Chapter 586 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (10)

When he said this, the mobilization meeting was over, and the besieged became Xu Yin.

Xu Yin really wanted to extend Erkang's hand.

I said to the director, you don't talk about martial arts now, and you can't set me on fire even if you disperse the firepower!I am a new employee in a pig farm. I have no qualifications and no experience. Can everyone be convinced by what I say?

However, the field manager fled after announcing the adjournment of the meeting, as if some scourge was chasing after him.

Fortunately, most of the colleagues in charge of the pigsty are single young men.

Seeing that Xu Yin, a lesbian, cleaned the pigsty so clean by herself, and won the approval and praise of the superiors and the plant manager, they have to do it!Otherwise, why pursue her?By their laziness?

Especially after visiting the pigsty that Xu Yin was in charge of and the pigs in charge, and then going back to look at his own, the young face was covered with embarrassment, this gap...

In the past, everyone was the same. No one thought it mattered that the pigsty was so dirty and smelly. If it was not dirty or smelly, it would not be a pig farm.


What else to say!Hurry up and do it!
They don't believe that what lesbians can do, they gays can't!

What's more, they still want to pursue Comrade Xu Yin, and they can't even do their jobs well, so what face do they have to meet him?

If there was any hostility, it was the aunt in the pigsty next door, and the other two female comrades who had a good relationship with the aunt, who had greater opinions on Xu Yin.

"Are you empty after eating? Why bathe the pigs, clean the pigsty... If you want to do it yourself, why do you drag us together? We are not as free as you!"

"That's right! It's tiring enough to just kill pig grass and mix pig food, and you have to bathe the pig? I haven't bathed our children a few times. It's really sick! I said, did you do it on purpose? You know The superiors came down to inspect and cleaned their pigsty so clean on purpose so that they could be praised by the superiors? Are you still criticizing us with bad intentions?"

"Hey, old Wang, it's too much for you to say that!" Sister Tian came to help Xu Yin to speak, "Deputy factory manager Lin came down to inspect, let alone Xiao Xu, I was called by the factory manager temporarily. I know. Also, it’s not just today that the director is dissatisfied with you guys, don’t you know it yourself?”

Although other people will also be busy with personal affairs at work, but who are like women like Wang Caifeng who work as a full-time job on housework and part-time jobs on the pig farm? Washing clothes and cooking at home, just drop by in the vegetable garden and order vegetables grown by the public by the way.

Wang Caifeng and the others blushed from what Sister Tian said, but they couldn't lose face, and mumbled, "What's wrong with us? Haven't we done all the work that should be done? The work on the pig farm is so tiring and dirty, you guys How can someone sitting in an office understand..."

"I don't understand, Comrade Xiao Xu understands! But isn't she doing a good job? She has cleaned up the pigsty so clean in just a few days here, let alone pigs, don't you really want to treat her pigsty? ?”


Who the hell wants to be in a pigsty!

But this refutation left Wang Caifeng and the others speechless.

Xin said that this newcomer is simply a weirdo. He cleaned the pigsty cleaner than the house, and he was really full!He also taught the piglets to defecate and urinate at fixed times... so capable, why not let the pigs cut grass and cook pig food by themselves?

Wang Caifeng and the others angrily gave Xu Yin a big roll of their eyes, and angrily went back to the pigsty to sweep them out.

Xu Yin rubbed her forehead with a headache: Did you make an enemy for yourself?
"Don't take it to heart, they are not targeting you, they just don't want to work more, and they have a problem with whoever asks them to work more. There is no way, the work on the pig farm is indeed dirty and tiring, and anyone with a little skill Try to transfer them away, but you can’t keep people.”

Speaking of this, Sister Tian paused, and looked at Xu Yin with a complicated expression, "Xiao Xu, you are a capable person, and if you are a pearl, you will not be buried in the dust. Sooner or later, you will be valued by the leaders and transferred from your current position. "

Xu Yin shook her head: "I think the work on the pig farm is very meaningful. If I have the right to choose, I would still like to stay here."

Sister Tian looked at her strangely for a few times, and thought that there are still people who like dirty work these days, but this person is still a delicate and soft lesbian, I can't figure it out!
"By the way, Xiao Xu, I see that you didn't take a rest last week, because you were worried that no one would help you feed the pigs on the rest day?"


no!She was too busy to forget.

"I just came here, and a lot of things are still not going well, so let's take a rest after I get things done."

Sister Tian thought she didn't know the system of days off, and reminded: "One day off a week, and there will be no compensation after the day off."

"I know." Xu Yin nodded, and took this opportunity to talk about the swill with Sister Tian again, "Sister, have you gone back and thought about what I told you last time? If you feed the swill to pigs without any treatment, what will happen?" Let the pigs get sick or injured, and in severe cases, even contract swine fever..."

When Sister Tian heard the word "swine fever", she paid more attention to it, and said seriously, "Talk to me carefully."

Xu Yin told her what she knew, and finally said: "...That's it, even if it doesn't smell bad, it needs to be heat-processed before feeding..."

Sister Tian nodded as she listened: "Okay! I'll go to the director right away."

When something as serious as swine fever was involved, Sister Tian didn't dare to delay. After returning home, she reported it to the director as soon as possible.

The head of the field was dubious: "Impossible? From the establishment of the farm to the present, the pigs have been fed with swill for many years. How could there have been swine fever? How many times have you said that the bones and fishbone got stuck in the pigs?" But it is a pig anyway, if you can't save it, you will be slaughtered, it won't have much impact..."

Sister Tian hesitated for a moment and said, "Director, I don't think the thermal processing that Xiao Xu said is complicated, just boil the swill, then filter out the bones and fishbone, and then..."

"You guys, it's too simple. This job is not complicated, but someone has to do it. Who do you think is free to take on this job now? There are only a few people in the pig farm. How many people come and go? , Has there ever been a surplus of manpower? If you distribute the work to others, then you will say that we are exploiting them like a capitalist, and you will give up the burden in a fit of anger. What do you think? How about you take over this job? "


Xu Yin waited for a few days, but she didn't get a reply from Sister Tian; she also didn't see the colleague in charge of growing the pigs, who boiled the swill before feeding the pigs; Aunt Wang next door still went to the pig growing area to beg for swill to feed the piglets every day. Everything is still the same.

Could it be... Sister Tian was too busy with things and forgot?Haven't told the director yet?

While thinking, Xu Yin bathed twenty piglets, washed them all white, and put them in the big pigsty for feeding.

For today's pig food, she mixed a splash of freshly squeezed carrot juice, sweet carrot juice, and fresh pig grass, which made the piglets hum happily.

(End of this chapter)

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