Chapter 406 70s Disturbance (37) (Third Watch, ask for a monthly ticket!)
Yesterday, quite a few mud-pickers actually saw Xu Yin hurrying to the clinic with a big man on his back, but because they were far away, they couldn't see who it was.

Although I am curious, after all I have worked all day. Recently, the reservoirs and canals are being dredged. The strong laborers are all sent to dig and pick mud. After a day, they are very tired.

The women were either topdressing the corn field where the branches blocked the eyes, or catching insects in the cotton field on the other side. No one saw that scene.

Therefore, this gossip news did not spread until the next day through the mouths of Mr. and Mrs. Xu.

"Oh my god! What you said is true, third child? Has Yinyin found a son-in-law at home? Who is it? Is it from our brigade?"

"I said how I saw Yinyin running to the brigade headquarters with a big man on her back yesterday, is it just that man?"

"Oh! No wonder you are so red today, my son-in-law! What is the origin of the other party? You need to find out the background of the family, and don't let the family chase after you and regret it."

Xu Laosan hasn't asked his son-in-law what's going on with his family yet, but since the second daughter said that there is no problem with this marriage, it must be done.That's how he firmly believed in the second daughter.

"He is not an outsider. You all know him. He is Xu Zhiqing who teaches in the brigade primary school. Yesterday he sprained his foot on the mountain, fractured and had a fever. My family is out to save others, so I don't care whether the men and women will carry him. In the end, this young man was very upright and felt that he had taken advantage of my family Yinyin, so he insisted on agreeing with him, even if my family only recruited a son-in-law for Yinyin."

Everyone was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to react:
"What? Educated youth Xu? Is it the educated youth Xu I know, Mr. Xu?"

"No way? Xu Zhiqing is so good-looking, it's not easy to find a partner? How could he be willing to step in?"

Everyone can't believe it.

The member who was close to Mr. Xu pulled him and asked in a low voice: "Mr. San, tell the truth, did you force Xu Zhiqing to come to the door?"

Third Xu rolled his eyes: "Am I that kind of person?"

Everyone said: This is hard to say!Xu Zhiqing is good-looking, your second daughter said before that she likes good-looking ones.Who knows if you have used the grace of saving your life to force others?

"Are you really not forcing people?"

"No!" Xu Lao San impatiently told them more, "If you don't believe me, just go to my house after work and ask if it's all right. He's recuperating at my house!"

When Xu Yin went to work in the morning, she told the production team leader who assigned the task that she would leave a little later after breakfast.

Anyway, she is very efficient, even if she goes there around ninety o'clock, she can definitely finish the work in the morning.

Then I went to the brigade headquarters, borrowed a carpenter's plane, and made a pair of crutches after breakfast.

Xu Chengjin took the crutches and expressed disbelief: "You still do this?"

"Is it difficult?"

Isn't it a pair of crutches?She can even make a wheelchair if he needs it.Just ask him if he wants to sit?

Xu Chengjin glanced at her, thinking that she was just strong, energetic and energetic in everything she did, but she didn't expect to be a carpenter.I feel like I found a treasure.

A meteor-like smile burst from the bottom of his eyes: "My wife is really capable!"


Adapted to the role so quickly?
After Xu Yin gave him the crutches, she led him to familiarize himself with the layout of the house, mainly the location of the toilet.

"My father will ask the team leader to ask for leave for you. You can rest easy and heal your injuries. Be careful when you walk around, so you don't get injured again. I will come back early to cook at noon. If you are hungry, eat some biscuits to pad your stomach."

As Xu Yin said, she chilled a pot of water for him, took out a pack of Xu Lan's favorite evergreen biscuits, and put them within his reach.

"I'm off to work!"

After giving instructions, Xu Yin waved her hand and went out.

Xu Chengjin watched her go away, feeling a little warm in his heart.

The playful smile in his eyes gradually became serious.

Looking forward to this marriage.

"Teacher Xu!"

At noon, Xu Lan came home from school and helped Xu Chengjin bring back a small package, which contained some of his personal belongings from the Educated Youth Station.

