Chapter 566 Counterattack!loser! (40)


The principal insisted on taking her to the hospital, thinking that the school infirmary couldn't make a film.

Xu Yin: "..."

People really can't lie, it's really tiring to make a lie!

Please let go!
"Principal, you see that I don't feel any pain when I turn my wrist, but I can't use too much strength. Liu Chen in our class can massage. After she massaged it for me, I felt much better. It means that my bones are fine, and I really don't need to go to the hospital."

"Really? It's relieved after the massage? Which Liu Chen are you talking about? Let me tell her a few words."

Liu Chen happened to be walking out of the classroom. Hearing this, he trotted over and stood still: "It is my honor to serve Sister Yin!"

Principal Ge smiled gratifiedly: "Okay, okay! It seems that your college entrance examination class is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!" After that, he told Liu Chen that if Xu Yin's wrists were swollen and the massage not only didn't heal, but worsened, he must be sent to the hospital for an X Light film inspection should not be taken lightly.

"Don't worry principal, I know."

After that, Xu Yin became Ban be exact, her hand became Ban Bao.

Wherever Xu Yin went, someone asked with concern:

"Sister Yin, how is your hand? Are you all right?"

"Boss, please write less, let me write anything you need!"

"Pull it down! Your handwriting is like a dog crawling, who can recognize it? Sister Yin, let me do it! I practiced calligraphy when I was young."

"Sister Yin, do you want to produce test questions and papers for the whole upper section? How about I be your assistant and input them into the computer for you."

Xu Tianyi first went to get Xu Yin a glass of water, and when he came back, he lined up a group of courteous classmates, with a small expression on his face, he said:

"Brother, my grades are not as good as others, but in terms of hand speed, no one in Dongming dares to compete with me for the top spot. Even if it is the whole Yangcheng, I am confident that I can squeeze into the top [-] without any problem."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~" The students collectively booed him.

Fast hand speed in the game does not mean fast typing speed, buddy!

Xu Tianyi laughed and scolded: "Go away!"


Xu Yin supported her forehead: "My hands are fine... I mean, my handwriting, drawing, drawing and typing are all fine."

However, after the self-recommendation of the students, she found that there are a lot of specialties in the class:
Calligraphy, painting, singing, dancing, badminton, table tennis, swimming...

In terms of specialties alone, vocational high school students are no less inferior than high-weight students.

"Come, come, everyone, write down what you are good at, and I will keep an eye on it for you later. If there are competitions in this area, you all go to participate."


It's not Sister Yin, we are obviously worried about your hands, why did you start a special questionnaire?Also encourage us to participate?Can write and draw, it can't add points to the college entrance examination!

"You can't say that, maybe your specialty will become your job in the future."


The next day, Xu Yin handed over a copy of the counted specialty table to Teacher Cai, and asked her to pay attention to it.

Teacher Cai didn't understand at first: "The college entrance examination class usually concentrates on their studies and does not participate in the competition. There are sports classes and employment classes in the competition. Not only us, but also the general high school. It’s too late, how can I have the energy to run on the field? After all, many games need pre-match counseling and training, so how can I have so much time.”

Xu Yin has a different opinion: "Mr. Cai, you can also regard the competition as an adjustment in the boring study. It doesn't take much time to go out to the competition, but you can win honor for the school and yourself. This is not a one-shot It’s a good thing! Furthermore, we have always said that learning is a gradual process, which pays attention to the combination of work and rest, so that our body and mind can be sustained and healthy, just like our academic performance..."


Teacher Cai found that he couldn't speak against her at all, and the monitor still had to give her face, so she had no choice but to agree.

"However, I also have a condition. Let's try for one semester first. Once we find signs of decline in grades, we will not be able to participate in such sports and art competitions that have nothing to do with learning from the next semester. Otherwise, I worry that the parents will Opinion."

Students with poor grades and unable to enter general high school, but parents still don't want to give up, this is why Dongming's characteristic college entrance examination class is created.

What would the parents think if they knew that their children did not devote themselves to studying for the college entrance examination at school, but were often pulled out by the school to participate in this competition or that?Therefore, they have opinions on the school and spread Dongming's badness everywhere. Will the school still recruit students in the next class?

Xu Yin nodded: "Okay, then try for a semester."

In the blink of an eye, it was the middle of the semester, and the school officials of Changshun Vocational High School came to ask Dongming if he would take the mid-term entrance examination of 25 vocational high schools in Yangcheng.

This is the first time that 25 vocational schools in Yangcheng have conducted a unified entrance examination for academic performance during the semester.

In the past, even the joint entrance exam was held at the end of the semester, and the midterm exam was not paid much attention to.

Now in line with Pugao, mid-term exams are also taken seriously, so that those students who are in vocational high schools and still yearn for college can realize more about their own shortcomings and deficiencies, and catch up in the second half of the semester, shortening the time between exams and exams. The gap between ordinary high school students and the distance between them and their longing for colleges and universities.

The joint entrance examination requires experienced and qualified teachers from all schools to gather together to write questions. In a nutshell, it is resource sharing. Who makes the resources of cultural teachers in vocational high schools lack?

Principal Ge said with a smile: "Participate! Of course."

The Changshun school complained inwardly: It is not embarrassing at all to participate every year and to be at the bottom every year!

This year, it was Dongming Vocational High School's turn to send people out of the joint exam papers. Teacher Li, who had the highest qualifications and the richest teaching experience in the math group, took the task.

Before leaving, he specifically chatted with Xu Yin, mainly to ask her if she would mind if he changed some of the individual test questions that he had previously taught the students to practice in the joint examination papers, because he felt that it would Several questions are novel and flexible.

Of course Xu Yin didn't mind.

"However, the questions I gave are for you to supplement the basics. They are relatively simple. If you want to increase the difficulty, Teacher Li can dig a few more small questions, such as..."

She gave Mr. Li a few ideas.

Teacher Li nodded while listening: "Yes, yes, yes! It is indeed possible to do it like this, that's great! Xu Yin, I even want to propose to the principal that we can keep you in our mathematics teaching group in three years. You are fully capable of systematically Teach high school math."

Xu Yin: "..." Don't!My sister still wants to study medicine and Chinese medicine!
Mr. Li went to retreat and finished the paper with the idea of ​​a new question that he suddenly opened up.

Xu Yin did not include the types of questions that Mr. Li planned to prepare in the following weekly and monthly tests. .

After all, she has taught everyone how to solve this kind of problem more than once before.

(End of this chapter)

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