Chapter 556 Counterattack!loser! (30)

It can't go on like this!
As the class monitor, Xu Yin stood up obligingly. Just as she was about to motion everyone to be quiet and listen to her, the classroom suddenly fell silent.

No one continued to speak.

Xu Yin: "..."

Since when did my sister have such a deterrent power?
"Hey, there's still some time before school ends, why don't we make a study plan."

She came to the podium, picked up the chalk and drew a form on the blackboard.

Everyone in the audience: "..."


study plan?

what is this?
For someone else, they got up early to boo.

But because it was Xu Yin, thinking that even Xu Tianyi, who was a school bully, would kneel under her pomegranate skirt, would anyone else dare to boo?

"This semester, what we're going to teach is mainly these..."

As Xu Yin spoke, she filled in the subjects in the first column of the form.

"The content is assigned to each month, week, day... that's about it... No matter what our grades were when we came in, since we signed up for this class, it must be for the college entrance examination, so I think that if we can Don’t delay the completed learning tasks until the next day, and don’t delay the learning content that can be completed this week until the next week... Is it okay for everyone to preview and review Chinese? If you don’t understand mathematics, English, and biology, feel free to Come and ask me. In the future, I will do self-study in the morning, Chinese for the first and third, English for the second and fourth, and on Friday, I will take a random test on my reading and memorization this week..."

The more Xu Yin spoke, the smoother she became, and the more the audience listened, the more confused she became.

"Then what..." Xu Tianyi bravely stood up and asked, "Sister Yin, our grades are very poor, and we can't understand what preview is. If we have the ability to preview, we won't just take the test for such a small score. "

Others nodded their heads in agreement: "Yes, yes."

I don't know what strength I have!How can they read the material!It's their parents who can't take it seriously and insist on sending them to the vocational high school to take the college entrance examination class.

Xu Yin scanned the crowd and saw that everyone had this expression. It seemed that this was indeed a problem.

After thinking about it, she came up with an idea: "Well, then, don't we have three evening self-study sessions in the evening, and a self-study class in the afternoon. It was originally for everyone to preview, review and write homework. I will take up one or two self-study sessions. During the class time, we will sort out and consolidate the knowledge points of the day, preview the content to be taught the next day, and there are two remaining classes for you to do your homework. How about it?"


not so good!
For their poor students, is the self-study class really a self-study class?Do not!That's a chat class, a rough-and-tumble class;

Is evening self-study really used to do homework quietly?Do not!That's a great time to play basketball!Come back to sleep when you are tired, it has always been like this!
But which of them dare to say this?
Xu Tianyi looked around, worried that everyone would not give him Sister Yin's face, so she immediately patted her chest and said: "No problem, Sister Yin, we will listen to you."


Seeing that no one responded, he cleared his throat: "Hmm!"

The whole class immediately echoed:

"Yes, yes, yes! Sister Yin, we all listen to you!"

"That's right! Sister Yin is the class monitor, we will do whatever Sister Yin says."


Of course Xu Yin saw Xu Tianyi's little action, she felt helpless and funny.

Put down the chalk, clap your hands: "Okay, that's the deal!"

"get out of class has ended?"

"After school?"

"Can I eat?"

"Let's go play some balls first!"

Xu Yin: "I'm going to the biological corner, who wants to come with you?"

These words clearly meant no threat, but everyone dared not move to the playground or cafeteria, and obediently followed Xu Yin to the biology corner.

Before coming to the class in the afternoon, Xu Yin came to the biological corner to look at it. Maybe it was because no one took care of it during the summer vacation. Some of the plants in the biological corner were scorched, and some spread wildly.

She plans to clean up the scorched ones first, transplant the surviving ones together, and set up a flower corner, so as to free up a piece of land to grow vegetables.

Farm farms, you have to grow vegetables.

After planning, start working.

"You guys have your own business, so go ahead and take it easy, I'll do it by myself." Xu Yin glanced at the students.

"We're fine."

"Yes, yes, we will lie on the bed and wait for the cafeteria to open when we go back."

"Sister Yin, what are you doing with the creature corner? The task assigned to you by the teacher?"

Xu Yin shook her head: "I want to come here myself. I plan to grow some green and organic vegetables and fruits."


Collectively confused.

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this?They don't understand at all.

"G-Grow your own vegetables? Why? The dormitory can't open a fire, and you can't eat them when you grow them. There are fruit shops, and you can basically buy whatever you want to eat. Why bother to grow them yourself, and wait for them to grow... God, It's getting cold."

He wanted to say that the day lily was cold, but he didn't dare.

"Ah, I got it!" Someone patted his forehead, then shrank his neck, not daring to let Xu Yin hear it, and whispered to Xu Tianyi, "Is Sister Yin's family very poor? I think it's too expensive to buy and eat, so I don't want to let Xu Yin hear it." Ask the school to ask for a piece of land to grow by yourself?"

Xu Tianyi suddenly realized: Yes!Xu Yin doesn't even have a mobile phone, which shows that her family's conditions are not good, or even poor, and she may still be in debt.In order to save living expenses, I decided to grow my own.It must be so!

In an instant, infinite sympathy surged in my heart.

"Sister Yin, didn't you say you want to help us prepare and review? It's not cheap to find an institution for tutoring outside. We can't let you pay for nothing and get nothing. How about this, we each pay a little money, so that you don't have to grow vegetables .”

Xu Yin was lowering her head and quickly cleaning up the withered weeds and flowers: "These two have nothing to do with each other? How did you get involved?"

Xu Tianyi's tablemate whispered: "See? Sister Yin can do these jobs so quickly! There is no sense of disobedience! What does it mean? It means that she is used to working at home since she was a child, and she is used to suffering!"

Xu Tianyi raised his foot and kicked him: "I know beep beep, go up and help! It looks like a telegraph pole, Bai Chang is so big."

"..." You said it as if you were helping.

Xu Tianyi pretended not to see the little look in the tablemate's eyes, and cleared his throat: "Sister Yin, who... the group of people who lost to you haven't come yet, they must want to break the bet, I'll help you to the classroom Call them to go!"

"We use you to shout?"

Lu Gang crossed his arms and walked out from under the shade of the tree with a gloomy expression. Behind him were Liu Wei and the others.

Although they said they were in the third year of high school, they were not in the college entrance examination class, and they had nothing to do after the registration. In fact, they had already arrived, but they couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Xu Yin sold in the gourd.

After defeating him, you actually asked them to come to the biological corner?What is this operation?I can't understand it at all!
It wasn't until they saw Xu Yin squatting on the ground pulling weeds and cleaning up the withered vines that Lu Gang and the others vaguely understood: Could it be that they were recruited to do coolies?
What the hell, they don't even know how to help the soy sauce bottle at home when it's down, so they want them to do farm work?
"Let me declare first, I don't know anything." Lu Gang hugged his chest and shook his legs, with an indifferent attitude of "what can you do with me".

(End of this chapter)

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