Chapter 590 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (14)

He turned his head lazily, glanced at Xu Yin, and paused for a moment on her pretty face: "A hitchhiker?"

Lazy tone, accompanied by a little carelessness.

"Ah." Seeing the driver's face clearly, Xu Yin was also slightly taken aback, never expecting to meet a truck driver so handsome.

"Brother Sheng, are you in a hurry? The farm is too big, and it took me a long time to find a toilet..."

At this time, Jin Zhiming ran back panting, wearing his belt while running, raised his head while talking, startled, "Eh? Why is there someone in my seat?"

Xu Yin: "..."

Ask the most embarrassing dove in history?
——Thank you for the invitation, people are in the small world of missions, at this moment, there is no one of the most embarrassing.

Xu Yin and each other stared wide-eyed and small-eyed for a few seconds, so embarrassed that Jio's toes could almost pick out the two rooms and one living room, and the roots of the ears were flushed.

She grabbed the small bag and prepared to get off the bus: "I'm sorry, I got on the wrong bus."

Let’s just say, when did the hitchhikers on the farm become so tall?Ganqing is a passing car.

"Wait, I remembered." Jin Zhiming stared at Xu Yin for several times, then patted his head, "Are you that little Comrade Xu in Lao Cao's mouth? Just half a month ago, I took a taxi at the freight dispatching station. Have you passed Master Sun's car?"

"Yes, comrade, do you know me?"

"I knew you as Xu Yin, hehe! I just said that it is impossible for two such beautiful lesbians to exist in our factory at the same time. You are Xu Yin! Lao Cao mentioned you several times, saying that you are dating Master Sun I haven’t seen you back since the car came to the farm, is this your first vacation home?”


Xu Yin nodded with a smile.

So, the other party is also the driver of the freight dispatching station?

This made her less embarrassing than before, they all belong to the same unit, so it's not like taking someone's car.

But forget about the driver's seat. The other party looks like the co-pilot, so she should go to the back compartment.

"Sit down, don't get down." Jin Zhiming stopped her, "The carriage is so hard, how can I let you, a lesbian, sit there, I'll go to the back."

Originally, I wanted to match him with Brother Sheng, so I couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

Jin Zhiming acted like a matchmaker, generously offered his passenger seat, and consciously went around to the rear compartment.

Sheng Yujin raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, but said nothing, and started the car.

It was evening and they had to rush back to deliver the car, so they drove very fast along the way.

Xu Yin quietly took out the Xiaoyao cushion from the bag, and stuffed it under her buttocks.

Let out a soft breath: much more comfortable!
Sheng Yujin caught a glimpse of her move from the corner of her eye: "..."

Bring a cushion when you go out?She seems to be a delicate girl.

Jin Zhiming glanced at the driver's cab through the gap in the hood, and said to himself, what a good couple, why don't they interact with each other?It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!
Ah bah bah!Who the hell is the eunuch!
Sheng Yujin galloped all the way, and finally returned to the cargo dispatching station before dark.

Xu Yin put the cushion back into the bag, thanked him, and was about to get off the car.

I saw him stretching his waist, and said slowly: "I'm not afraid of being reported, and I will continue to go out with the cushion in my arms."

Xu Yin froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered the era she lived in - hedonism is not a thing!

Thank him earnestly: "Thank you for the reminder."

Sheng Yujin shrugged, tidied up the driver's seat, and got out of the car behind her with a sheet of records.

"Hey! Xiao Sheng!" The person on duty in the dispatching room chased after him, "Xiao Sheng! Sheng Yujin! Come early tomorrow, and the third factory has a batch of raw materials called for you to deliver."

"Third factory?" Jin Zhiming came over and sneered, "Brother Sheng, you have to be careful, the old lady in charge of the warehouse in the third factory doesn't mean to be drunk! I wanted to introduce her daughter to you several times... Hey , Brother Sheng, where are you going?"



Xu Yin came back to her senses, saw the two of them walking away, turned around and followed the duty officer to the control room: "Master, what's the full name of Xiao Sheng just now?"

"Sheng Yujin!"

"Which Jin?"

"Here, the driver's list is hanging on the wall!"

Xu Yin followed the direction of his finger and looked up, and found the answer she wanted at a glance.

"Sheng Yujin..."

Seeing one of the extremely familiar words, she silently repeated his name.

Immediately laughed.

Has this small world met "him" so early?very nice!
On the way out of the freight dispatching station, she was still wondering if this might be one of the good luck brought by the [Prosperous Luck Disaster] skill. The next second, at the empty tram station, she saw the sign on the stop sign. Last bus time - 18:00...

I sneaked out my watch and looked at it. It was 18:05, which meant that the last bus had left for 5 minutes.


What about luck?
System, this skill does not work from time to time, I want to return it!
"Jingle Bell--"

Jin Zhiming walked over pushing a bicycle.

"Eh? Comrade Xu Yin, why are you still here? You didn't get on the tram? Brother Sheng drove back in time, I've never seen him drive so fast, and I said you will definitely catch the last shift..."

Xu Yin: "..."

Uh... yes!If he hadn't lost those few minutes in the control room, he must have caught up.

So, it's not that the skills are not good, but her own problem?

All right, no returns for now!

System: Who agreed to your withdrawal?
Sheng Yujin just went to wash her face, and walked over with a face full of moisture. When she saw Xu Yin, her expression obviously hesitated: "Did you catch the tram?"

"..." Xu Yin wanted to cover her face, "I'm sorry..."

Sheng Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you apologizing to me?"

Because your kindness was wasted.Xu Yinxin said.

Only now did I know why he drove so hard and so fast.

Jin Zhiming smiled and said, "Where do you live? If it's nearby, Brother Sheng can take you home."

He returned the bicycle to Sheng Yujin.

Bicycles these days are almost as big as Mercedes-Benz BMWs in later generations, and not many people own them.

Jin Zhiming also took the opportunity of commuting to get off work to touch a few, riding...haven't learned it yet, and pushing it for a while is also very good.

Xu Yin shook her head: "My house is quite far away, and the trams have to change two routes. But the last tram in the city is relatively late, so there must still be ones now."

"Can the 9th route be changed?" Sheng Yujin stepped on the bicycle gracefully and turned to look at her.

Xu Yin thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Come on." Sheng Yujin turned around on the spot, "There is No. 9 near the steel factory, and it's not the last shift at this point."

Xu Yin got into his back seat without hesitation.

Jin Zhiming: "..."

Suddenly a little lost - this throne, from now on, probably no longer has his share.

Sheng Yujin took Xu Yin to the No. 9 tram stop, and saw that she got on the last bus before turning around and leaving.

Xu Yin looked at his back through the car window, gradually being stretched by the dim street lights, a part of her heart became very soft...

(End of this chapter)

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