Xu Yuanyuan pushed the bicycle, turned her head to look at her third uncle, and coaxed the little granddaughter in her arms with a smile on her face. As she walked away, she felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yin, an uneducated cousin, can live so well in the countryside and even have money to build a building.

Thinking about my family, I still live in a ten-square-meter single room. There is only room for a table between the bed and the closet, and I can only sit on the edge of the bed when eating.

Now that my daughter is still young, it is okay to sleep with them, and after she falls asleep at a young age, she will not be disturbed, and the two husband and wife will not be afraid of waking her up if they do something.

Can it get bigger?Even if I removed the desk, put a small bed for my daughter, and drew a curtain, I still felt uncomfortable.

In addition, the sound insulation of the Tongzi building was poor, so if there was a quarrel next door, she could clearly hear what was going on in her own room.

If there is no comparison, she would not find it difficult on such a day.

Because the life of the people around is similar to her family’s, and there are others who are more difficult than her family, such as colleagues who work in the same workshop as her husband but have not been admitted to senior technicians, so far they can only live in collective dormitories.

Compared with their family members, she felt that it would be nice to have an independent single room.

But back to the Seven Stars Brigade, Xu Yuanyuan felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that her cousin Xu Yin was going to build a building.

Xu Yin, a countryman, has become a household of [-] yuan and has the money to build a building. As a family member of a worker, he is still worrying about the monthly oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.

As soon as her husband's monthly salary is paid, she has to do a calculation to set aside necessary expenses, and there are not many dollars left, and she has to save money to order milk for her daughter... When will the hard-pressed days come to an end? Oh……

On the other side, Xu Laosan took his good granddaughter back to the second daughter's house.

"Yinyin, when will the bricks and tiles arrive? Are you sure you want to dig the foundation tomorrow?"

Xu Yinzheng and Xu Chengjin were designing the layout of the building together.

Last fall, she reached the achievement of ten thousand households.

Thinking that Jin Duner will go to elementary school this autumn, and Yin Duner can sleep independently, and the small bungalow is not enough.

In addition, father and mother will return to her to take care of them in the future, and when they get older, it must be better to live together, so that it is convenient to take care of them, so they want to build a new house.

Now that it has been built, we will directly build a small two-story western-style building that was relatively fashionable in the early 80s.

She planned to design the four upstairs suites as bedrooms and bathrooms, so that the couple, including the three children, would have their own bedrooms and study rooms, and they would not need to go to the bathroom at night.

There is a suite downstairs for parents, and the rest is the granary, kitchen, living room, dining room...

While discussing and drawing blueprints, she saw her father came back from a stroll with his daughter, got up and greeted him:

"Brick and tile will arrive tomorrow, dad, you are getting old, don't go to the scene, just help my mother boil water, deliver tea, and take care of the logistics."

"That won't work! You're building a building, and the foundation must be solid. I'm not on site to watch, what should I do if those boys are lazy? I have to go! Besides, how old am I? Your mother also said that I have grown older in the past two years." How young!"

"Father, I really don't need you to keep an eye on it. Eldest sister asked someone to send a message. She and elder brother-in-law will come directly from the city to help our house tomorrow morning. Are you relieved now?"

With Xu Sang's good cooking skills and a cookbook given to her by Xu Yin, she is often invited by family members to have wedding banquets.

After saving some money, the city opened up last year. After discussing with her husband, she set up a small shop and opened a restaurant.The business is not booming at the beginning, but it is more than enough to support the whole family.

No, I heard that my second sister's house is going to build a new house, so without further ado, Xu Sang will be closed for three days tomorrow and is going to come over to help.

As soon as Xu Laosan heard that the eldest daughter and son-in-law were coming, she didn't insist anymore.

However, he still warned a few words: "Keep an eye on building materials and so on, don't be stolen by those with unclean hands and feet."

"I know."

"But you are all busy, who cares about the building materials? Or should I keep an eye on them? I don't work, so I just keep an eye on those things, lest someone steal..."


All right, as long as you're happy.

"Xu Chengjin! Comrade Xu!" Xiao Hu, the postman who was running long-distance to them, shouted outside the house, "I have a letter from you!"

"Father, I'll get it for you."

