When I woke up, it was already past 50:[-] and almost [-]:[-].

Outside the window, the chirping of early birds can be heard from time to time.

Before that, he was not awakened.

Even he himself felt incredible: on the first day, he slept for seven hours.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines into the room through the tulle curtains.

He sent a message to Lu Chao: [Next month's announcement helped me push it. ]
Although Ding Tao booked him a hot spring bamboo house for three months, he didn't intend to stay that long before he came.

There will be several announcements in the next month, all of which are basically set two months ago, so there is no plan to breach the contract.

Of course, before he came here, he didn't expect the environment here to be so quiet and comfortable. He came here to rest for a few days purely because he didn't want to worry his manager and assistants.

Unexpectedly, after only one night, he regained the ability to sleep until he woke up naturally.

This long-lost feeling is so good that he doesn't even want to leave here.

Lu Chao went to bed late last night. He was happy that his artist had a good first meal in Qingzhu Village. If Dun Dun had such an appetite, he would not worry about it; Can't figure it out...

I was sound asleep at this moment in the morning, and was suddenly woken up by the only notification sound on my mobile phone that was set to be a golden rooster. I thought that something had happened to Fu Hanjin, so I jumped up, grabbed my phone and took a look...

That's it?

[It’s okay to push the announcement, after all, it’s the body that matters.How did you sleep last night?Are you still used to it? ]
[If you don't get used to it, you will push notifications? ]
After returning to her manager, Fu Hanjin stood up and opened the curtains. The beautiful scenery of the lush bamboo forest came into view, and she suddenly felt good.

After washing, he pushed open the door of the bamboo house, just in time to meet Xu Yin who came to deliver the food.

"Millet and jujube porridge?"

Seeing the thermos she opened, he smiled slightly: "I thought it was ordinary rice porridge. Boss Xu has a heart."

Xu Yin laid out the side dishes one by one: "I'll make a seven-day recipe later. If you have no objections, I'll send you meals according to the recipe in the future. It saves me having to ask you what you want to eat every day."


"Then take it easy, I'll go down first."

"Why don't you eat something together? Didn't you say you want to walk around with me? There are so many, I can't finish them all by myself."

The amount Xu Yin mentioned was indeed quite a lot.

The main reason is that Mrs. Xu is polite and always worried that the guests will not have enough to eat.

After all, he had a really good appetite last night. It would be embarrassing if he didn't have enough to eat if he only served one person.

So a can of porridge was filled, and two servings of egg pancakes were given.

Seeing his sincere invitation, Xu Yin was not polite, and sat down to dine with him.

"The side dishes are delicious." Fu Hanjin praised them.

"My mother pickled it herself. Besides these, there are also sweet and sour garlic and spicy radish. Sour and spicy? If you eat it, I will bring it to you tomorrow."

Seeing that he was quite approachable after being with him for a long time, Xu Yin talked a lot:

"Your assistant likes my chicken fir oil very much. I bought six bottles in one go last month and two more this month. I don't know if you like it or not. I'll take you to pick chicken fir mushrooms later. , ask my mother to fry a portion for you to try at noon?"

Film Emperor Fu paused slightly while holding the chopsticks: "Xiao Ding, the chicken fir oil you bought is yours?"

Didn't that kid say it came from a small workshop?
"Yeah! So you've tried it? How does it taste? My mother made chicken fir oil. I can finish two bowls of rice in one go, but it's time for dinner!"

Xu Yin's little expression was not to mention proud.

Fu Hanjin suddenly smiled.

It seems that he also borrowed the chicken fir oil from her family to kill a whole box of lunch.

Seeing that he seemed to be interested, after breakfast, Xu Yin washed the thermos bucket with the gurgling spring, put it upside down on the stone table to dry, then called her mother, said something, and took him to pick chickens Fir fungus.

Pick the fungus early.

When the sun is half open and the dew is still on the top of the grass, the fungus and mushrooms are the freshest.

Xu Yin went to the bamboo hut where her family was resting and took a medium-sized bamboo basket, two pairs of gloves and two pairs of small scissors, gave him a set, and took him across the mountain to another bamboo forest to collect chicken fir mushrooms.

"Why don't you pick it on this mountain?" Fu Hanjin walked and looked, and vaguely saw a clump of the chicken fir fungus she described, and asked curiously, "Aren't there also here?"

"Of course there are! Where there are bamboo forests, there are almost all places where there are chicken fir. But this area is also the territory of my bamboo forest chickens, so I simply left them to eat. Let's go to the bamboo mountain opposite, where the chicken fir is called fat Tender."

Hearing what she said, Fu Hanjin laughed lowly: "It seems that being your bamboo forest chicken is quite happy."

"Hahaha!" Xu Yin laughed, "But we are the ones who will reap the harvest in the end! We eat it in one bite during the Chinese New Year, and the nutrition is still there. I will give you one to taste when the time comes. Let me tell you, my family You can’t buy this chicken no matter how much you spend outside.”

That's a chicken that drank the spring water of Lingxu Sect and pecked at too many Chinese herbal medicines!It is not an exaggeration to call it a half fairy chicken!
She turned her head and smiled at him against the rising sun. The beautiful smile made him lose his mind for a moment, and he looked away without a trace, looking at the rolling mountains in the distance:

"Then I'm serious."

"Don't worry, there are no more, one or two can still be kept for you. You don't know, I haven't started raising chickens yet, and my dad was still living in the hospital ward at that time, just doctors, nurses, and my dad Those patients ordered dozens of them..."

"What happened to uncle?"

He vaguely remembered that after confirming that the owner of Wentang Zhuwu was the retired female artist Xu Zhiyin, Lu Chao searched her recent situation, and one of the topics that rushed to the hot search list not long ago was "Xu Zhiyin's motorcycle pulls goods". In the photo Isn't she the background of Wenpu County Hospital?
"My dad was diagnosed with liver cancer in the early stage, but after the operation and recuperation for a period of time, he has recovered now."

"That's why you retired from the circle at that time?" Fu Hanjin was thoughtful.

"...It could be one of the reasons." Xu Yin didn't say much.

But even if she didn't go on, Fu Hanjin could guess that another reason might be the exposure of the real and fake daughters.

"If you like this industry, there is no need to quit the industry. Keep your original intentions, be yourself, and ignore the harsh voices from the outside world."

After a pause, he glanced down at her and asked, "Do you want to come back? I can help you. Take it as it is, thank you for your hospitality."

Helped him cure the insomnia and anorexia that had plagued him for a whole month.

"No, no, no!" Xu Yin waved her hands again and again, "I really like my life now, and I never thought about coming back."

I almost arched my hands and said to him: Brother, I have managed to stay away from the Shura field of cannon fodder fate and live freely in this beautiful mountain like a peach blossom garden. Don't pull me back to be cannon fodder!Otherwise, it is not revenge but revenge.

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