390 70s Stirring House Spirit (21)

Xu Yin rubbed her suddenly itchy nose, looked at the setting sun in the west, the work in the field was almost done, it was time to go back and make dinner.

As soon as I got home, I saw Mrs. Xu coming to the door with a basket on her shoulders: "Yinyin, I found the chicks you want for you. You feed them carefully, and you will have chickens to eat after the New Year."

"Thank you grandma."

"There's nothing to be thankful for." Mrs. Xu waved her hand.

Turning his head to look outside the house, he carefully took out a bag of food from the skirt of his clothes like an underground party joint.

"Is it about to stop again? Eat these first. Grandpa Ni went to find a way to buy black market food, and he will pick it up when it arrives after a while."

In the past, the old couple saw that the youngest son was so lazy, sometimes when they got angry, they really didn't want to talk to this son, unless he ran to the old house to collect food, they had the right to ignore it, and they didn't work much anyway, less Eat something to survive starvation.

But recently, Xu Yin gave their two elders some small fish and shrimps from the river every now and then, and seeing that the third was earning full work points every day, she couldn't help worrying about what to do if the third's family didn't have enough food and no strength to work?It was still too early to distribute the food after the double grab, so old man Xu asked someone to buy food on the black market.

Xu Yin did not refuse the old lady's kindness.

If it weren't for her having a systematic warehouse, from time to time, she would get some sweet potatoes, potatoes or sorghum, millet and other miscellaneous grains out, and mix them with local rice to make two-rice rice and sweet potato rice, the family would have collapsed.

Comrades Xu Laosan and Chen Huilan never cared how much food they had in their rice tanks as long as they had something to eat.The big deal is that they are empty, one will go to the old house and the other will go back to her mother's house, and they can always come back at least some time.

Besides, they are now earning work points every day, if they are not given enough to eat, they will probably give up their burdens.

So Xu Yin is also having a headache, where can she get some bright food.The result is still the two elders.

"Grandma, this is the money for the grain, and this is the money for the chicks." She gave the money to the old lady.

Mrs. Xu refused to take it: "How much are the two chicken cubs worth? The money for the food will be decided after the purchase."

Seeing that she insisted on refusing to take it, Xu Yin grabbed the freshly picked young leeks and gave her a few wild eggs, stuffing them into the old lady's basket: "You take them home and add another dish."

Mrs. Xu declined, but finally accepted.

Walking on little feet, he returned home with a smile on his face, and showed the old man that his granddaughter respected their food:
"Girl Yin has been lucky recently. She picked up wild eggs every now and then. And this leek, did you plant it well? This child used to look lazy. I'm really worried that she will be as virtuous as the third child. It will not be good then Looking for my in-law's house, I didn't expect to suddenly become enlightened, not to mention rushing to do the field work, and the house is also cleaned up, so my in-law's house will definitely not have to worry about it."

Xu Yin rubbed her itchy nose again.

Strange, why do I always have an itchy nose and want to sneeze today?Could it be a sign of a cold?

He quickly fed himself two health-enhancing pills to improve immunity, took a few mouthfuls of Lingxuzong mountain spring water, and then caught the two chickens in the chicken cage made of bamboo strips a few days ago, sprinkled a handful of millet, Throw a vegetable leaf and let them peck first.

Going to find time to make some chicken feed.

She used to do this when she was a peasant girl: use chicken grass, bran, wheat bran that chickens love to eat, and common herbs that are easy to find on the mountain, and chop them together with high-protein insects. Now she also has Lingxuzong mountain spring water, mixed with Feed them to the chicks, they will be absolutely nutritious and healthy without getting sick.

Do it when you think of it.

Early the next morning, before going to work, Xu Yin ran to the foot of the mountain to cut a basket of chicken grass, and found wild alfalfa, which the livestock loved to eat, and pulled a large piece of it.

At the same time, we sprinkled some high-quality alfalfa seeds that have been cultivated for several generations. The seeds germinate quickly in spring, and we can harvest another wave in two months.

Now that she was here, she walked up the mountain for a while.

There are mostly shrubs and miscellaneous trees on the mountain, except for birds that make their homes here, other game is rarely seen.

But some people in the brigade have picked up wild eggs, which shows that there are pheasants.

Xu Yin went around and picked out the smallest pheasant in Taoyuan Star.

In terms of size, Taoyuanxing can only be placed at the bottom of the list, but the advantage is that the skeleton is small and fleshy, and it is very fat.

Xu Yin stuffed it into the basket, spread several layers of common herbs such as purslane and dandelion, and went home with the basket and bamboo basket on her back.

Xu and Laosan just woke up and saw her take out a pheasant from the basket, their eyes were straightened: "Yin, Yinyin, is this a pheasant?"

"Yes! I was lucky enough to catch it."

"Oh, what a pheasant? It looks fatter than domestic chickens!"

"Why don't we say that our daughter is lucky, she often finds wild eggs, but this time she caught a pheasant! Haha!"

Xu Yin urged them to go to work: "It's getting late, you go first, I'll pack up and go."

"All right, all right, pack up slowly, let's go first."

The third Xu and his wife were originally in low spirits and didn't want to go to work so early. Seeing the pheasant to eat, they immediately revived with blood.

"Don't tell anyone." Xu Yin reminded them before they went out, worried that they would talk everywhere.

"Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it!"

"That's right, we know, make a fortune in silence!"

But without saying anything, the smile on his face couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

I was working on my hands, and all I could think about was fat and oily pheasants, and I laughed out loud as I thought about it.

"Third, what's the good news? I think you've had a good morning."

After working for an hour, I went home to have breakfast. On the way, the villagers made fun of Mr. Xu.

Xu Laosan didn't even say that he was beaten to death.

A woman from Chen Huilan's side also asked her: "Third daughter-in-law, is there any happy event in your family? Could it be that Yinyin's door-to-door son-in-law has chosen it? Which one? It seems that you are very satisfied?"

Chen Huilan waved her hand: "Where is it, the son-in-law is still early, Yinyin is only old, she said, don't look for a partner if you are under [-]."

"Then what are you enjoying? From morning till now."

"...Uh, I just had a sweet dream last night and ate a big meal of fat."


The village woman looked at her suspiciously, not quite believing it.

Shouldn't you be depressed when you wake up eating meat in your dream?How can you have a good morning?

Chen Huilan looked at her with innocent eyes: "Really! I didn't lie to you!"


When they got home, the couple stepped forward and backward into the courtyard door, closed the courtyard door behind their backs, jumped up excitedly, and then ran to the kitchen to have a look.

Before Xu Yin goes to work, she prepares the chicken, boils it on a high fire, removes the firewood, and stews it with residual charcoal.

Stewed for an hour, the chicken is tender and delicious.

The couple were overjoyed.Quickly grab a bowl of soup and drink it.

Xu Laosan sighed in satisfaction: "It's so comfortable!"

Take a sip of chicken soup, take a bite of steamed buns, mix dry and wet, and let your stomach settle down!
In the past, he hated eating dry coarse-grain steamed buns the most, but today he just had chicken soup, and he didn't feel his throat choking at all.

"Why isn't Yinyin coming back today?" Chen Huilan looked towards the gate of the courtyard while eating.

In fact, Xu Yin came back earlier than them. She filled a bowl of chicken and sent it to the old man. By the way, she wanted to ask the old man how to get to the black market.

(End of this chapter)

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