Xu Yin yelled at him in the back seat: "Sit tight!"

She accelerated again, galloped all the way to the top of the mountain, squeezed the brake a little bit, drifted around the big green pine as if drifting in place, and then galloped all the way back to the foot of the mountain.

Huang Mao, who returned to the foot of the mountain a few seconds behind her, laughed angrily, this girl is awesome!He lost convincingly.

Shouting at her back: "Hey - I haven't said your conditions yet!"

"Stay away from my sister!"


He threw his helmet away in a rage.

Feng Quan in the back seat quietly got off the motorcycle and moved to the side.

Brother Dali definitely doesn't want others to know about such a shameful thing, right?


Xu Yin didn't stop all the way, and rode to the gate of the farmer's market, intending to bring some meat and vegetables back home.

After coming to a complete stop, she took off her helmet, shook her long hair, and asked Fu Hanjin with a smile, "How are you doing? Have fun?"

Fu Hanjin: "..." Are you enjoying yourself?


If you ignore his slightly stiff arm.

"Have you ever sat before?"

"Why don't you ask me if I can ride?" Fu Hanjin looked at her with a smile.

Xu Yin was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he was the film king, and he had taken on many more film and television dramas than the original one.Maybe it's the same as the original body, you need to have a motorcycle license for filming.

"Then go back and replace it with you?" Xu Yin thought he wanted to ride.

Fu Hanjin covered her lips with her fist and coughed lightly: "I won't."


Then you said you were lonely.

Xu Yin rolled his eyes at him.

Fu Hanjin's upturned mouth released a series of deep and low smiles, as gentle as the sound of a cello.

I moved my wrist and saw that after she took off the helmet, a few hairs were messy. Without thinking about it, I raised my hand to smooth it out for her.

Xu Yin was startled, and looked up at him.

"My hair is messed up."


For some reason, she felt that he was doing it on purpose, speaking so close to her with such a deep magnetic voice, making her ears seem to be pregnant.


Xu Yin was shocked by the adjectives in her mind.

He lowered his head and locked the car, and took the basket.

"Why don't you wait here?"

She poked her head to look into the vegetable market, and she arrived an hour later than expected. There were a bit too many people in the vegetable market at this time.

Although all the vegetable sellers are older, and the vegetable buyers are all local residents, what if they stay for a long time and are recognized?

"That's fine, pull down the brim of your hat." Xu Yin took a step back and reminded him after looking at him.

Fu Hanjin adjusted her hat, put her hands in her trouser pockets, and walked slowly behind her.

The two stepped into the farmers' market in Qingshan Town one after the other.

The woman has a slim figure and a beautiful face.

Although the man was wearing a peaked cap, the brim of the hat covered his eyes, and the mask covered most of his face, his height and temperament were there. Who would believe him if he was not a handsome guy?
But no one guessed from movie stars, they just thought that the two men were handsome and beautiful, and they really matched each other.

At one of the vegetable stalls, the daughter of the vegetable seller forgot to bring her key. After school, the vegetable market went to her mother to get it. When she saw Xu Yin and the two of them, she held her chin and called out:
"Wow wow wow! The best! There are such handsome men and beautiful women in our town? Mom, mom, are these two residents in our neighborhood? Why haven't I seen them before?"

Her mother was busy looking for money, so she had no time to talk to her, so she responded casually: "You don't come to the vegetable market every day, how could you have seen it all the time."

Her daughter curled her lips: "I don't think I'm from the town, I'm like a star!"

While muttering, he took out his mobile phone and secretly took a profile photo of Xu Yin and the two, and sent it to the classmate group:
[Children's boots, I came to the vegetable market where my mother set up a stall today, and saw a pair of handsome men and beautiful women. The man was still wearing a mask, as if he was afraid of being recognized by others. Could it be some celebrity? ]
It is estimated that I have done my homework at this point, and no one has replied for a long time.

She put away her cell phone awkwardly, took the keys and went home.

On the other side, Xu Yin went straight to the pork stand.

It's been a long time since I ate meat, not to mention Xiao Huang from the village head's family, even she misses Wu Hua SanLao very much.

"Boss, is there any more pork belly?"


The butcher stall owner took the last piece of pork belly and asked her how much she wanted.

"I want it all."

Xu Yin bought the whole thing, and said to Fu Hanjin with a little embarrassment:
"Don't you want to try the braised pork I made? Tonight I will cook you an authentic Hangzhou-style Dongpo pork. The extra stuffed dumplings and wontons will be available for breakfast tomorrow."

Fu Hanjin nodded and watched her interact with the butcher stall owner with a smile.

In addition to pork belly, Xu Yin also bought a big stick bone and a pair of pig's trotters.

"At home, I have the leftover chicken rack from the last time I ate chicken. I hang a broth with the bones and cook wontons later. How do you want to eat the pig's trotters? Stewed soybeans or roasted?"

"It's all right."

"Then eat one roasted, and the other stewed with soybeans!"

Xu Yin herself prefers to eat charcoal-grilled pig's trotters, but considering that Grandpa Xu's teeth are not very good, maybe braised soybeans with pig's trotters is more suitable for him, so he simply has both.

Best Actor Fu: After talking for a long time, what role do I have as a co-author?
After buying the meat, he left the market.

She basically has everything else.

Vegetables are still organic in her family; the fish and shrimp caught in the stream are not as big as the farmed ones, but they are better in taste; needless to say chickens, ducks can also be bought in the village.

It is the wonton dumpling wrappers. The ones she kneaded and rolled out are thinner and tougher than those sold in the market.

So every time she comes to the vegetable market, Xu Yin basically only buys red meat.

It's a pity that the beef and mutton stall opposite is closed today.

"Next time. The yellow beef here is pretty good. I'll give you a taste next time."


Fu Hanjin responded, turned her head to look at the closed beef stall, took out her phone and sent a message to her assistant.

Ding Tao was a little confused when he received the news from the boss. He wanted to buy the best beef and mutton and send it to Boss Xu's house in Qingzhu Village?
I was dumbfounded, but I did it anyway.

So, a few days later, Xu Yin received a huge box of cold chain express.

Take it apart and see that there is a solid box of sour beef and mutton, leg meat, tendon meat, belly meat, ribs... There are all kinds of parts.


After thinking about it, he turned to look at Fu Yingdi: "You bought it?"

Fu Hanjin met her questioning eyes, and nodded: "Didn't you say you want to braise?"

Xu Yin glanced at him, and couldn't help asking, "Why didn't you eat meat before?"

Look at his posture of carrying meat home, he is even more interested than her. He is more interested in meat dishes than vegetarian dishes.

Fu Hanjin didn't evade this question: "I filmed a psychological drama in the first half of the year, but I couldn't get out of it for a while, and my body instinctively rejected meat."

No wonder...

Xu Yin understood, no wonder she was determined not to touch meat dishes when she first came here.

He raised his eyes and glanced at him: "What about now? Are you still repelling it? Didn't you deliberately hold back eating the few times before?"

If so, she would have to redo his recipes.

Fu Hanjin pondered for a moment: "That's not true."

The premise is - get the meat dishes cooked by her family.

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