The little padded jacket Yudun'er slipped from her grandfather's arms, crossed the threshold with difficulty on her short legs, and shouted crisply, "Uncle, I'll help my father get the letter."

"Hey! It's Yudun'er, how cute! Here, this is a letter from your father. Uncle will give you another candy."

"Thank you uncle!"

Yu Dun'er held the letter in his left hand and the candy in his right, and ran back to the house with a wide smile on his face.

Xu Yin raised her elbow to touch Xu Chengjin, holding back a smile and guessing: "Our girl, could it be that she has tasted the sweetness, every time I get a letter from Xiaohu, there is candy to eat, that's why I'm so active?"

"That's impossible."

Xu Chengjin has a stubborn mouth, and firmly refuses to admit that her daughter is a snack.

She is his caring little padded jacket!

Xu Laosan thought it was another letter from a publishing house asking his son-in-law to ask for a manuscript, and said with a smile: "My son-in-law is really capable! People sit at home, and money comes from heaven!"

Outsiders think that the reason why the second daughter of his family can afford to build a building is all due to the output of her ten mu of land.

As everyone knows, in their eyes, the son-in-law who can't lift his shoulders and hands can earn more than the second daughter, and he can support a two-story building with four rooms without showing the mountains or dew.

Even Xu Yin thought it was a letter of invitation to draft, picked up her daughter and planned to go to the private residence, and asked him to read the letter quietly. Unexpectedly, Xu Chengjin read the ten lines at a glance, and said to their mothers and daughters: "Grandpa's house has been returned, you want to go?" Do you want to play in the capital? There is a ready place to live."

The man who killed his mother and indirectly killed his grandfather and grandma finally fell, including his brother-in-law who had been fawning on him all the time. He and the entire Yue family fell from heaven to the mud in an instant.

The great hatred that has been endured for many years has finally been avenged.

Xu Yin met his gaze, saw the faint tears flickering in his eyes, and thrust her daughter into Xu Laosan's hand: "Father, take Yudun'er out for a walk."

"Didn't this just come back?"

"Then turn it around again."


Elder Xu glanced at his daughter and son-in-law, wondering, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay." Xu Chengjin looked at Xu Yin and said with a smile, "It's okay to let dad know, it's been so many years."

As he spoke, he picked up his daughter, let her sit on his lap and played with building blocks, and told his father-in-law about the bad things in his family.

Only then did Xu Laosan understand—why the son-in-law chose to step in backwards.

"Hey! There are such black-hearted people in this world? I thought that your parents passed away and you came to our house without any worries. I didn't expect it to be like this... Your father... Hey! What is this? Looks a bit like a father! He's been praised as a man!"

When Xu Chengjin heard her father-in-law scolding her scumbag father-in-law out of righteous indignation, not only did she not feel uncomfortable, but she was very happy.

"Father is right! This kind of person is not worthy of being a human being! Anyway, in my heart, you are the only father of mine."

Youngest Xu was so moved that he wanted to step forward and hold his son-in-law's hand: "Son-in-law! I also recognize you..."

"Ahem!" Xu Yin cleared her throat to remind him, "Brother-in-law treats you well!"

"That's right!" Xu Laosan came back to his senses, "At present, our sons-in-law are all good sons-in-law! I just don't know what kind of son-in-law your little sister will find in the future. If I find a bad one, I don't have a grandpa and son-in-law. Such a good temper! I will definitely hit the door with a shoulder pole, breaking his legs is easy..."

Xu Yin and Xu Chengjin looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

After talking, Xu Laosan led his little granddaughter to pick vegetables in the private plot.

Xu Yin hugged the man and comforted him: "I know you are still sad, I don't know how to comfort you, but the person who passed away can't come back, you have us, our family will be together forever..."

"Yeah." Xu Chengjin hugged his daughter-in-law tightly, and buried his face deeply into her neck, "It's nice to meet you..."

She made him believe that there is not only darkness and filth in this world, but also light and beauty.

"That's all right? Don't you want something better? I also said that I will accompany you back to Beijing after the house is built."

Xu Yin held his face, facing him with a smile:

"Take a walk around the place you grew up in, and take a look at the city you lived in when you were a child, and also go to see grandma, grandpa, and our mother..."


