Listening to the manager's chatter, Fu Hanjin pressed his temples, and seemed to smell a spicy and spicy smell in his breath, followed his sight to see the glass jar on the table, stretched out his long arm, and took it to look at it.

"what is this?"

"Chicken fir oil, right? Some time ago you said you wanted to eat chicken fir oil made from chicken fir mushrooms in the mountains in the south, so Xiao Ding found a store to place an order."

With that said, Lu Chao frowned and thought for a while:
"I remember he seemed to say that the chicken fir oil sold in this store is absolutely authentic, how is it? Are you interested in trying it?"

Lu Chao is different from the managers of other artists. Other managers are always worried that their artists will eat too much oil and spicy food, which will affect their figure and appearance. He is eager for his artists to eat more.Can't sleep well, don't eat well, if this continues, I will almost become a fairy.

Fu Hanjin stared at this glass jar without even a trademark for a while, and smelled a vaguely spicy smell at the tip of his nose, which actually aroused a bit of appetite.

"What about the rice? I'll eat a little."

"I'll get it!" Seeing that he had an appetite, Lu Chao trotted out and brought back three lunch boxes in advance.

Fu Hanjin has already unscrewed the cap of the chicken fir oil bottle, and the refreshing chili oil mixed with the authentic wild chicken fir mushroom aroma excited his taste buds.

He didn't ask for the matching dishes in the lunch box, so he took a portion of rice, poured two spoonfuls of chicken fir oil on it, and ate it.

"How is it? Is this chicken fir oil really as authentic as Xiao Ding said?"

Lu Chao looked relieved to see his artist finally willing to eat big.

Fu Hanjin glanced at him: "There are many more, you can try it yourself. Don't stare at me."

"All right." Lu Chao also poured two spoonfuls of chicken fir oil on his rice, "It's the first time I eat chicken fir oil. Is it really as delicious as you say?"

After finishing speaking, he put a spoonful of rice mixed with chicken fir oil into his mouth, and his eyes widened in surprise: "Oh! So this is the taste of chicken fir oil! It's delicious! It's so fragrant! It's so damn good!"

The two of them ate a box of rice with chicken fir oil.

Fu Hanjin didn't take a bite of the food in the lunch box, but Lu Chao only took a few mouthfuls.

I always feel that I have tasted chicken fir oil, and then eat the vegetables in the box lunch. The latter is like burning gutter oil, has no fragrance at all, and is greasy.

The two put down their chopsticks contentedly, and saw Ding Tao come in carrying a big box.

"Brother Fu, Brother Chao, I have checked all the clothes, and there are no problems."

"Not bad!" Lu Chao got up and patted the young man on the shoulder, "Good job! This month's salary will be rewarded with three hundred from my own pocket."

Fu Hanjin glanced at the agent, as if to say that three hundred is worth it?

"Hey! I'm also very happy at three hundred!" Ding Tao cheerfully put the box away and sat down to eat.

Picking up the chopsticks to open the lunch box, he remembered that there was still a bottle of chicken fir oil waiting for his luck...

Ding Tao happily reached out to take it, and the next second he saw his bottle of chicken fir oil... Ahhhh!Who the hell ate half a bottle of his chicken fir oil?

He raised his head and met the faint gaze of the boss.

"Fu...Brother Fu, I forgot to tell you that the chicken fir oil I bought for you is that can."

With a crying voice, he pointed to the small coffee table.

And the can of chicken fir oil produced by the small workshop on the table belongs to him!His!

His fragrant and slanderous chicken fir oil!
It was dug up by the boss and the boss's agent, and there was only half a can left!

Ding Tao wants to cry but has no tears.

Lu Chao curiously picked up the chicken fir oil on the small tea table: "Is there any difference between these two bottles?"

He knocked on the bottle, unscrewed the cap, and smelled it.

In the next second, he almost died.

"...Xiao Ding! You can't do this! Brother Fu and I treat you well, right? The key is that you bought it for Brother Fu, so what can't be reimbursed? You can't just buy good ones for yourself, and buy poor ones for you Brother Fu. Yes, this chicken fir oil, not to mention your Brother Fu, I can't even smell it..."

Ding Tao was dumbfounded: "I didn't buy bad ones for Brother Fu. The can I bought for him is a branded product from the flagship store. It costs 360 for such a small bottle! The same 500g package, my bottle only costs 188. Because this store It's newly opened, not many people buy it, I'm worried that Brother Fu won't get used to it..."

"..." Lu Chao turned his head to look at Fu Hanjin, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Fu Hanjin paused with the hand rubbing her temples: "I'm fine."

Then he looked up at Ding Tao: "Three thousand."

"What, what?" Ding Tao was stunned.

Lu Chao couldn't help kicking him: "Stupid! Your wealthy boss rewarded you three thousand! Just because you bought a bottle of chicken fir oil that he can eat!"

"..." Ding Tao was overjoyed after reacting: "Thank you Brother Fu! Thank you Brother Fu! Hehehe..."

This month's bonus is almost catching up with salary!Yoshi!

Half a bottle of chicken fir oil is nothing!At worst, he will place an order later, and stock up on a few more bottles!
Fu Hanjin tapped the table with his index finger: "Bring me two bottles. I will join the group at the end of the month, and I will take them for dinner."

Ding Tao was eating rice with chicken fir oil contentedly. Hearing this, he asked casually:

"Brother Fu, don't you mind the ones produced by the small workshop? Although I think it's quite delicious!"

Hearing that it was a small workshop, Fu Hanjin seemed to have fallen into a certain scene of the drama that had just finished, and was about to commit a cleanliness again...

He closed his eyes and suppressed the discomfort in his chest: "Forget it!"

Ding Tao: "..."

Shouldn't he be talking too much?
Lu Chao looked at him as if he was looking at a child who didn't live up to expectations.

You said, it's rare for old Fu to meet a meal that makes him eat a whole box lunch and still feel unsatisfied, but you still want to deprive him of it?stupid!Thief is fucking stupid!

Ding Tao was so stared at that he didn't dare to say a word, he quickly finished the meal, cleaned up the table, and ran to the water room to fetch water for Brother Fu to make tea.

When unpacking the chicken fir oil just now, he found that the owner who sold the chicken fir oil gave him a small bag of tea leaves, which smelled so good, even people who didn’t drink tea like him, so those who like tea must like it more, right?
He held up the tea bag tentatively and asked, "Brother Fu, do you want to try this tea? Well... so, someone gave it to me, I smell very fragrant..."

This time, he didn't dare to mention the small workshop after being beaten to death. He has already been taught by Brother Chao to be a man, and he will be treated specially in special times--now he only asks Brother Fu to eat and drink, and nothing else matters!
Fu Hanjin had already smelled the scent of the tea bag when he took it out, and the scent alone miraculously dispelled the nausea in his heart, so he nodded.

Ding Tao washed both bags of tea, one for the boss and one for himself.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to taste his cup, he was cut off by Director Guo who pushed the door in:

"Well, this tea is good! It smells good and tastes even better! Xiao Ding, where did you buy it? Next time, bring me a copy."

"No more! This is a delivery! It's not for sale!"

Ding Tao watched his cup of tea go into Director Guo's stomach with grief and tears.

For some reason, Fu Hanjin looked at the assistant's expression and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Thinking about it, this kid was unlucky enough, he and Lao Lu ate half a bottle of the chicken fir oil he bought, and he and Director Guo drank the two tea leaves that someone gave him.

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