"Teacher Wang helped to tidy it up. Check to see if it's all in place. If there's anything missing, I'll get it for you after school in the afternoon."

"It's all here, thank you Lan Lan."

"Hey! You're welcome! Teacher Xu, will you really be my second brother-in-law in the future?"

Xu Chengjin looked at her and smiled, and gave her an affirmative answer: "Yes."

"Great!" Xu Lan jumped up happily, "Chunni and Meihua still don't believe it, I'll tell them in the next afternoon, if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Hehe!"

"So, Xu Zhiqing is really going to be a door-to-door son-in-law?"

At this time, the members of the commune who had finished their half-day work and went home for lunch followed Mr. Xu to check on his family's spiritual situation. Hearing Xu Lan's cheers, it was inconceivable.

"Xu Zhiqing, are you really voluntary? Didn't the third family force you?"

"I told you that no one forced him!" Elder Xu jumped his feet angrily, "Why don't you believe me after talking all morning? Son-in-law, tell them, did my family force you?"

Xu Chengjin raised his eyebrows: "I'm a normal man. If I marry someone or not, and if I don't come to the door, who can force me?"

Hearing the words, Youngest Xu raised his chin and glanced at the crowd: "Do you hear me clearly? Do you hear me clearly with your ears?"

Everyone: "..."

I heard it clearly, but I still can't believe it!
"Dinner is ready!" Chen Huilan came out of the kitchen with the dishes.

"Let's go! Let's all go home and eat, don't block the door of my house." Xu Laosan pushed everyone up, "What's wrong? Do you want to stay for a meal before leaving? That's not possible! With this extra food, Why don't I feed my son-in-law?"

Everyone was coaxed away by Xu Laosan: "..." Who the hell wants to eat your food!
"Son-in-law, eat more!"

Xu Laosan was happy today, and went back to his room to take out the bottle of precious wine that Xu Yin gave him.

He wanted to pour a cup for Xu Chengjin, but was stopped by Xu Yin.

"Dad, did you forget that his foot was injured? You can't drink."

"The injury to the foot is not the injury to the mouth, why can't you even drink wine?" Xu Laosan muttered.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for my son-in-law, and gave Xu Chengjin a look of "sympathy for you": It seems that the second daughter will be a housekeeper in the future, and the son-in-law has been eaten to death by her before he officially comes to the house.

Xu Chengjin was baffled by the look of his future father-in-law.

Xu Yin knew very well that her father was probably accusing her of taking too much care, so she couldn't help but laugh.

Explained: "You just took antipyretics yesterday, it's best not to drink alcohol these two days. If you really want to drink, wait until tomorrow."

Xu Chengjin looked up at her, and took the rice bowl from her with both hands: "Thank you! I don't drink."

"Son-in-law, don't you drink alcohol? That's a pity! The bottle of wine Yinyin bought is very spicy and fragrant!"

"If you like to drink, I will buy it for you in the future."

Hearing what he said, Xu Laosan was so happy that he couldn't see his eyes: "Look!"He said that a door-to-door son-in-law is better than a son!The son married a daughter-in-law, how could he remember to buy wine for his father.Do not believe and compare with those who have sons.

So, when he went to work in the afternoon, he was more active than anyone else. He was the first to go to the field, and when he caught anyone, he asked:
"Fifth, did your Tie Qiang buy you wine? No? Why is he so unfilial! My hairy son-in-law said that he will pay for my wine in the future!"

"Tie Zhu, how many bottles of wine have you bought for your four sons in total? Not even a bottle? Oh my! What a son this is, but four pieces of char siu! How unfilial!"

"Li Datou, where is your son? I heard that his daughter-in-law goes to her mother's house every three days to carry things. What did you buy for the two of you? Didn't you buy anything? Then why don't you ask him for it! You have money to buy things for your mother-in-law, but you don't have money. Buying it for parents? It’s really a waste of raising him! My son-in-law is different. Before he officially came to the door, he said he wanted to buy wine for me and fabrics for the child’s mother..."

All afternoon, everyone could hear Xu Lao San's loud thumping, sad and itchy teeth, and no one wanted to put him in a sack.

(End of this chapter)

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