Chapter 584 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (8)

The piggery on the opposite side happened to be empty, so Xu Yin remodeled the original pipe trough and turned it into a slope for piglets to excrete.

If the piglets really don't want to cooperate and be pulled in the pipe trough, they can just find a corner in the pigpen, and they can't get out of the pigpen anyway.

After they finished pulling, Xu Yin squatted at the door with a water ladle, came out to wash one end and the other, and then went back to the big pigsty to eat, drink and sleep.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Piggy didn't listen to her at all, and the two pigpens, big and small, were in chaos like a battlefield—no one obeyed her command, and the aisles were all stained with pig feces.

The aunt next door heard the piggy howling, and took a look: "Xiao Xu, what are you doing? Hey! Why are you so dirty! My shoes are all stained with shit!"

Xu Yin: "..."

After the aunt left, Xu Yin gently pinched the piggy's big fat ears: "Did you hear that? The aunt thinks we are dirty. In her pigsty, the pig feces are over five centimeters thick, and she thinks we are dirty! Do you agree? Of course not! So babies, be obedient, come here to shit! Eat there! No more pooping in the aisle! Let’s be clean and hygienic baby pigs! If you continue to poop, you will be imprisoned tonight Food!"

No wonder pigs understand her!
It's been like this for a few days...

This week, Xu Yin's work plan is mainly to teach the piglets to eat, sleep and poop regularly.

With her tireless and unremitting efforts, finally, a little piggy stood out and fulfilled Xu Yin's request.

Xu Yin hugged it joyfully, and kissed it was fine, but fed it a mouthful of clear water mixed with spirit dew.

Then put it down and look around at the other pigs: "Did you see that? If you do well, you will be rewarded!"

All the pigs take care of their own food and water, and no one cares about it.

Only the little piggy who had just been rewarded hummed and arched the hollows of her knees, expressing that he still wanted to drink.


You are smart enough to know that this is a good thing!

All right, for the sake of your cooperation with my sister and me, I'll give you another drink.

While feeding the piglets to drink water, a drop fell on the ground, "Hmph..." The other piglets squeezed over and licked all the water stains on the ground.


Xu Yin's heart moved, and she had an idea.

"Come, come!"

She took a basin of clear water mixed with spiritual dew, led the pigs to the small pigsty opposite, and locked the gate.

"Take a good papa, come out to drink water at my place after you do it."

Some of the piggies pulled and some didn't.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xu Yin took out the finished piglet, rinsed it, fed it a spoonful of water, and carried it back to the big pigsty to eat and sleep.

Do this after each pull.

The ones who didn't pull away continued to be locked up in the pigsty.

For those who didn't pull to the pipe trough as required, and pulled it anywhere, she shoveled the poop into the pipe trough in front of the piglets.

After all the piglets have pooped well, she will push out the pig manure in the pipe trough, send it to the cesspool, and then clean up the piggery.

However, since it was used as a bathroom for pigs, she did not spray deodorant, leaving a natural smell in the air.It doesn't smell bad, but I believe that pigs will know that this is a place for them to poop when they smell it.

After a week, I finally got some results.

Although there is no way for every piglet to consciously pull the poop into the pipe trough, at least after pushing them into the pigpen, they know why they came here, and they will pull the poop hard one by one. Drink sweet water, eat enough food, sleep comfortably...

After finishing this matter, Xu Yin felt a lot more relaxed.

Although she was still very busy, because she didn't want the pigsty to be dirty, she didn't have to shovel pig manure all the time. When the time came, they would know it was time to poop when they were pushed into the small pigsty. She took the opportunity to clean up the big pigsty.

When the piglets were taking a nap, Xu Yin studied the feed that was suitable for them.

The existing pig food is mainly pigweed. Before going to work, she has to cut a large basket in the field behind the farm every day; the second is bran.However, the chaff is generally close to the old sows and breeding pigs waiting to give birth, and the piglets are not given much.

Xu Yin logged into the system mall, and accompanied by good luck, she found a special promotional "Pig Raising Manual", which only costs 0.99 coins.

What are you thinking about!

Only 0.99 coins!If you can't buy it, you will suffer!Can't be fooled!
Even if there is only a thin page of impractical content like before, it will be used as toilet paper at worst.

After getting the money, Xu Yin turned it over and her eyes lit up: the 0.99 coin is worth it!So worth it!

The whole manual has more than 100 pages, the first half is about how to raise pigs scientifically; the second half is full of formulas for making different pig feeds.

"...In the piglet period, it is recommended to use young and juicy green feed as the main feed, which is easy for piglets to digest. However, as the age increases, vitamins and protein may be insufficient, and juicy feed, such as sweet potatoes and radishes, should be added. This kind of feed is low in protein and mineral content, and less in crude fiber, which can supplement water and other nutrients... After winter, add corn and wheat bran appropriately... Non-lactating pigs especially like sweets, and occasionally feed a meal containing sugar Relatively high feed, such as potatoes, apples, and peaches, is good for it to grow meat..."

Xu Yin looked down one by one, and when she saw some knowledge points that she didn't know before and were a bit difficult to understand, she took the strokes to focus on the key points.

After studying the "Pig Breeding Manual", she rested her cheeks and thought: According to the manual, piglets who are more than two months old need to start adding some juicy feed. Green feed such as pig grass has always been the main feed. Is it easy to lack vitamins and proteins... sweet potatoes, radishes, corn?
Coincidentally, since the vegetable field in front of the dormitory was opened, I have been busy working on the pig farm recently, and I haven't had time to grow seasonal vegetables, so I might as well grow crops that pigs love to eat!
So, in the next few days, Xu Yin got up earlier than chickens, went to bed later than dogs, and worked more than donkeys. She got up early in the dark and planted sweet potatoes, radishes, and corns on the land in front of the dormitory with a very high utilization rate. ,Potato.

In the men's dormitory separated by a vegetable field, a group of young bachelors secretly wanting to compete in pursuit of Xu Yin were dumbfounded:
Are the new lesbians this hot?It took only a few days for one person to clean up the wasteland in front of the gate with thatch as high as his waist, turn it into a vegetable field, and plant crops after it was finished?
They wanted to step forward to help, but they couldn't say it.

It's not embarrassment, but just at that moment, Comrade Xu Yin has already done everything that should be done quickly, and his strength is stronger than them...



It is said that men dominate the outside and women dominate the inside, and the women inside the master are all so powerful, where do these old men put their faces?
no!Must rise up!Must be diligent!Must move forward!Otherwise, how could he be worthy of Comrade Xu Yin, who is as beautiful as a flower, but also so industrious and capable!
So, these young men, one by one, worked hard to make progress in their work.

(End of this chapter)

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