Chapter 605 Sixty Things Fine Factory Flower (29)

When it was time to feed the pigs, Xu Yin led him to the pigsty, where the pigs were already moaning and waiting to be fed.

Xu Yin deftly poured the pre-cooked and cooled pigweed into the trough, and while they were scrambling for food, filled the trough with clean water, and rinsed the small pigsty opposite.

Sheng Yujin was dumbfounded.

He never expected that her job would be——feeding pigs...

When she followed her all the way to the pig farm and into the pigsty, Sheng Yujin froze.

"They let you, a lesbian, feed pigs? It's too much! It's too much!"

When he regained his senses, he turned around and wanted to find the director of the field to make a theory.

The back view looks a bit murderous.


Xu Yin grabbed him tightly:

"I'm not the only lesbian here. Look, Aunt Wang next door, Aunt Li next door, Xiaomei Wang next door, and Sister Yuan who is in charge of the pig farm, which one is not a lesbian? And I don't think this job What's wrong with that? Rather than sitting in the office drinking tea, chatting, and reading newspapers, I prefer to watch pigs eat and drink, ponder their eating habits, and see how they look like every day under my care, especially A sense of accomplishment."


Xu Yin paused, let go of his arm, and asked softly: "Do you dislike my job? I can understand that many people think that the job of raising pigs is not decent. If you think we are not suitable, then... ..."

"Then what! Did I say it's inappropriate?" Sheng Yujin raised her hand and tapped her on the head, pretending to be angry and said, "Which eye of yours sees me disgusted? Why should I do such a great job of raising pigs?" Dislike it? No one raises pigs, so where do the common people get the meat to eat?"

Xu Yin raised her head, her pupils shone with fragments of light, reflecting his stalwart body.

"You really don't dislike it?"

"Want to hear the truth?" Sheng Yujin looked at her seriously, curled her lips for a while, "I hate it. But it's not you or a pig that I hate, it's the dirtiest environment I've ever seen. When I was a child, I went to the countryside with my grandfather once Relative, was pushed into a pigsty by a relative's child and locked up for a whole day..."

Xu Yin didn't expect him to have such an experience, and she sympathizes with him when she thinks about it.

She can guess how dirty and smelly the pigsty in the countryside is, and it will definitely not be much better than when she first came here.

"Can you understand my mood?" He rubbed her hair and snorted.

Xu Yin suppressed a smile and asked, "Then, Comrade Sheng Yujin, what do you want to say after visiting the pigsty that Comrade Xu Yin is in charge of?"

"Hmm." Sheng Yujin cleared her throat, raised her chin arrogantly as if she was really being interviewed, "I'm happy for ten days and half a month, not to mention shutting me up for a day in the pigsty my partner cleans."

Xu Yin laughed: "Really?"


Do you really want to lock him up with these pigs?
Although the pigsty is clean and the pigs are clean, but...

"Hahahaha! You're kidding!" Xu Yin raised her head and laughed loudly with her hands on her hips.

Sheng Yujin couldn't help being angry and funny.

But gradually, he was attracted by her wanton smile, as if there was a divine power, pulling him closer to her little by little until their arms were stuck together.

"so comfortable……"

He let out a cool sigh.

Xu Yin: "..."

This guy!Are you using her as an air conditioner?
After that, Sheng Yujin came to the farm to help Xu Yin with work every time he had a break.

At the beginning, it was under the banner of delivering things to the sister-in-law, but later it was completely let go. What excuse do you need to help your partner?

Xu Yin cleaned the pigsty, while he rushed to flush the water, sweep the floor, and clean the trough;

When Xu Yin cut pigweed, he snatched the bamboo basket and sickle, but let Xu Yin sit under a tree to enjoy the shade;
Xu Yin tidied up the small vegetable garden in front of the dormitory, and he helped loosen the soil, carry water, water it...

The number of times has increased, and everyone on the farm knows him and knows him.

Seeing him coming, I greeted him happily: "Xiao Sheng, come to accompany Xiao Xu to work again?"

Every time Sheng Yujin came here, she never came empty-handed. In addition to the fruit snacks prepared for the object, she would also bring extra packets of melon seeds, peanuts, or fried soybeans.

If there is not much, just grab a handful or three or five to taste.

But even so, who doesn't welcome him among the employees in the field?
Especially the children of the employees, when they saw him, they jumped up and down and shouted: "Uncle Sheng is here! Uncle Sheng is here!"

Uncle Sheng is here with their favorite snacks!

Chen Wenlan went from being unbelievable at the beginning to becoming accustomed to it later, she admired Xu Yin from the bottom of her heart, and wanted to ask her several times: What method did she use to make her uncle so obedient?
I really want to borrow it and train Sheng Yuxi who can kill me in minutes.

Brothers who came out of the same mother's womb, why is there such a big gap!

But having said that, even she likes to get along with Xu Yin.

The female workers' dormitory is currently occupied by the two of them, and she will only stay for half a month, so the two of them simply cook together.

But because she is not very good at making firewood, all the stoves are raw coal stoves at home, and the fire of large firewood stoves is not good, so Xu Yin is in charge of cooking, and she is in charge of washing dishes and pots.

After tasting Xu Yin's dishes several times, she didn't want to go back to the unit to eat in the cafeteria.

The food in the canteen of the farm is more delicious than the canteen of the main factory, because Xu Yin often communicates with the cooks how to make big pot dishes more delicious when he is free.

The cooks joked that fortunately Xu Yin didn't work in the cafeteria, otherwise they would be laid off.

If Xu Yin showed off her culinary skills at the beginning, the director Qi might really have asked her to work in the cafeteria, but now, how could she be willing to let her go.

Anyway, he doesn't often go to the cafeteria to eat. Those who have a family have always eaten meals cooked by their daughter-in-law at home.If you don't go home and go to the cafeteria, you will be scolded by your daughter-in-law.

Therefore, the director turned a deaf ear to the joking proposals of the workers.

"Xiao Xu, your skills are really good! I am reluctant to leave." Chen Wenlan hugged the carrot that Xu Yin picked for her, "No wonder Yujin came to see you when he was on vacation, and he could eat it after doing some work." Serve the meal you cook, and I'd be willing to do it for me."

Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

She was also used to how often Sheng Yujin appeared in front of her as soon as she took a break.

But you won't really treat people as free labor—you just push all your work to him.

On the contrary, she is more efficient than usual.

In the past, the pig farm had to draw water from the well.

Although there is no need to go to the river to carry water, you have to bend over to fetch water from the bucket. The water consumption of the pig farm is not small. Bucket after bucket, you bend over to lift it up and then carry it to the water storage tank under the eaves. It takes effort and time.

Xu Yin spent a sum of energy points to exchange a manual for making water wells with feet in the system mall.

When entrusting her partner to go on a business trip, she collected a batch of new and old materials by buying, exchanging, or scouring the scrap market. She learned and made them, and it took a few noons before she was finally able to fiddle with them. It's done.

(End of this chapter)

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