He couldn't hold back the joy and emotion in his heart, he bowed his head and kissed her.

Outside the window, the sun is shining brightly;
Indoors, the spring is beautiful.

The little man stood on tiptoe trying to reach the window: "Father, mother, what are you doing? Grandpa said, you are giving birth to my little brother, right?"

Startled a couple of people in the room.


Xu Yin woke up instantly, pushed away the man who was hugging her, and buttoned the loose shirt button.

Build a building!Buildings must be built!

After building a building, let's see how this little guy can open the window!
Xu Chengjin laughed silently and fell on her body.

Xu Yin gritted her teeth and pushed the culprit: "...Still not getting up? Your sweet little padded jacket is going to climb in through the window to find her brother."

"Then give her one."



When she is a sow!

"No more! I have all the gold, silver and jade, and I can't think of a good name for another one."

"How is Baoduner?" Xu Chengjin went around the house, picked up the little girl who was still struggling to climb the window, and walked back to the room, looking at the woman he loved with a smile, "Gold, silver and jade are the greatest treasures of wealth in my life."

Xu Yin gave him an angry look, and asked sourly, "What about me?"

"You are my life. If you lose your treasure, you can still live. What do you say if you lose your life? Huh?"


Well, you pass the test.

In the end, Xu Yin failed to persuade him.

Of course, she also expected the same in her heart, and welcomed her youngest son Baodun'er a year later.

She and Xu Chengjin have been living in the countryside all their lives.

During the period, after the completion of the two-story western-style building, I accompanied him back to Beijing to pay homage to his grandma, grandfather and her mother-in-law who died young.

Then Xu Lan got into the Department of Finance of Peking University as she wished, and when she went to report for duty, she took her family to go there again.

That time I lived in Beijing for a while, and accompanied them on a thorough tour of the capital.

Afterwards, I lived in Qixing Village for a long time, watching the poor villages in the past, and with the reform and opening up, they became the first demonstration villages to become rich.

The villagers followed Xu Yin to grow peaches, grapes, rice and fish, and became households with ten thousand yuan.

At the door of Xu Laosan's house, a plaque was nailed to it at some point - "Advanced Family in Qixing Village" - the first family in the village to be on the advanced plaque.

A lazy man in the past, a rich man today.

On a certain day when Xu Laosan celebrated his [-]th birthday, and the deadline was approaching, he held Xu Yin's hand with satisfaction: "Yin, it was you who made me Xu Laosan honor our ancestors and have a future in this life. Your father and I, go down Seeing the ancestors and the ancestors can be a face..."


Father, you never forget to show off when you are dying.

Sending off the older generation, Xu Yin and Xu Chengjin also lived their lives without illness and pain.

The children have their own opportunities and marriages. Except for a few important points in life, she controls the general direction and seldom interferes with the specifics.

Jin Dun'er is eloquent and has spent the longest time with Xu Lan. At first Xu Yin thought he would go into the business world, but she didn't expect to become a lawyer in the end. A lawyer who lets the party at fault leave the house.

Yin Dun'er was greatly influenced by Xu Chengjin, and eventually became a writer and photographer. The illustrations in the published novels were all photographed and polished by himself.

Yudun'er and Baodun'er were admitted to the university of their choice, and they went all the way to study. They also chose schools with extremely high scholarships. Scholarships, bonuses, and then return to China for development.

If it is said that Jinduner and Yinduner started to collect money from home after graduation, then Yuduner and Baoduner started to collect money from home when they were still in school.

Huh?How come the more I look at it, these four children all have the shadow of Xu Lan?They are all lovers of money!

Xu Lan's influence... the giant in the financial world really didn't just talk about it!

Xu Yin and Xu Chengjin looked at each other, and they both saw helpless smiles in each other's eyes.

In any case, this life has passed peacefully.

The deadline is approaching, Xu Yin looked back on her life, at first she was always thinking about the tasks, and then gradually, she lived her life as the poetic pastoral life she wanted, busy and fulfilling, happy and beautiful.

That's it!

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for turning the fate of cannon fodder in this world, the extra task is 100% complete, the task reward is being settled, and the new world channel has been opened...]

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