Chapter 568 Counterattack!loser! (42)

When Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo's cucumbers and peppers were not ready to eat, Xu Yin gave them a few vegetables from her field, and each of them filled a bag full, saying it was a winning prize.

Carrying two heavy bags of vegetables, the two looked at each other all the way: "..."

I only heard that the company has a year-end bonus, but I haven't heard that the students have won the prize.

"Hey, I have worked for two months, it's not in vain!"

Liu Wei leaned on the stone pillar at the school gate, looking at the two of them with a half-smile.

Beside him is Tang Cancan who just returned to school today.

"Miss Wei, Cancan!"

Xiao Chuyi and Feng Yinuo trotted forward.

"Cancan, long time no see?"

"It's been a long time." Tang Cancan grimaced, snorted softly, and didn't dare to move her nose too much, "But I don't think you two think about me too much, it's still Miss Wei who treats me well, you know I went back to school and came out early to pick me up. What about you two, I sent so many messages in the group, I don't believe you didn't see it. "


I really didn't see it!
Because the two of them have been helping the high school entrance examination class to collect vegetables after school.

"I'm sorry, Cancan..."

"Come on. The two of you have already separated from us. From now on, you will follow the surname Xu to see what she can give you. As for me, I will follow my sister Wei. The company of sister Wei will recruit a group of employees in the second half of the year. There are secretaries, receptionists, office clerks... right Miss Wei?"

Liu Wei raised his chin proudly: "That's right, that's what my dad said. Yinuo, the first day of junior high school, you two have been with me for so long, I will definitely take care of you, but unfortunately, your performance in the past two months It really disappoints me. Take care of yourself!"

After the two finished speaking, they stepped on heavy steps and walked away arrogantly.

Feng Yinuo looked at Xiao Chuyi: "What should I do?"

Xiao Chuyi shrugged: "What else can we do! The big deal is to part ways! I can't ask her to humbly apologize to her for the sake of work. We don't owe her anything! Tang Cancan provoked the devil girl to grow vegetables, she Don't let her boyfriend settle accounts with the devil girl, it will come to this point! It's easy for us!"

Feng Yinuo made sense after thinking about it: "Then let's play our own way in the future, and we won't be with them anymore!"

"That's right." Xiao Chuyi changed his hand to carry the vegetables, it was a bit heavy, and he thought that the devil girl was quite polite, "I have been to the company of Sister Wei's, and the facade is quite small. What kind of front desk is Tang Cancan talking about?" , clerk, secretary...Maybe just recruit one, and Sister Wei has accepted so many people, do you think they can all stay?"

Feng Yinuo shook his head.

"So why do you want to humble yourself with her, I don't want to! Let's try to get the mask out as soon as possible, and when the time comes to jointly open a mask company, isn't it better than working for someone?"

Feng Yinuo sneered: "Is the main product the chili mask you've been working on?"

"What? Dislike?"

"I don't dislike it, I just thought of Devil Girl's expression at that time."

"Hahahaha! She thought we didn't see it, and she kept persuading me to grow cucumbers instead of peppers, and secretly replaced the Chaotian peppers I planted with vegetable peppers. Fortunately, I found out in time and changed them back. hey-hey!"

"I finally know what the devil girl is afraid of!"

"I know too."

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying in unison: "Spicy! Pepper!"


"I can't wait to see her face when she receives the chili mask from you."

"that must be very interesting!"

"That's right!"

"Go home!"

"it is good!"

The two each carried a bag of vegetables, and stepped out of the school gate happily.

Behind him is the long shadow drawn by the setting sun, gradually fading...

Xu Yin came home this weekend and found that her mother was always holding her cheeks and baring her teeth.After asking, I found out that Ms. Xu recently had a carious tooth that was inflamed, and she had been in pain for several days.

Xu Yin advised her to go to the dentist, it should be repaired and pulled out, don't keep procrastinating.Procrastination will not get better, it will only make the condition worse.Many big problems are caused by small problems.

In order to persuade her mother to go to the dentist, Xu Yin made a special phone call to find out the price of tooth extraction, inlays, and porcelain teeth after the decay of the carious teeth. She heard that the cheapest porcelain teeth now cost four to five thousand, Xu Wanping With a wave of his hand: "Stop talking, mom, let's go!"

In this way, when Chengnan came back from Jincai, Xu Yin had to go to the morning market to sell vegetables alone on a three-wheeler.

"Yinyin, can you handle it all by yourself?"

Before going out, Xu Wanping was worried in every possible way.

Xu Yin said ok: "No problem!"

Isn't it selling vegetables?

By herself, she can also order stockpiled goods from the system warehouse and sell them mixed in, and return some cash.

However, the vegetables in the wholesale market were quite different from those stocked in her system warehouse in terms of appearance. After searching and searching, they finally brought out a basket of chestnuts.

November is the season for fresh chestnuts.

There is also a wholesale market in Yangcheng, but Xu Wanping is a relatively conservative person, and the wholesale price of seasonal vegetables is very high. She was worried that they would not be sold, and they would rot if they were piled up at home, so she simply didn't think about it.

Xu Yin didn't have these troubles anymore.

Seeing fresh chestnuts at Xu's vegetable stand today, the housewife who came to buy vegetables asked happily: "Has your mother bought chestnuts today? They look very good, how much is a catty? Chestnut chicken."

"15 yuan a catty." Xu Yin opened her mouth like a lion.

She has a lot of chestnuts in her system warehouse, and Taoyuanxing alone has picked them up for several seasons, with almost zero cost, and she makes a profit of [-] or [-] cents.

But it cannot disrupt market order.

Chestnuts are just on the market at this time, and they are still in season, and they basically sell for 15 yuan a catty.

But the chestnuts that Xu Yin brought out look good, except that the head is slightly pointed, and the bottom is round like a fat tumbler. After a while, the tricycle was surrounded by people who bought chestnuts.

"Yinyin, why are you selling vegetables today? Where's your mother?" Lu's mother stopped to say hello when she saw Xu Yin passing by the morning market stall, "Why are you still selling chestnuts?"

"Aunt Lu, my mother has gone to the dentist, and I set up a stall for her. I bought the chestnuts myself and sold them for two days."

The nearby chestnut stall owners felt better when they heard what she said. Fortunately, they only came for two days. If they came every day, would they still be fooling around?

Look at the other side's almost empty basket, and then look at your own full chestnuts. There is no harm if there is no comparison.

The difference in the world!so brutal!

Lu's mother asked Xu Yin to weigh five catties. After weighing, she found that there was not much left, so she just wrapped it up.

"I'll send some to Grandma Ranran, so that you can close the stall and go home early when you sell out."

"Thank you Aunt Lu."

"Thank you! Come to Auntie's house to play when you have time! Ranran didn't go home this week, and she will take the mid-term exam next week. She said that she needs to make up lessons. After the exam, she should leave it for a day or two, and then you will get together."

Xu Yin heard that Lu Yunran didn't come home this week, so she thought about going to see the little girl in practice before returning to school tomorrow, and bring her some fried chestnuts.

(End of this chapter)

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